News Archives


October 25, 2018

Physics and Astronomy undergraduate students hosted the public at the annual Fall Lecture Demo Show

2018-October-25 -- Our traditional Open House Physics Demo Show was held last night in Regener Hall. Physics and Astronomy undergraduate students Dilys Ruan, Eric Putney, Ivey Davis, Cameron Zamor…


November 30, 2018

Video Screenshot

The UNM Observatory makes a cameo appearance in the latest UNM video at 1:03.

Thanks to Associate Professor Ylva Pihlström, who pointed it out.

As reported in the Albuquerque Journal, "Produced …


December 11, 2018

Award-winning group at Four Corners American Physical Society Meeting, October 12-13, 2018

Award-winning group at Four Corners American Physical Society Meeting, October 12-13, 2018

2018-December-11-- Congratulations to our Society of Physics Students Chapter, which just received the Out…