BS Physics


Maria A. Daniels
Maria has had several available opportunities and looks forward to finding one that's a good fit. See her website.

Samantha MultariSamantha A. Multari
Samantha will be commissioning into the US Air Force as a physicist.

Davyn L. Pierce-Montague
Davyn is the first recipient in the PandA department to receive a Dual Degree BS in Physics and Electrical Engineering.


Nicholas BaggettNicholas D. Baggett 
See his LinkedIn profile

Adam J. Clary See his LinkedIn profile.

Benjamin C. Cochran
Ben plans to pursue a PhD in physics at the University of Maryland

Will CrockettWilliam W. Crockett
William graduated with a double major in Physics and Biology and did his physics honors thesis with Dr. Mousumi Roy, where he used a physical model to study the impact of climate change on soil water across the New Mexico Elevation Gradient. William will be starting his PhD in Microbiology at MIT in fall 2023, where he plans on using theoretical and computational models to study microbial ecosystems. He also was awarded the NSF GRFP. See his profile on LinkedIn.

Wesley S. McClenaghan


Robert BeattieRobert J. Beattie-Rossberg
Robert is pursuing a masters degree at UNM in Electrical Engineering. See his profile on the HPM/HEDP Lab website.

Daniel Berenger-RussellDaniel J. Berenger-Russell
Daniel graduated from UNM School of Law in 2024. See his profile at Peacock Law P.C.

Andrew R. Coffey
March 2025: Andrew is a software engineer at Northrop Grumman. See his LinkedIn profile.

Ryan T. GrimmRyan T. Grimm
Ryan is a grad student in the Eaves Research Group at the University of Colorado at Boulder

Tyler D. Hilbun

Yankang LiuYankang Liu
Yankang is a research assistant at the Center for High Tech Materials at UNM

Josef D. SorensonJosef D. Sorenson
Josef is a doctoral student in the UNM Physics and Astronomy department

Adam YanezAdam Yanez
Adam completed a masters degree  in Medical Physics at UNM in 2023. He is a Radiation Oncology Medical Physics Resident at Houston Methodist in Texas.


Scott ArnoldArnold, Scott E.

Julie CamposCampos, Julie A
magna cum laude
Julie is a Research and Development Intern at Sandia National Laboratories

Donaldson, Bryce S..
magna cum laude
Bryce will continue his work with Dr. Stephen Boyd in Low-Temperature Physics Research, consider STEM jobs at Sandia National Labs, and likely go to graduate school afterwards. See his LinkedIn profile.

Ryan GibbonsGibbons, Ryan M.
cum laude
Ryan is a graduate student in Physics at UC Berkeley in the High Energy Experiment division

Lujan, Lucas A.
magna cum laude
After two years as an intern at Sandia National Labs, Lucas is a data analyst at Akima Infrastructure Services

May, Asher P.
summa cum laude

Eric PutneyPutney, Eric R.
summa cum laude
Eric is a High Energy Theory grad student at Rutgers University

Ritchie, Kyle J
summa cum laude
Kyle is going for his PhD at University of California, Berkeley for High Energy Theory

Dionicio E. SauerSauer, Dionicio E.
cum laude
Dionicio is an Operations Engineer at Mesa Photonics

Amy SoudachanhSoudachanh, Amy L.
Amy is a physics graduate student in Experimental Quantum Information at the University of Oregon

Brady SpearsSpears, Brady S.
Brady is a Solid Earth Geophysics graduate student at Baylor University. He writes, "My research at Baylor University consists of the joint inversion of horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratios (HVSR) and surface wave dispersion curves in order to seismically characterize a particular field site. The method, performed densely over the target area is advantageous in that it does not require "active" sources and could potentially provide a cost-effective technique in effectively imaging the shallow subsurface."

Weeks, Duncan K.


Ryan E. DunaginRyan E. Dunagin
Ryan primarily plans on joining the work force in programming or data analysis. His fallback plan is to go into teaching. He is currently living in Walled Lake, Michigan.

Gavin P. GonzalesGavin P. Gonzales
Gavin is a graduate research assistant in Biomedical Engineering at Duke University with a concentration in biomaterials.

Ryan L. Hamblin
Ryan will be attending the University of Virginia as a PhD student in the Chemistry Department. There he will be using computational methods to assist in designing and modeling the non-equilibrium dynamics of self-assembling nanomaterials at the intersection of soft condensed matter physics, polymer chemistry, and biophysics.

