News Archives


Becerra publishes article in Nature Partner Journals
January 31, 2018

Dr. Elohim Becerra Chavez’s research group recently published Quantum measurements: surpassing conventional sensitivity limits at low powers in Nature Partner Journals

Dr. Elohim Becerra Chavez’s research group recently published Quantum measurements: surpassing conventional sensitivity limits at low powers in Nature Partner Journals

Light has intrinsic quantu…

Cosburn Wins Student Paper Award
January 30, 2018


Graduate Student Kat Cosburn has been selected for an American Geophysical Union Outstanding Student Paper Award, based on her poster at the Fall Meeting of the AGU.

Her research title is "Testing joi…


Mafi named CHTM director
February 8, 2018

Arash Mafi

Arash Mafi, associate professor of physics and astronomy, has been named director of the Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM). Prior to the competitive search, Mafi had served as interim direct…

Manjavacas publishes in ACS Nano
February 5, 2018

Nanostructure periodic arrays

Research on periodic arrays in nanostructures from Dr. Manjavacas's team could result in better biosensors, solar cells and more efficient photodetectors.

Here is a summary of the article:

In this wo…


Latimer wins Library Award
March 31, 2018

Patrick Latimer

University Libraries awarded six undergraduate students with the Jim and Mary Lois Hulsman Undergraduate Research Award implemented specifically to recognize undergraduate research. 


Grummer Wins DOE Award
March 26, 2018

Aidan Grummer

Aidan Grummer has been selected to receive the US Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) award. The award recognizes his outstanding academic accomplishments, the mer…

McFadden wins DOE Award
March 26, 2018

Neil McFadden

UNM Physics Graduate student Neil McFadden has been selected to receive the US Department of Energy Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) award to pursue his PhD this summ…

Spring Demo Show
March 22, 2018

Students protect their ears before demonstrating the rocket car. Professor Paul Schwoebel is the rocket car passenger

Students protect their ears before demonstrating the rocket car. Professor Paul Schwoebel is the rocket car passenger

Congratulations and thank you to our students Dilys Ruan, Eric Putney, Christine …

PAÍS Groundbreaking
March 20, 2018

PAÍS Groundbreaking Ceremony

The official groundbreaking of a new facility named Physics & Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science or PAÍS, hosted by UNM Arts & Sciences Dean Mark Peceny, took place on Tuesda…


Physics Day 2018
April 12, 2018

Physics Day

Physics Day Participants

On Saturday morning, nearly forty undergraduates gathered at the Department of Physics and Astronomy to take part in the second annual UNM Physics Day, a conference dedicated …

Elizabeth Crosson Joins P&A
April 12, 2018

Elizabeth Crosson

Starting in September, Elizabeth Crosson will join the Department of Physics and Astronomy as an assistant professor in the Center for Quantum Information and Control. Crosson comes to UNM from Caltec…

Zundel wins Goldwater Award
April 6, 2018

Lauren Zundel

Senior Lauren Zundel won the Barry Goldwater Scholarship and Excellence in Education Program award.

The scholarship supports students who intend to pursue careers in science, mathematics and engine…


Taylor Promoted
May 29, 2024

Greg Taylor

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is proud to announce that Greg Taylor has been awarded the title of Distinguished Professor.

Dr. Taylor joined the UNM Physics and Astronomy faculty in 2005. Hi…

Sigma Xi Awardees
May 10, 2018

Sigma Xi awardees

Left to right, Kat Cosburn, Kyle T. Kennard, and Steve Portillo

2018-May-07 -- The UNM Chapter of Sigma Xi, The Scientific Research Honor Society, announces the winners of its

Excellence Awards compe…

Darcy Barron Joins P&A
May 8, 2018

Darcy Barron

Darcy Barron has joined the Department of Physics and Astronomy as an assistant professor. Barron comes to UNM from University of California, Berkeley where she has been a postdoctoral scholar since …


Miyake Promoted
June 28, 2018

Akimasa Miyake

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is proud to announce that Akimasa Miyake has been promoted to Associate Professor.

Miyake's research focuses on Quantum Information, Quantum Computation, Quantu…

Miller Wins Dissertation Award
June 22, 2018

Jacob Miller and Dissertation Director Akimasa Miyake

Jacob Miller and Dissertation Director Akimasa Miyake

Jacob Miller's coffee-fueled dissertation, "Measurement-Based Quantum Computation and Symmetry-Protected Topological Order", won Chair's Best D…

Miyake, Miller Publish in Physical Review Letters
June 22, 2018

Akimasa Miyake

Jacob Miller and Akimasa Miyake have recently published a paper in Physical Review Letters giving strong evidence that certain forms of symmetric topological quantum matter can be utilized ubiquitousl…

Physical Review Letters publication
June 22, 2018

Elohim Becerra

Optical communication uses light to encode and transmit information over long distances, such as in optical fibers with losses, and requires reliable detection schemes to read out information from low…

Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine Joins P&A
June 21, 2018

Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine

Starting in August, 2019, Francis-Yan Cyr-Racine will join the Department of Physics and Astronomy as an assistant professor.

