BA Physics and Astrophysics
Charles J. Schroeder2021

See her on LinkedIn

cum laude
See him on LinkedIn.
Edward H. Kring

Dustin is a senior software engineer at Kelvin Inc in Colorado. See his LinkedIn profile.
James M. Wigger
See his LinkedIn profile.

summa cum laude
Gabriel is attending graduate studies at the UNM electrical engineering department and his planned research focus is in pulsed power, plasma physics, and high energy density physics. Gabriel works at Sandia National Laboratories where he plans to complete his dissertation research at Sandia's various pulsed power accelerator facilities. He plans to work in the field of inertial confinement fusion focusing on innovative plasma confinement techniques, novel radiation diagnostics, and radiation effects testing. Gabe won a Truman Fellowship in July 2021. See his LinkedIn profile.
Edward R. AllisonCraig M. Cherry

Kyle has been in flight training the last year for the navy. He's been living in Texas, Florida, and briefly, Nevada. He says, "Life has been great since graduation. I use my degree everyday learning about aerodynamics, using vector diagrams to easily explain airflow, and in general how airplanes and helicopters fly. On top of that I learn about aircraft systems, maneuvers, and air traffic rules and regulations." See his LinkedIn profile.

Julianna writes, "I obtained a Master of Public Health degree from The Dartmouth Institute and obtained an M.D. degree from Western Michigan Homer Stryker MD SOM. Eventually, I hope to use my experience with low-income and minority populations to improve community healthcare as a pediatrician and possibly administrator, ideally in a medically underserved community."
Michael C. Perry
cum laude

Dante teaches physics at Albuquerque Academy. He writes, "I have tutored all levels of math and physics, and classroom taught for 2 years. I had a web developer internship as well. I would love to either continue teaching or branch out into more technical fields, and would love to work in a lab." See him on LinkedIn.

magna cum laude
Dominique is a Visiting Academic Colleague in the UNM Chemistry Department. See him on LinkedIn.

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Jeffrey is working as a Software Engineer for Nordstrom in Seattle. See him on LinkedIn.

Brian is an Optical Engineer and Facility Administrator at Advanced Optical in Albuquerque. See him on LinkedIn

summa cum laude
Thomas writes, "I am a music theorist, pianist, educator, and composer-producer living in Montréal, Canada where I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Music Theory at McGill University." See his YouTube videos on Beethoven and his LinkedIn profile.

In November 2021, Jacob joined Alluxa, Inc., a high performance optical coatings and filters company in Santa Rosa, California as a director of sales operations. See his LinkedIn profile.

Since graduation, Ryan has been working at Presbyterian Health Services teaching doctors and nurses how to use the electronic medical record, where be became very inspired by those he trained and decided to pursue nursing. Ryan will be graduating from UNM with a BS in Nursing in Spring 2016. See his LinkedIn profile.

cum laude
Justin graduated with a double major receiving a BA in Physics/Astrophysics, a BA Philosophy of Economics, with minor studies in Mathematics. Justin graduated law school from UNM in 2013 and passed both the State and Patent Bars, served as a judicial law clerk for Justice Charles Daniels on the New Mexico Supreme Court for two years and now works as a patent attorney at Peacock Meyers, New Mexico's largest intellectual property law firm here in Albuquerque. See his profile on Peacock Law. (Feb 2025)

Cary is an Operations Manager/Compliance Officer at Horizon Trust Company. See his profile on LinkedIn.

summa cum laude
After graduation Stephen was accepted into the Nuclear Engineering Master's program here at UNM. See his profile at the University of Oklahoma (Feb 2025)

summa cum laude
Matthew is a Data Solutions Architect at Epiq in Tempe, Arizona
See his LinkedIn profile.
Luis S. Araiza
After UNM, Anne worked in the hedge fund industry for 5 years in Chicago creating financial reports (operations) and creating ways to create reports (software design). Anne currently lives in Clarksville Tennessee and is the founder of HAUL/CLOSET. See her LinkedIn profile.

summa cum laude
David double-majored in Earth & Planetary Sciences. He is a Submarine Officer with the US Navy.