Nicholas J. HuntoonNicholas J. Huntoon
Nicholas is a voice over actor living in Albuquerque

John H. O'Brien
magna cum laude

Desirae F. Orr
cum laude
Desirae plans on working for a few years before returning to grad school for something related to climate or hydrology. Currently, she has a job offer from NavAir, but is still looking at other options.

Ronald E. PaganoRonald E. Pagano
cum laude
Ronald is a physics graduate student at Louisiana State University. He is interested in quantum physics and material science and will be involved in related research directly after graduation.

Benjamin L. ReicheltBenjamin L. Reichelt
summa cum laude
Ben is a graduate student at MIT. He works with Dr. Richard Petrasso to study high energy density plasma physics and develop diagnostic tools for experiments in this field.

Aryeh J. SaponAryeh J. Sapon
cum laude
Aryeh is attending the physics PhD program at Eberly College of Science Penn State University where he plans to study Atomic, Molecular, Optical physics, or Condensed Matter.

Lauren ZundelLauren Zundel
cum laude
Lauren is pursuing a PhD in physics here at UNM where she continues to work in the field of theoretical nanophotonics under Alejandro Manjavacas. Lauren was awarded a four year fellowship with the Department of Energy for her doctoral program.


Cody R. Bassett
magna cum laude
Cody is a research assistant at the Center for High Tech Materials (CHTM) and a graduate student at UNM

John Carilli
John is a research computer scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Albuquerque

Roderick D. CochranRoderick D. Cochran
summa cum laude
Roderick is a graduate student at Ohio State University.

Elizabeth D. Eadie
cum laude

Saleem IqbalSaleem Iqbal
summa cum laude
Saleem is a Graduate Research Assistant in Professor Robert Boyd's group investigating the nonlinear optical properties of epsilon-near-zero materials at the University of Rochester's Institute of Optics

Jeremy M. MetznerJeremy M. Metzner
cum laude
Jeremy is continuing his studies of physics by pursuing a PhD in AMO physics at the University of Oregon. Jeremy stated that he feels prepared and excited for the future of physics based on the knowledge he has acquired and the students he has met within our Physics and Astronomy department.

Ivan V. RajenIvan V. Rajen
summa cum laude
Ivan is attending the University of California San Diego to pursue a PhD in Bioengineering. He plans to study neural engineering to work towards the development of brain-computer interfaces.

Dennis C. Robinson BrownDennis C. Robinson Brown
summa cum laude
Dennis is attending the University of California-Santa Barbara for a PhD in Chemical Engineering at the Shell Lab. After obtaining his PhD, Dennis plans to become a professor or an industry research scientist.

Lucas R. ThoennesLucas R. Thoennes
As of August 2021, Lucas writes, "I currently live in Nevada and am a network engineer for a large energy company." Lucas married Kelly E. McShane in October 10, 2020 in Sheridan, Wyoming

Jordan C. VaneveryJordan C. Vanevery
summa cum laude


Jason J. Baker

Zachary A. CastilloZachary A. Castillo
summa cum laude
Zach will be attending graduate school at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he intends to pursue experimental atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics.

Zachary D. Jeffery

Alex J. Johnson
summa cum laude

Gregory J. Ottino
summa cum laude
Gregory is a PhD student in UC Berkeley's graduate program in physics.

Alexander C. Padilla
Alexander is a Marketing Manager at UC Santa Barbara's office of Technology & Industry Alliances. He graduated with an MBA from UNM Anderson in 2018

Robert B. Reyna
The future plans for Robert are to study for the GRE tests in the coming year, and apply to grad schools.


Nelly E. Ayllon (Lazo)Nelly E. Ayllon (Lazo)
magna cum laude
Nelly is an AI Product Marketer at Intel Geti. She plans to marry Yusef Dornik in June 2023 in Lima, Peru

Daniel W. Bowen
magna cum laude
Daniel is a computer engineer at Verus Research

Michael W. Brown
cum laude
Michael initially plans to go to Zion National Park to relax. He will then pursue a masters degree in mathematics and work towards his ultimate goal of becoming a math teacher.

Merrick J. ChalkMerrick J. Chalk
cum laude
Merrick is a consultant with Medici Technologies, a biotech company in Albuquerque.

Alexandre F. Mills
Alex is a UNM Department of Physics and Astronomy research assistant.

