MS Physics


Yu-Chia LinYu-Chia Lin
Yu-Chia will continue her astrophysics research in the doctoral program at the University of Arizona.


Anthony V. DemmeAnthony V. Demme

Xijie LuoXijie Luo


Kristina BrownKristina Brown

Eddie HilburnEddie Hilburn

Xavier C. QuintanaXavier C. Quintana
Xavier is planning to relocate to Washington, DC to take a job with the US Department of Defense, working on technical development of defense systems and policies. He expects to be back in New Mexico often for collaboration with Sandia and Los Alamos, and of course to eat some green chili.

Peter SinclairPeter M. Sinclair


Paul J. GieriPaul J. Gieri
Paul will continue at UNM in the Nanoscience and Microsystems PhD program. He has been doing research in nanoplasmonics and plans to continue working on his research project.

Bibek Babu PokharelBibek Babu Pokharel

George WangGeorge Wang


Michal J. DichterMichal J. Dichter

Kishore VakamudiKishore Vakamudi


Paolo DiLorenzo Paolo DiLorenzo

Jonathan H. TurnerJonathan H. Turner


Eric BahrEric Bahr

Luke CaldwellLuke Caldwell
Luke is planning to take a break from Physics to pursue running career and dream of making the Olympic Games. After, wants to return to education and complete a PhD in Physics.

Hao Tien Chiang Hao Tien "Lewis" Chiang

Caleb Grimes Caleb Grimes
Caleb is working as a Quality Engineer for Regal Power Transmission Solutions in Florence Ky. He works with Regal's gear reducer product line used in various manufacturing applications.

Alec J. LandowAlec J. Landow
Software Engineer, Cengage Learning

Genevieve VaiveGenevieve Vaive
Genevieve intends to earn a teaching certificate at CNM.


Jeffrey C. Karle Jeffrey C. Karle


Dipendra Adhikari Dipendra Adhikari

Paul W. Blackburn Paul W. Blackburn

Nadiezda Fernandez OropezaNadiezda P. Fernandez-Oropeza
See her profile on LinkedIn

Kyle W. Martin Kyle W. Martin


Godwin Amo-KwaoGodwin Amo-Kwao

Brigette D. BlackBrigette D. Black
Brigette has been admitted to the MA program in secondary education here at UNM.

Isidro Solano


Paul T. Greninger Paul T. Greninger
Paul has applied to the graduate program in the department.

Tiffany R. Hayes Tiffany R. Hayes
Tiffany plans to obtain her Ph.D. in Applied Electro-magnetics through the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of New Mexico.

Simon J. Hein Simon J. Hein
Simon returned to Würzburg to complete his doctoral program in physics.

Thomas K. Loyd

Lisa Rossman Lisa Rossman
Lisa returned to Würzburg to complete her doctoral program in physics.


Thomas R. Jones

Hannes SchenckHannes Schenck
Hannes returned to Würzburg to complete his doctoral program in physics.

David VrbaDavid Vrba
David moved back to his home in the Czech Republic to pursue his PhD.


John Ash

Tim P. HelmeckeTim P. Helmecke

Joep B. LoosJoep B. Loos

Stefan MaierStefan Maier

Frank SchinzelFrank K. Schinzel

Alexander H. Schwarz

Julie C. Smith


David L. HayesDavid L. Hayes

Rex D. Hjelm

Patrick KillianPatrick F. Killian

Tianjian Lu

Martin W. Schormayer

Holger V. Schwab

Neeru Sanghi

Christian D. Wolpert


Charles J. FinleyCharles J. Finley

Carlos T. MartinezCarlos T. Martinez


Jason JarrellJason Jarrell
Jason will complete the master's program this summer, and he is already happily employed at Ktech Corporation here in Albuquerque.

Rebecca MontanoRebecca Montano
Spec has been on staff at UNM-HSC as a Associate Scientist I in the Radiology Department. Starting September 2006, she will begin the Ph.D. program at Dept of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto, and her research will involve MEG development w/ the Rotman Geriatric Institute.

Martin RueckertMartin Rueckert
Martin returned to Würzburg to complete his doctoral program in physics.


Buckner M. Creel V
Buckner is currently a math/physics/computer science teacher at Highland High School in Albuquerque.

Andreas AbendscheinAndreas Abendschein
In 2003, Andreas returned to Würzburg, Germany, in order to complete his studies. He earned the German diploma in fall 2005. Since November 2005 (until 2008), he has been a PhD student at Université Paul Sabatier in Toulouse, France. Both the diploma thesis and the PhD thesis are dealing with theoretical condensed matter physics.

Matthias Kaminski

David M. McMahon
David has joined the doctoral program at UNMs Math Department (Dec 04).