After taking a break from academics to travel and spend time working in the optometry industry with her family, Erin returned to UNM. She earned her master's degree in Nuclear Engineering in May 2013 and her PhD in Engineering in July 2016, with a research focus on III-V semiconductor diodes for radiation detectors. As an NRC postdoc at AFRL, she is currently working on semiconductor nanowire device fabrication to study the carrier transport properties as a function of scaling. See her LinkedIn profile.

magna cum laude
Lonika joined Radiation Oncology Associates in Fairfax, Virginia in 2016 and is currently the Medical Director of Brachytherapy and Director of Educational Programs. Her clinical interests include gynecologic, breast, CNS, GI, thoracic, and hematologic malignancies. See her LinkedIn profile.

Jason graduated from the UNM School of Medicine in 2009 and now specializes in Pediatric Anesthesiologist in Colorado Springs. See his LinkedIn profile

Aaron earned minors in Electical Engineering and Mathematics, is a member of Kappa Mu Epsilon, the national math honor society, and now he is an accomplished DJ and business owner. He has also been admitted to the APS temp teachers pool (fall 05). See his profile on LinkedIn

Daniel has been a student intern at Sandia Nat'l Lab for a couple of years, and he wants to continue the work in arms control. Law school is also part of his long-range plan. See his profile at Ellis & Estes Law Firm
Jose M. DiazJose completed the PandA program in May 2003.

Matt graduated in December, and is with Boeing SVS working on laser radar systems. See his profile on LinkedIn.
Bernadette Mendoza-Spencer
Bernadette completed her double major (Math and PandA) in December '03, and begins a graduate program in pure math across the street in January.
Robert P. Reese
Bob works at Sandia National Laboratories as a Member of Technical Staff in radiological measurements.
Molly Samsell
Molly is now teaching Physics, Math, and Photography at St. Michael's Academy in Bryan-College Station, Texas. She's also a volunteer DJ at the community radio station (Dec. 2004).

Carl and his wife had their first child in August 2004. He's an adaptive optics technician at Boeing's Starfire Optical Range.

Philip is an instructor at the Albuquerque Institute for Mathematics and Science. See his alumni profile.

Angie is now with the National Park Service at Pecos National Historical Park. Her duties include night-sky education, and she is also involved in a nationwide project to fight light pollution in the national parks. She plans to work for the Park Service for a while before applying to graduate programs in Astronomy Education. Meanwhile, she will take it easy and travel when she can afford to do so.
Drichelle Lynn EstillDrichelle currently lives in Albuquerque with her husband and 2 sons.
Xavier S. ElizondoPhoenix, AZ

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
See her on LinkedIn.

Greg became a research engineer of NTUF (Center for Nanotechnology at the University of Washington) in 2000. His expertise includes scanning electron microscopes, Electron Beam Lithography (EBL), and soft lithography. Greg provides training on SEM, EDAX and EBL and performs contract work for remote users. See him on LinkedIn.
Jesse L. Stanchfield
Catalysis and Chemical Technologies Department, Sandia National Laboratories
David A. ForrestSanta Fe
John M. Potter
Creamland Dairy Labs, Albuquerque

Kevin, who double- majored in P&A and Chemistry, has earned a Ph.D. in theoretical chemistry at Penn State (Dec. 2003), and will begin doing post-doctoral work for Professor Kenneth Merz at Penn's Chamblee Lab in January.
Kevin Riley at Xavier University

Albuquerque, NM
See her on LinkedIn

Completed his M.S. degree in Aerospace Engineering, emphasis in Astrodynamics, at the Univ of Colorado in May of 2001, and now gainfully employed at Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp., in Boulder, CO.

Albuquerque, NM