Brad M. Philipbar
Brad is a Staff Systems Engineer at Northrop Grumman in Colorado Springs


Alexander G. CochranAlexander G. Cochran
Alex is working on an Applied Math Masters degree at UNM

Alexandria M. DoerflerAlexandria M. Doerfler
cum laude
Alexandria is pursuing a PhD in Houston at the Baylor College of Medicine in the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics.

>Lars G. Fabricius-OlsenLars G. Fabricius-Olsen

See his Instagram profile.

Joshua D. MartinJoshua D. Martin
magna cum laude
Joshua has been accepted into the doctoral program here at UNM in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Kevin M. Potter

Nicholas C. Rajen
Nicholas' future plans include travel, reapplication to graduate school, and an intermittent job or business foundation.

Anthony V. Sandoval


Maria X. Benitez-Jones

Ezequiel Carrasco
Zeke's plans for the future include deciding on a graduate school and a field of study, and to one day teach.

Tristan M. Garwood

Paul J. Gieri
Paul has been accepted to the UNM Physics and Astronomy department master's program for Fall 2015.

Stav R. GoldStav R. Gold
summa cum laude
Stav will work at the Santa Fe Institute as an intern directly after graduating.

Aidan K. Grummer
summa cum laude
After graduation Aiden will be working on the Atlas project at CERN with Dr. Seidel's research group. He plans to apply for graduate school in the fall.

Adrian S. Orozco
Arian has been accepted into the masters program here at UNM in the Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Stephen C. Pietromonaco
cum laude
Stephen has been accepted at the University of British Columbia to pursue a PhD in high energy theory.

Joshua M. Plank
Joshua has been accepted at the University of California at Riverside to join the PhD program in Electrical Engineering.

Skylar T. Scott
summa cum laude
Skylar would like to work in research and development in a multidisciplinary capacity. In the future, he would like to return and pursue a graduate degree in physics or engineering.

Ting Wang


Miles A. Bodmer
Miles moved to Eugene where he is pursuing his PhD in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Oregon.

Brandon T. Middleton
Brandon will apply for graduate school in physics with a concentration in general relativity for the fall semester.

Evan A. Ottesen
summa cum laude
After graduation Evan will be relocating to Austin TX with his wife and son to pursue graduate studies at UT Austin.


Alex G. Benedict
summa cum laude

Cristhian O. Carrillo
cum laude

Ginevra E. Cochran
cum laude
Ginny will be attending graduate school as a PhD student at the Ohio State University and studying physics under a joint university and departmental fellowship.

Rhett F. Eller
cum laude
Rhett graduated with a Physics degree with a concentration in Optics. Rhett has been accepted into the Physics and Astronomy Department here at UNM where he will be starting his graduate work in this fall in the Optical Science and Engineering Program.

Nathan Giannini
cum laude

Brian P. Josey
summa cum laude
Brian is currently working on his PhD at Carnegie Mellon University, and received his Masters in May of 2014. He works in experimental biophysics, using neutron reflectometry to study the interactions of proteins with lipid bilayers (cell membranes). Specifically, Brian studies the kinetics of neurotransmitter adsorption to the lipid bilayer, a technically challenging project that connects physics to chemical kinetics and neuroscience.

Randy J. Lafler
summa cum laude
Randy has been accepted into the Physics doctoral program at UNM Department of Physics and Astronomy.

Thomas S. Mahony
summa cum laude
Tom is going to MIT to start working on his Ph.D in Electrical Engineering. He will be studying strong light-matter coupling for applications in photovoltaics and all optical switching, and will be working with Professor Vladimir Bulovic. Tom has been awarded an NSF Graduate Fellowship.

Rodrigo Osuna Orozco
summa cum laude
Rodrigo will be working at PandA during the summer and then will start the PhD program in Oceanography at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California in San Diego.

Roberto S. Rosales
summa cum laude

Dan C. Wilkinson
magna cum laude


Elizabeth J. Allen

Alexandra S. Andrego
cum laude
After graduation Alexandra will be spending the summer at an Emerging Minority Business Leader program at West Liberty in West Virginia. Her long term intentions are to attend law school and obtain a J.D. in Intellectual Property Law.

Alexander T. Barron
summa cum laude
Alexander is a PhD student in Complex Systems at the Indiana University School of Informatics and Computing.

Robert T. Cordwell
cum laude

Anastasia A. Ierides
Anastasia is graduating with a bachelors in both Physics and Applied Mathematics. She has been admitted to and will be attending the Physics and Astronomy graduate program at UNM and will be working on a Masters degree starting in the Fall.