Robert StresingRobert Stresing


Ron KemmerRon Kemmer
Ron will return to Germany in September to work on a diploma in solar energy technology at a research institute.

Florian MaierFlorian Maier
Florian plans to return to Würzburg this fall to complete his doctoral program in physics.

L. Scott WatsonL. Scott Watson
Scott is a D.Phil student at St. John's College, Oxford University. His research area of interest is stellar evolution.


Wolfgang KaiserWolfgang Kaiser
Würzburg personal home page

Armin PureaArmin Purea
Würzburg personal home page


Karen Bernhardt-Walther
Karen graduated with a PhD at the University of Chicago in business economics and will start a lecturer/researcher position in Fall of 2011 at Ohio State in Columbus where her husband, Dirk, is an assistant professor. They have a three year old son.

Marcel Dorf
Marcel returned for a brief visit (Sept 2001), so we now have an e-mail address with which to contact him! He has completed the first year of the doctoral program (Institut fuer Umweltphysik) at the University of Heidelberg.

Dawn Grover-Rhymer
Dawn has left the USAFA (spring 2003); she and her husband have relocated to the SE and their son is now two years old (spring 2005).

Ralf ScheibnerRalf Scheibner
Ralf plans to finish the doctoral program at the University of Würzburg in 2006.

Jens Schwarz
PhD-Physics, 2003 - University of Jena, Germany; Jens is now very happily employed at Sandia

Alex Stumpf
Alex completed a bachelor's degree in computer science while in Mannheim, then relocated to Frankfurt where his girlfriend Tina works as a credit analyst. He is now working as a consultant for T-Systems International GmbH, a subsidiary to Deutsche Telekom. (07/2005).


Volker Behr
Volker has nearly completed his PhD program at Würzburg (summer 2003).

Volker Hepp
Now working for Bosch in Stuttgart (summer 2003).

Neal Phillips
Nuclear Reactor Scientist, Nuclear Power Station, Kankakee, IL

Michael Scheibner
Michael will soon finish the doctoral program at the University of Würzburg, and he is already doing a post-doc at the Naval Research Lab in Washington, D.C.

Katrin Willig
Katrin is now (2005) with the Department of Biophotonics, Max Planck Institute, in Gottingen, Germany.


Jens Biegert
Jens will begin a tenured position as a full professor at the Institute of PhotonicSciences, in Barcelona, in October 2006. He will be the Chair in attoscience, building up his own research group.

Matthew J. Smith
Physics doctoral candidate and Fellow of the Colorado Preparing Future Faculty Network, UC-Boulder (2002)

Joachim W. Wagner

Stephan Wiesmann


Robert C. Ciccariello

Michael W. Crane
Michael is teaching at CNM here in ABQ

Frank R. Klopf
Physikalisches Institute at Würzburg

Marcus A. Magnor
Marcus has been traveling back-and-forth across the pond while doing research w/ Prof. Rudolph. He completed his Ph.D. program at Friedrich-Alexander Univ. in 2001, and is now involved in computer graphics at Max-Planck-Institut.

Kevin L. Scales
Kevin is now in Munich (Bavaria) doing wave optics computer modeling at the European Southern Observatory, an inter- governmental (10 member countries) European organization for astronomical research (Sept 2002).


Tobias M Brixner
Ph.D. 2001, University of Würzburg - now (spring 2004) a post-doc with the Fleming Group, University of California at Berkeley.

Major Kyle L. Critchfield
Has ret'd to Base..AFOTECH

Alexander G. Fuss
Alexander is now (reported spring 2003) a Systems Engineer with Lufthansa Systems, in Kelsterbach.

Tim Monarski
Lafayette, CO

Stephanie defended her dissertation Astronomical Institutes of Bonn University in July 2003. She has since moved on to a postdoc position with the Radio Astronomy Group of the Dept of Astronomy & Astrophysics at the University of Toronto.

Wibke Weber

Shannon E. Wells
Senior QA Engineer / iPod Test Automation, iPod Group, Apple Computer, in Menlo Park, CA

Maj. Roger C. Ygbuhay
Chief, Test Capability Analysis Branch, Air Force Operational Test and Evaluation Center at KAFB; he and Stephanie have returned to ABQ (July 2002).


Ines Caffier
Flautist and singer with the progressive rock band SEQUOYA, founded in Würzburg in October 1998

Helix FairweatherHelix Fairweather
Albany, Oregon ( web page)

Christopher P. HainsChristopher P. Hains

Maj. Matthew P. Murdough
USAFA Physics Instructor and Laser and Optics Research Center in Colorado

Steffen Prein
(Berlin) Effective January 01, 2003, Steffen Prein joined FEMTO Messtechnik GmbH as Managing Director and Manager Sales and Marketing. Previously Steffen held various positions as Sales and Key Account Manager for different companies in the opto-electronic and fiber-optic industry.

Fabian Walter
(Fall 2002) accepted position w/ NRAO in Socorro

Ulrich Weichmann

Claudia Weidensteiner
Ph.D. (2001) - Physikalisches Institut EP5, Würzburg


Cary B. Collett
Jemez Springs, NM

Joseph A. Deitche
Southside High School (Fort Wayne, IN) Mathematical Topics II teacher

Peter Dorn
Peter is an optical engineer with CVI Laser Corp, here in Albuquerque.

W. Alexander Grefrath
Self-employed - home page at Grefrath & Strategen Management Services in Wuppertal

Maj. Kenneth S. Gurley
USAFA, Colorado

Wilfried P. Landschutz
Institut fur Rontgendiagnostik, Würzburg

Joachim Schuler
FH Pforzheim

J. Kevin Simmons
Arlington, TX

Andreas ThonAndreas Thon
Physical Institut, Universtaet Peppering Castle, Würzburg. See him on LinkedIn


Mark A. Blount

David S. Dixon
President, Least Squares Software, Inc., ABQ

Dorothee A. Fischer
Post-doctoral scientist with the Geodesic Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany.

Goetz R. Hoeppe
(Sept 2004...) Goetz earned a PhD in social anthropolgy at the Institut fur Ethnologie, Freie Universitat Berlin, in 2003. Since then he has been editor/ staff writer for the astronomy magazine Sterne und Weltraum ("Stars and Space"), which is headquartered in Heidelberg.

Elke E. Kahler
Theses (diploma) in May 97

Klaus-Peter Kress
Press speaker and Leader of Enterprise Communication, Main Power Stations AG, in Frankfurt, Germany

Peter E. Riegler
Professor w/ FH Wolfenbüttel University of Applied Sciences, Wölfenbüttel, Germany

Maj. Frederick A. Slane
U.S. Space Command, Peterson AFB, Colorado

Frank H. Wohnsland
Frank is a Technical Officer with VDMA-German Engineering Federation. He and spouse Annalisa Benecchi, a biologist, live in Karlstein which is near Frankfurt.


James R. Blakely
Bend / Portland, OR

Robert A. Giannelli
Ann Arbor, MI

Thomas J. SchillingThomas J. Schilling
Manager of Energetic Materials w/ TPL, Inc., here in Albuquerque

Christian F. SchindelinChristian F. Schindelin
Physikalisches Institut, Theoretische Physik I, Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany

Edward SeebergerEdward D. Seeberger
FLIR Infrared Camera Systems, Portland, OR. See his LinkedIn profile.


Thomas A. Bida
Tom works in the areas of instrument and telescope development and maintenance, as well as data analysis, at Lowell Observatory, in Flagstaff, AZ.

Klaus CapelleKlaus W. Capelle
Having earned a Ph.D., he now teaches at the Instituto de Quimica de Sao Carlos, Brazilian School of Electronic Structure. See him on LinkedIn.

Gary A. Petersen, Jr.
Sandia Nat'l Labs

Frank K. Schaefer
Fraunhofer-Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, aka

Aaron B. Wegner
Milpitas, CA

Jun YeJun Ye
Quantum Physicist - JILA, NIST (PhD-Univ of Colorado-Boulder)


Brian T. Anderson
Brian is a Research Physicist, and he has relocated to Wright-Patterson AFB (Ohio) Research Lab (2005); he was, previously with Phillips here in Albuquerque.

Anja Irmhild Kalmes
Koblenz, Germany

Matthis Langhoff

Li-E Li
Nonlinear Science Group, Department of Physics, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan

Dirk R. Neidhardt
Air Force Phillips Lab., KAFB

David W. Scholfield
Air Force Phillips Lab., KAFB. See his LinkedIn profile.

Fardad SerryFardad Michael Serry
Also M.S.-EECS (Univ of Chicago), and now Applications Scientist with Digital Instuments/Veeco in Santa Barbara, CA. See his LinkedIn profile.

Wolfgang SpahnWolfgang Spahn
Gemuenden, Germany. See his LinkedIn profile.

Lirong Sun
Wheat Research Institute, Ningxia Agricultural College, Yongnin


Jordis (Jodi) AsbellJordis (Jodi) Asbell
Now employed by TERC as educational materials developer for Hands-On Universe Project engaged to David Clarke (Ph.D.-UNM, 1988)...6/04.

Harry E. Baumgarten
Randolph AFB, TX

Donald C.E. Beckert
Beaumont, TX

Maj. Mark Dee Confer
PL/GPSG, Hanscom AFB, MA

David A. Cox
Fairfax, VA

David E. Lake
Physicist and Dosimetrist, Cancer Center Staff, St. Joseph's Healthcare here in ABQ (lives in Estancia, NM)

Gerhard Mauckner
Ph.D., Univ of Ulm (1996)

L. Stuehler
Center for Radiology, University of Giessen

Michael L. Tilton
Air Force Research Lab. and Boeing Defense & Space Group, Albuquerque

Laura J. Ulibarri
M.D. - Presbyterian Family Health, Belen, and Rio Abajo Family Practice, Los Lunas

Feiling Wang
NZ Applied Technologies Medford, MA


Stephen C. Bayliss
(see also Linda S. Bayliss) Linda and Stephen are shown with daughter Shari, who earned a bachelors degree in astronomy and physics at Boston University in 2001. The Bayliss family resides in Bosque Farms, NM.

Greg A. Finney
Ph.D.-Univ of Arkansas (1995); now residing in Satellite Beach, FL

Roy M. Goeller

Harold J. Iuzzolino
Geo-Centers, Inc., at SNL

Parminder Singh Bhatia
College Station, TX

Dirk S. Walliser
Ph.D.-EE and CS, University of Illinois; now co-director of the fuel-cell project for DaimlerChrysler AG, Kirchheim/Teck-Nabern, in Germany

Shagufta Yasin Raja
Principal of Sister Clara Muhammad School in Charlotte, NC


Margaret Ellen Craig Bergeron
Woodland Park, CO

Mark E. Daily
Bill Jones Hatchery Hagerman, ID

Michael J. Hebert
Researcher (MECO Project Manager) with the Department of Physics & Astronomy at UC-Irvine

Masoud R. Laghai
High Energy Physics Division at Argonne Nat'l Lab, Naperville, IL

Douglas L. Loverro
Col. Loverro is the Director of NAVSTAR, Global Positioning System, Joint Program Office, Los Angeles


Paul M. Alsing
Ph.D.-Univ of Arkansas; now Sr Research Physicist with Albuquerque High Performance Computing Center at UNM, now the Center for High Performance Computing (CARC)

Teresa Mae Farquhar
Jemez Springs, NM

John D. Fritts
Tucson, AZ

Chijen Pan
Ph.D.,Nat'l Central Univ., (1991); now an assistant professor with the Deparment of Atmospheric Sciences , Institute of Atmospheric Physics , National Central University , Chung-Li, Taiwan


Barry S. Feldman
M.D. - U/Arizona HSC, College of Medicine and the Arizona Respiratory Center, in Tucson

Guo Li

Brent A. Richert
PhD-1989, Texas A&M; Col. Richert is now Commander of the Communication Operations Group, SAF/ST, in Fairfax, VA (May 2005).


Douglas Conorich
Global Solutions Manager for IBM Managed Security Svcs

Col. Donald R. Erbschloe
(DPhil-Oxford) Col. Erbschloe is the military assistant to the chief scientist of the Air Force. He has served three tours on the faculty at the US Air Force Academy, as instructor through associate professor in the Department of Physics and as director of faculty research on the staff of the dean of the faculty. Col. Erbschloe has also served as chief scientist at the European Office of Aerospace R&D, a London-based detachment of the Air Force Office of Scientific Research.

Suzanne E. Falvey
w/ Hughes (Aircraft) Electronics and residing inTijeras, NM

Avaine Strong
PhD-Physics, Howard University (2000); Avaine is an Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Grambling State University in Louisiana (2009).


Diego Granada
Hialeah, FL

Trudy Ann Stough
Fishtail, MT

James P. Vaughan
Department of Radiation, Buffalo General Hospital, Buffalo, NY

L. David Wellems
Applied Technology Associates


Kathleen L. Dickinson
Albuquerque, NM

Edward Moy
UC-Berkeley IIT


Robert T. Marchini 4/4/43-1/21/83
"My oldest brother, Robert Thomas Marchini, was born April 4, 1943, in Passaic General Hospital [NJ] to Robert and Lydia Marchini.He received his BS in biology from Fairleigh Dickinson University in Rutherford, NJ, and did some additional study at University ofFlorida in marine biology before transferring to UNM where he received his masters in physics while working towards the doctorate.

He died January 21, 1983, near Los Alamos.  He was survived by his parents (Lydia has since died - 1997) and brothers: Fred of Ridgewood, NJ;  Ken Italo of Montclair, NJ; and Andrew of NYC."  -Ken Italo Marchin

Susan Miller Oaks
Fort Collins, CO

Laurence J. Rose
Computing Technology Instructor at TVI


Frank D. Cozza
Grand Rapids, MI

Michael A. DiSanti
Ph.D.-University of Arizona (1989); now Associate Research Professor w/ the Institute for Astrophysics and Computational Sciences at Catholic University of America in Washington, DC

Ronald G. Martinez
New Mexico Dept of Labor

Markus K. Rothmeyer
Chairman of COSIRO, a German based software company specialising in the development of communications, simulation and planning software.


Walter L. Atchison
Plasma Physics Research at Los Alamos

Dennis M. Braden
Tijeras, NM

Robert L. Harrison
Research Ass't Professor w/ the Dept of Biology here at UNM

William J. Krauser

Craig L. Shierling
SNL, Albuquerque


Linda Sue Bayliss

Paul Raj Findley
VLSI Technology, Inc., San Jose, CA

Marilyn E. Glaubensklee
LAM Research Corp., Fremont, CA

Carl A. Huguley
Albuquerque, NM

Declan A. Rieb
SNL, Albuquerque

Erik J. Schwendeman
Corning NetOptix, Marlborough, MA


Raymond K. Asbury
Intel Scientific Computer Beaverton, OR


Arne A. Henden
Received his Ph.D. in astronomy from Indiana University in 1985, and was employed at Goddard Space Flight Center and Ohio State University before moving out to the U.S. Naval Observatory- Flagstaff Station in 1993, where he is a key member of the IR and GRB groups.


Ted L. Albers
Grand Junction, CO

Mark E. AnderMark E. Ander
President of LaCoste & Romberg Austin, TX

Luella Mary W. Button, 1/17/1929-8/15/1999
She and her husband Donald lived in Abiquiu for 25 years and, at the time of her death (due to an automobile accident), she was retired from Los Alamos National Lab. Luella was originally from North Dakota.

Richard J. Hassman

Richard W. Kline, Jr
Glendale, AZ

Gary C. Loos
MRO Project Optical Scientist with the Research & Economic Development Office at New Mexico Tech.

Johnny M. Romero
Santa Fe

Mark St. JohnH. Mark St. John
Ph.D-UC-Berkeley; founder and president of Inverness Research Associates, Inverness, CA


Robert A. Dietz
Bob is a retired Lockheed engineer who worked on missile defenses in the 1980s. Today, he designs space-age exhibits for a children’s science center in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Marvin K. Johnson
BDM Corp, Albuquerque

William J. Johnson, Jr
Los Alamos, NM

Ross MercerRoss L. Mercer
CFO and Radiation Physicist w/ Health Physics Northwest, in Tigard, Oregon. See his LinkedIn profile.

Barbara TorresBarbara Torres
I&TS Division Director, Compliance Programs with TRW, and residing in Tijeras


John CerviniJohn T. Cervini
Restoration Advisory Board member of The Information Age Learning Center at Camp Evans, Wall Twsp, NJ

Ignacio Ramón Ferrín VázquezIgnacio R. Ferrin-Vasquez
Grupo de Astrofísica, ULA, Mérida / University of the Andes, and a member of the National Eclipse Committee of Venezuela

Brian J. Kohn
Professor of Physics and Engineering at Central Lakes College in Brainerd, MN; resides in Baxter, MN

John F. Morgan
U.S. Civil Service, White Sands Missle Range

Dennis L. Roeder 1945-1993


Thomas C. Adams
Oak Harbor, WA

Romeo Deliberis
Gomez Research Associates

David A. Linton
Physics Dept at Parkland College, Champaign, IL

Harold G. Longbotham, 9/4/1946-9/5/1997

Dr. Longbotham earned degrees in Mathematics, Physics, Statistics, and Electrical Engineering. His bachelor degree was in Physics and Mathematics from Stephen F. Austin, where he also played football. He also had a masters degree in Physics from the University of New Mexico, in Statistics from the University of Texas at San Antonio, and a masters and doctorate in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin (Dec. 1988), where he studied image processing under Dr. A.C. Bovik.

Dr. Longbotham held Assistant and Associate Positions at the University of Texas at San Antonio. In 1992, he participated in a start up venture, CMI, which specialized in nonlinear signal and image processing and modeling of human system. This company grew to a total of 22 scientist and engineers in 4 years without any borrowing of capital. In January of 1996, he sold the majority of his stock in CMI and returned to full time work at UTSA, where he became Chairman/Coordinator of Electrical Engineering.

At UTSA Dr. Longbotham had sponsored research from NIH, DOD, AFOSR, DOE, and several private companies. Most of this research was in the areas of signal and image processing, with his ultimate interest turning to the application of robust nonlinear techniques in ANN's and Fuzzy Logic. He published approximately 50 papers in the area of signal and image processing, was an Associate Editor of IEEE Image Processing, was Co-Chair of the San Jose Conference on Non-linear Image Processing for 3 years, and was a Visiting Scientist at Brooks AFB, Los Alamos National Lab, and Tampere University of Technology.

Dr. Jacqueline Longbotham Ackley and Mr. & Mrs. Harold H. Longbotham endowed The Dr. Harold G. Longbotham Scholarship at UTSA, and The Conceptual MindWorks, Inc.-Dr. Harold G. Longbotham Scholarship was established at Alamo Community College.

Stephanie L. Moore

Charles E. Needham
Principal Physicist with Applied Research Associates, Inc., SW Division, ABQ

Dimitri I. Vitkoff
now dabbling in apartment complex ownership (Westwood II in Coalinga) and living in Marina del Rey, CA


James M. Maddux
statistician for the OSHA directorate of safety standards

Edward W. Taylor
Air Force Phillips Laboratory and International Photonic Consultants, Albuquerque

John Bart Wilburn
Also earned a master's in Optical Science at U/Arizona in 1983; now principal of Recognition Research inTucson, AZ. His research interests involve theory & practice of constrained ranked-order filters, image processsing, feature extraction, and pattern recognition. Bart's wife Laura is the Manager of Parking & Transportation at the University of Arizona.


Larry S. Blair
Energy and Sustainable Syst Prog Office at LANL

John C. Conklin
Albuquerque, NM

Garland D. Turner
Las Cruces, NM


James R. Asay
APS awarded retired Sandia scientist James R. Asay its Shock Compression Science Award in 2002. Asay retired from Sandia in Oct. 2002, and is now a research professor and associate director at the Institute for Shock Physics at Washington State University in Pullman, WA. He still serves as a consultant to Sandia where he worked for worked nearly 32 years, most of that time in the shock physics group performing research on the high-pressure properties of materials. He has a Ph.D. in physics from WSU (1971), with a specialty in shock physics. In 2003, he was named as a member of the National Academy of Engineering, the most prestigious honor in the engineering field.

Jeffrey D. Colvin
Scientist at Livermore National Lab

Bertle D. Hansen, III
Ph.D. - Office of Space Science and Applications, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in Pasadena

Dennis B. HayesDennis B. Hayes
Dennis earned a B.S.('65) and M.S. ('68) at UNM, Ph.D. from Washington State ('72), all in Physics. In his 39-year career with Sandia Labs he managed the shock wave research effort as well as the fluid and thermal sciences group. From '92-'95 he was the Program Manager for all of Sandia's research and tech base for DOE programs. From '96-'97 Dennis was President of Lockheed Martin Nevada Technologies Corporation with seven sites in four states. During his post-retirement, he has been a researcher at Los Alamos, Sandia, and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, a visiting professor at the Institute for Shock Physics at Washington State University, Fellow of the American Physical Society, and classroom volunteer/tutor at East Mountain High School in Sandia Park.

Col. Marion F. Schneider
Works at KAFB site for United International Engineering

Jaime M.L.T. Wong


Richard D. Belian
Space and Remote Sensing Sciences at LANL (home page)

Derwin F. Brown
RTX in Wrentham, MA

Robert DunganRobert H. Dungan
Santa Rosa, CA
Feb 24, 1930 - Aug 1, 2019 in Farmington, New Mexico

Esther Y. Ma

William Ogle
Truth or Consequences, NM

William A. Proctor
Retired from AFRL

Edward R. Shunk
Los Alamos, NM

Robert R. Thede
Simi Valley, CA

Curtis M. Wise


Richard W. Christiansen
PhD-Electrical Engineering, Univ. of Utah, 1976; Professor with Electrical Engineering Dept at BYU since 1984.

Nicholas S. P. King

Robert W. LutzRobert W. Lutz
Ph.D.-Illinois Institute of Technology (1969); Associate Professor of Physics at Drake University in DesMoines, IA; ACM-SIGUCCS Hall of Fame

Jeffrey H. Robbins

Donald Stuart

Benjamin W. Woodward


Aaron J. CoxAaron J. Cox
Ph.D. University of Arizona - Professor of Physics at University of Redlands (CA)

David L. Cutchin
Ph.D.-Oregon State - now Academic Administrator with Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California San Diego

Roger A. MorrisRoger A. Morris d. 11/10/99

Roger Morris, an original member of the STURP ("Shroud of Turin Research Project") team that examined the Shroud of Turinin 1978, died at his home in White Rock, New Mexico, after a short illness. He worked as a physicist at Los Alamos National Laboratory from 1961 until his retirement in December1997 (Nondestructive Testing group). Roger is survived by his wife Kay Morris, their five children, his brother and his aunt.

He was remembered as an enthusiastic and dedicated scientist and as an effective team leader.Roger's contribution to Shroud research was significant: in the early 1980s, he published reports on the direct x-ray fluorescence and radiographic measurements that he, together with Ron London andBill Mottern, conducted on the Shroud.

Mary E. Phelan
Ph.D.-University of Texas; Betty is now CEO of Memory Strategies International, headquartered in Leander, TX.

Alfred C. Rester
St. Petersburg, FL

Jack Curtis Wilcott
Ridge Crest, CA


Charles A. Aeby
Albuquerque, NM

Thomas D. Butler
Los Alamos, NM

Philip W. Kidd, Jr.
Eugene, OR

Richard W. Morris

Gary W. Tomlinson


Michael J. Bennett

Robert L. Berger
Dr. Berger has a Ph.D. in Applied Science from the University of California Davis, and as of December 2020, has been employed as a physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory for almost 50 years.

Samuel S. Blackman
Hughes Aircraft Co., Los Angeles - Samuel Blackman has over 35 years of experience in the develop- ment of tracking and resource allocation methods for radar, IR, and multisensor systems. He began his career with the development of TWS and STT trackers for the F-14, F-15, and F-18 radar systems. He has been involved in the development of advanced tracking methods for air defense and space surveillance systems as well as for tactical applications. His research interests also include the application of advanced tracking and estimation techniques to traffic management. He is the author of several books, numerous chapters, and published papers related to estimation and tracking.

Larry E. BobisudLarry E. Bobisud
Professor of Mathematics at the University of Idaho

Joseph F. Goffaux
Beauraing, Belgium

Dominick MisciascioDominick Misciascio
Professor of Physics and Program Coordinator at Mercer County Community College in Trenton, NJ

Charles D. Preston
Williamstown, WV

Andrew M. Simko d. 1998


Christian D. Anderson
Albuquerque, NM

William P. Brooks
Albuquerque, NM

Daniel P. Christman COL, US ARMY - 2/11/1930-1/17/1975
El Paso, TX

Robert G. Geil
Las Vegas, NV

R.R. Harrington 1932-1991

William F. Hartman
Tucson, AZ

Paul NelsonPaul Nelson
PhD-Math (1969) - UNM; Professor of Computer Science at Texas A&M, College Station

Roy A. Olson
First detected in 1967, the discovery of gamma ray bursts was announced in 1973 by Ray W. Klebesadel, Ian B. Strong, and Roy A. Olson (Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 182, pages L85-L88), who had built the Vela instruments at the Los Alamos National Laboratory. Now retired, Mr. Olson lives in Los Alamos (July 2002).

John D. Rehnberg
JDR, Inc., Norwalk, CT

Munson ThorpeMunson M. Thorpe
Oct. 14, 1928 - Feb. 22, 1981

LTC Duquesne A. WolfLTC Duquesne A. Wolf
2d Battalion 33rd Armored Regiment Commander, 1963-65
July 23, 1947 - Dec. 26, 2017


Paul F. Bird
Lawton, OK

Robert DeKinderRobert E. DeKinder
Las Cruces, NM
Jan. 18, 1935 - Jan. 16, 2019

Philip DeutschmanPhilip A. Deutchman
Ph.D., 1967, Oregon; now Honored Emeritus Retiree Professor of Physics at University of Idaho. He gave a series of public lectures on cosmology in 2020.

Donald L. Evans

Keith G. GilbertKeith G. Gilbert
Ph.D., 1968, UC-Davis; retired from both USAF Research Laboratory and Logicon; still active in LTBC and NMSR here in ABQ (daughter Barbara is in the PandA PhD-Optics program).

James JettJames H. Jett
National Flow Cytometry Resource Group at LANL

Don D. Laniewski
(2003) resides in Fremont. in the Southern Alameda County Radio Controlled Aircraft Club

Donald S. Lund

Jerre R. Moore
G-scale train hobbyist and Fords Do-It Center Hardware in Prudenville (Houghton Lake), Michigan

Ryan Pierson, Jr.
(7/03) retired from NIST and residing in Aberdeen, MD

John P. Rink
Rio Rancho, NM


Charles L. HyderCharles L. Hyder, April 18, 1929 - June 8, 2004
After completing his bachelor's and master's degrees here at UNM, Charlie earned his Ph.D. in Astrogeophysics from the University of Colorado (1964). He  published more than twenty solar and comet papers, and worked for NASA, UCLA, UNM, and the Southwest Research & Information Center. A native of Albuquerque, he was an early whistle-blower, presenting effective criticism of plans for radwaste disposal in New Mexico (particularly at WIPP). He and 19 other radwaste experts were employed by the government of Lower Saxony to critique the Gorleben Salt Dome project, which was ultimately rejected.  Charles was dedicated to environmental causes and the anti-nuclear movement. He staged an anti-nuclear vigil at the White House beginning in April 1985, and in November 1985 he gave away his last major possession...a car. His protests and fasting gained worldwide attention, but probably caused his poor health in later years. Charles is survived by his brother Donald, and his sister Josala, as well as four of his five children: Paul, Roxanne, Querida, and Niels.

Ronald KorsakRonald A. Korsak
Las Cruces, NM
1932 - Nov. 11, 2022






Patrick BlewettPatrick J. Blewett
Jun 4, 1929 - May 4, 2022
Integrated Physics Methods at LANL

Robert Braslau
Santa Monica, CA

Richard L. Cubitt
Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory (LASL/LANL)

Darrell C. KentDarrell C. Kent
Professor of Math at Washington State University

Ralph L. Marston
Stratham, NH

Christian F. Schroeder
Albuquerque, NM

John StarnerJohn W. Starner
Los Alamos, NM


Robert T. Barton
Livermore, CA

Albert C. Giere
Hueven, Germany


Robert B. Foster, Jr.
New Mexico Rescue Dogs, 80 Raven Rd., Tijeras 87059

Robert J. Lanter Captain, USN, 1942-46
Nov. 9, 1914 - Oct. 30, 1986

Paul O. ScheiePaul O. Scheie
Emeritus Professor of Physics (1973-2001), Texas Lutheran University in Seguin

Emily West Willbanks
High Performance Computing Storage Systems at LANL


Thomas R. Bates
Sierra Madre, CA

Joseph Levine

Lloyd C. Nielsen
St. Paul, MN

Charles R. WilsonCharles R. Wilson
1963 Ph.D.-Physics, University of Alaska; Professor of Physics Emeritus and former director of the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska. Charles wintered over in Antarctica during the International Geophysical Year and participated in the 1600 mile Victoria Land traverse. He received a congressional gold medal for saving a man's life in Antarctica in 1958. He and his wife Connie now live in Anchorage (summer 2003).


Francis "Skeets" BentzenFrancis L. Bentzen
Reactor Administrator with Idaho National Engineering Lab, Idaho Falls, ID
Feb 19, 1920 - Nov 2, 2009

McLane Downing
San Diego, CA
Nov. 27, 1927 - Feb. 26, 2023

Kenneth R. Greider
Prof. Emeritus, UC-Davis; in 1984, he showed that all relativistic quantum fields of spins 0, 1/2, 1, can be developed with the single DIRAC formalism, whereas the standard \treatment is a patchwork of several formalisms.

H. George Oltman, Jr.H. George Oltman, Jr.
George retired in 1993 after spending a career primarily in advanced development of microwave antennas and components in most varieties of microwave transmission lines, but also in microwave vacuum tubes, lasers and solid state devices. He holds eleven patents and numerous awards


Raymond H. Opperman
Sept. 10, 1923 - Oct. 6, 2013

Alfred H. Spano
Derwood, MD
d. March 10, 2016

Gus T. ZornGus T. Zorn
d. Jan. 30, 2002


John L. Pack
Carlsbad, NM. See his listing on


Allan F. Beck
d. Nov. 7. 2002

Lorne M. Chanin
PhD 1959, University of Pittsburgh; Professor Emeritus of Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Maynard Cowan, Jr.
Retired from SNL and residing in ABQ; he and wife Jeanne ( d. Nov. 2002) were married for 57 years and raised three children together.

Peter H. Jessner
Ph.D., 1962, University of North Carolina; emeritus faculty of Math & Computer Science, CSU-Hayward, 1984; now residing in Berkeley (summer 2003)

James D.G. Lindsay
d. Nov. 10, 2010

William A. Rogers retired from Brookhaven on February 15, 1984, after 34 years of Lab service; he was 76 years old. He had joined BNLs Purchasing Group on August 1, 1949, and at the time of his retirement he was a senior contracts specialist in the Division of Contracts & Procurement.

James F. Tribby - 1914-1997
His death was recorded with Rockefeller Memorial Chapel, University of Chicago.


Emerson Jones
PhD-1953, University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Irby Gerald Bowen
Irby was with Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education and Research, Albuquerque; he retired to Luverne, AL.

Ray GrenchikRaymond Grenchik died September 28, 2000, in Baton Rouge, LA. After earning the M.S.-Physics here at UNM in 1949 (thesis: "A New Method of Measuring the Intensity of the Zodiacal Light," under Victor Regener), he went to Indiana University for the PhD (1956). While at Indiana he studied under the late Marshall Wrubel, and his dissertation was one of the earliest attempts to model the atmosphere of a white dwarf star. Most of his career was spent in the Dept of Physics & Astronomy at Lousiana State University...1957 until his retirement in 1988.


Frederick MartensFrederick H. Martens
d. Oct. 6, 2012 in Plainfield, IL