Cyr-Racine earned his Ph.D. in physics at the University of British Col…

First REU program
June 1, 2018

REUs 2018

Eight undergraduates have come from all over the country to participate in the National Science Foundation-sponsored Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program in the Physics and Astronomy …


Lidke Lab Wins DOE Award
July 31, 2018

Keith Lidke

The U.S. Department of Energy announced $40 million in funding for 31 projects to advance research in the development of microbes as practical platforms for the production of biofuels and other biopro…

Dragomir Joins P&A
July 25, 2018

Diana Dragomir

Diana Dragomir will join the Department of Physics and Astronomy as a Research Assistant Professor in August, 2019, and as an Assistant Professor in August, 2020.

Dr. Dragomir obtained her Ph.D. in…

Deutsch Appointed as CQuIC Director
July 2, 2018

Ivan Deutsch

Effective July 1, 2018, Regents’ Professor Ivan Deutsch will serve as the next Director of the Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC). Professor Deutsch has been a long-standing seni…


P&A Promotions
May 29, 2024

Keith Lidke

The Department of Physics and Astronomy is proud to announce that both Keith Lidke and Arash Mafi have been awarded the title of Professor.

Dr. Lidke joined the UNM Physics and Astronomy faculty in 20…

August 14, 2018

STAQ Project Research Team

STAQ Project Research Team

Researchers at The University of New Mexico will participate in a $15 million, multi-university collaboration as part of a National Science Foundation program designed with …

REU Program Summary
August 13, 2018

Greg Taylor lectures the REU group at the Long Wavelength Array near Soccorro, New Mexico

Greg Taylor lectures the REU group at the Long Wavelength Array near Soccorro, New Mexico

The Physics and Astronomy Department's summer REU program finished its first summer on August 3 with a final p…


September 25, 2018

Physicist Sally Seidel, on left, met with science faculty members of Oregon Episcopal School, which serves pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students

Physicist Sally Seidel, on left, met with science faculty members of Oregon Episcopal School, which serves pre-kindergarten through 12th grade students (Photo courtesy of Linda Mantel.)

Professor Sall…

Crosson to Join P&A
September 5, 2018

Elizabeth Crosson

Elizabeth Crosson, our new Quantum Computing faculty member, was part of Advance's August Highlights. Advance at UNM is an NSF project to recruit, retain and promote women and minority STEM faculty.

Barron to Join P&A
September 5, 2018

Advance Barron

One of our two new faculty members, Darcy Barron, was the first highlight in August from Advance at UNM, an NSF project to recruit, retain and promote women and minority STEM faculty.

Barron's area of…


Fall Demo Show
October 25, 2018

Physics and Astronomy undergraduate students hosted the public at the annual Fall Lecture Demo Show

2018-October-25 -- Our traditional Open House Physics Demo Show was held last night in Regener Hall. Physics and Astronomy undergraduate students Dilys Ruan, Eric Putney, Ivey Davis, Cameron Zamor…

APS Fall Meeting
October 22, 2018

The UNM Society of Physics students at the University of Utah

Twenty four UNM undergraduate students in the Society of Physics Students traveled to University of Utah over the fall break to attend the Annual Meeting of the Four Corners Section of the American P…

ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
October 9, 2018

Aiden Grummer

Aidan Grummer in the Seidel Lab

On 20 September 2018, at the International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle (CKM 2018), ATLAS revealed the most stringent experimental constraint of the very rare…

Osinski Lab wins NSF award
October 9, 2018

Colloidal Nanoparticle Synthesis and Characterization Lab with Marek Osinski

Colloidal Nanoparticle Synthesis and Characterization Lab with Marek Osinski.
Credit: UNM Newsroom

The National Science Foundation announced a nearly $750,000 award to the University of New Mexico ov…


Observatory in Video
November 30, 2018

Video Screenshot

The UNM Observatory makes a cameo appearance in the latest UNM video at 1:03.

Thanks to Associate Professor Ylva Pihlström, who pointed it out.

As reported in the Albuquerque Journal, "Produced …


SPS Wins Chapter Award
December 11, 2018

Award-winning group at Four Corners American Physical Society Meeting, October 12-13, 2018

Award-winning group at Four Corners American Physical Society Meeting, October 12-13, 2018

2018-December-11-- Congratulations to our Society of Physics Students Chapter, which just received the Out…