Chad A. McCoy
summa cum laude
Upon graduation from UNM, Chad is going to graduate school at the University of Rochester starting the Fall 2011 semester. Where he will be pursuing a Ph. D. in Mechanical Engineering for High Energy Density Physics and Inertial Confinement Fusion. After completion of my Ph. D, he hopes to get a position at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory doing laser-driven ICF research.

Garrett E. McMath
Garret will be attending Colorado School of Mines for Nuclear Engineering.

Bolestaw L. Osinski
cum laude
Bolestaw is going to pursue a MS in Biophysics at the University of Chicago. Motivated to go due to the physics of DNA-protein interactions and the organization dynamics of simple organisms.

Michael R. Phillips
cum laude
Michael is planning on pursuing graduate school, either at UNM or elsewhere, for theoretical physics.

David J. Weiss


Paul V. Klimov
summa cum laude
Paul graduated from the University of Chicago with a PhD in Quantum Engineering, and is now a Senior Research Scientist at Google

Kyle W. Martin
magna cum laude
Kyle received his MS in Physics at UNM. He currently works in the Cold Atom Lab at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Albuquerque. He is researching the development of advanced atomic clocks for space operation; the development of these clocks is motivated both by technological applications, such as global navigation satellite systems, and scientific pursuits, such as a precise determination of the gravitational redshift. He is developing frequency standards based on two-photon spectroscopy and saturated absorption spectroscopy of optical transitions in alkali and alkaline-earth vapors, as well as fiber-based frequency combs to pair with the optical frequency standards. Kyle recently designed a heating package for a high temperature calcium vapor cell and demonstrated servo control of the carrier-envelope-offset frequency in a frequency comb.

Arianna V. Pregenzer-Wenzler
Thinking that she would either pursue a Physics PhD or a career in veterinary medicine, Arianna was exposed to human medicine and ended up applying to medical school. She is currently in her 4th year at the UNM School of Medicine and in the process of applying to internal medicine residency programs. She states she is glad that she got her BS in Physics for the skills she learned over the course of her degree have continued to serve her well. Arianna would recommend a physics degree to anyone with an interest in math and science.

Demosthenes M. Quintana

Antonio C. Rivera
Antonio is the first to ever graduate with a BS in Physics with an Optics Concentration. He was accepted at UNM in the NSMS (nano-systems and micro-structures) graduate program and has since received both a Masters and PhD in that field.

David E. Sosa Corral
David is a PhD student with the ATLAS group at Heidelberg University.


Erron C. Gleicher

Matthew E. Gooden
summa cum laude
Matt went to graduate school at North Carolina State University and did his graduate research at the Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory (TUNL) at Duke University. His research measures nuclear reaction cross-sections related to background studies for rare processes (zero neutrino double beta-decay experiments, dark matter) by neutron activation and in-beam measurements, activation products produced in various National Ignition Facility experiments, etc. Matt's dissertation research focused on measuring the energy dependence of fission product yield from 239Pu, 235/238U as a function of incident neutron energy with monoenergetic neutrons at TUNL. He finished his PhD in 2014 and currently is a postdoctoral research associate at Los Alamos National Laboratory in the Nuclear and Radiochemistry group. He is continuing his work on fission product yield studies and is also involved in radiochemical diagnostic work at the National Ignition Facility at Livermore National Lab where nuclear chemistry and physics techniques help to understand the Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) process, as well as understanding charge particle stopping powers in the plasmas generated at NIF.

Bradley A. Knockel
summa cum laude
Brad joined the PhD graduate program at UNM Physics and Astronomy department where he won the 2011 William G. Larsen, PhD, Memorial Award for Best Teaching Assistant.

Linh N. Le
cum laude
Linh joined the PhD graduate program at UNM Physics and Astronomy department where he is working on research with Dr. Stephen Boyd.

Daniel T. Young
Daniel plans on teaching English in Japan for the following year through the InterAC program and  after that intends to continue his Physics education.


Brigette D. Black
Bridgette is pursuing graduate studies in physics at UNM working as a research assistant with Steve Koch.

Joshua O. Island
magna cum laude

Jean M. Kurtz

Jim C. Mahony

Stephen R. Marshall
summa cum laude
Stephen is now in his second year of law school (2010). He states that physics students tend to do really well in law school. He currently ranks among the top three students!

Tomas A. Mondragon
After receiving a 2nd Bachelors of Science degree in Computer Engineering at the University of New Mexico, Tomas has been working at the Army Corps of Engineers Engineer Research and Development Center in Vicksburg, Mississippi where he works on numerical simulations of physical phenomena, tradespace analysis, and implementation of those applications on supercomputers.

Lauren A. Meyer

John I. Ogren
summa cum laude

Andrew M. Vigoren
summa cum laude


Edna Cardenas
summa cum laude
After receiving her BS in Physics, Edna has completed her Masters degree and is on track to complete her PhD in which she intends to detect delayed gamma-rays and delayed neutrons and compare how they fair with different target materials.

Christopher Leishman

Jonathan E. Logue
cum laude

Nick J. Martinez

John T. Perovich
summa cum laude
John has finished his masters in financial engineering at Columbia and works for the Asset Backed Securities Group (pooling lots of assets together, slicing into different bonds and selling them). He states, "The physics background was very useful for studying financial derivatives."


Sean Andrews
summa cum laude
Sean has been admitted to our graduate program, and he will be a Teaching Assistant in the fall

Lukas M. Baumgartel
magna cum laude
Lukas went on to become a USC grad student. He was then employed for his dissertation research by Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena CA.

Steven J. Gumble
cum laude
Steve will be a 2nd Lieutenant in the Air Force, and he enters active duty on June 3rd. For the next (roughly) two years, he will be moving around from Maxwell to Holloman, and finally to Columbus AFB for pilot training.

Steven J. Lucero
After graduation, Steve will live, work, and continue to learn. He hopes to continue his studies at UNM in the field of Medical Physics.

Adam J. Pierson
Adam has been interning at Sandia, handling web programming and safety training records. He plans to continue with the Lab as a contractor after August '06. Meanwhile, he'll be fixing up an old house in order to sell it, absconding with the proceeds to buy another old house to fix... ad infinitum. He may also try teaching abroad between rebuilding houses.

Terrell W. Radford
magna cum laude
Terrell has been commissioned a Navy officer, and he will be heading to Pensacola, FL, soon for flight school. He also plans to pursue a graduate degree in the not-too distant future.

Isidro Solano, Jr.
Sid has been admitted to our graduate program, and he will be a Research Assistant with Paul Schwoebel's group starting in the summer.

Kevin L. Soules
cum laude
Kevin has been accepted to the UNM School of Law and will begin studies there in August '06.


Robert R. Gallegos
Rob and his entire family spent a year on assignment in Japan with Sumco Corporation, and now they're back! He'll join the R&D group with Emcore Corporation, here in ABQ, in May (April 2006).

David L. Hayes
David was admitted to our master's program in Physics, with a quantum information research assistantship.

Sonrisa T. Rogowski
Sonrisa's immediate plans involve lots of bike-riding, working full-time at Sandia, and a daydreaming process about what she would like to study and which grad schools seem appealing.

Gregory A. Sanchez
Having completed the degree program in December, Greg is studying grad school options in medical physics.

Jason S. Tenbrink
Jason will work at the Los Alamos Neutron Science Scattering Center for a year before exploring graduate school opportunities.


Seth J. Pierce
Seth will now travel to Pensacola, FL, to attend Officer Candidate School. After that, he'll be at the Nuclear Power School in Charleston, SC, for abouta year, and then Ensign Pierce will be assigned to submarine duty.

Wayne M. Schlingman
Wayne defended a senior thesis entitled “Temperature-Entropy Wave in Self-Organized 4He, “ thereby graduating summa cum laude and with Department honors. He will begin graduate studies, with emphasis on optical instrumentation, in August at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

Michael J. Simmons
Ensign Simmons has been selected into the Navy's Special Operations Community. Following commissioning, he will report to the Specialized Diving Division at Naval Diving and Salvage Training Center in Panama City, FL. He will then be assigned to Explosive Ordinance Disposal School.

Csaba Z. Szekeley
cum laude
Csaba graduated in December, and he has since been enrolled in the music program here at UNM, concentrating on the guitar and music theory.


Hank B. Anderson
Hank completed his second major degree program in Applied Mathematics in Dec, and is now in the Math Department graduate program.

Maureen M. Ballard
Maureen went on to complete a MSc in Physics with the Complex Systems group at Instituto Balseiro Bariloche, Argentina. She later moved to Berlin, