Room Reservations

Go to the Room Request Center

If you are affiliated with the Physics and Astronomy Department, you can email to request a reservation for one of the following spaces:

Physics & Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science building

Building/RoomNo. SeatsWhite BoardsBlack BoardsComputer ScreenCeiling ProjectorLarge ScreenBlindsComments
PAÍS 1100
200 2 YesYes Colloquium
PAÍS 1140505  YesYes Classroom
PAÍS 116036 5 YesYes Classroom
PAÍS 1403
122 Yes YesYesChair's Conf Rm; phone 7-2663
PAÍS 140512      Teaching Lab
PAÍS 141712      Teaching Lab
PAÍS 1500
352+ Yes   Tutoring Center
PAÍS 2015
8  Yes   Overlooks Lobby
PAÍS 2210
201 Yes  YesTop of Staircase
PAÍS 2214162 Yes  YesIS Room
PAÍS 2410
141 Yes   Green Room
PAÍS 2500102 Yes   CQuIC
PAÍS 2540
592  YesYesYesFaculty conf room - 22 chairs at tables, extra 37; sink/counter
PAÍS 3205
302 YesYesYesYes 
PAÍS 3300
 1 Yes   Yellow Room
PAÍS 3416
81 Yes   Red room

Regener Hall

  • REG-109
  • REG-111
  • REG-114

Parking Spaces

  • PAIS PS B-199
  • PAIS PS B-200
  • REG PS B-98
  • REG PS B-135

PAIS Other

Physics and Astronomy classes have priority. Other UNM-affiliated groups may be allowed to reserve a room if it has not already been taken. There is no charge for room reservation.

You can read further room and parking reservation instructions here.

IS Co-op Rooms at PAÍS

If you are affiliated with the Interdisciplinary Science Co-op, you may request PAÍS rooms 1005, 1010, 2120, or 2214 via the Outlook calendar. Follow these instructions.