Teaching Assistant Duties

TA Duties

Created June 16, 2023 Latest revision: June 22, 2023

Lab TAs

  • Show to labs up sufficiently in advance to allow you to be well prepared
  • Show up on time to meetings
  • Perform all experiments/exercises prior to class, and be familiar with pitfalls, the physics/astronomy principles behind them, and any potential safety concerns
  • Respond to student emails within 24 hours or 1 business day during the week; 48 hours on weekends or holidays
  • Treat lab equipment and classrooms with respect, and assist with equipment setup and take down
  • Give full attention to students during lab by answering questions and assisting with equipment issues
  • Participate in any required weekly meetings
  • Grade labs promptly and return the following section meeting, provide constructive feedback
  • Do safety training as required
  • Treat students with respect
  • Lab TAs will receive a more detailed description of their duties after they receive their TA assignment


  • Grade assignments within one week
  • Provide constructive feedback
  • TAs should be given sufficient time for grading. If there is more time available, TAs with expertise in the subject matter and good teaching skills may also, e.g., field general questions from students via email or help out in problem sessions.

All TAs

  • Respond to any emails from your instructor or supervisor within one business day
  • Follow other directions from your instructor or supervisor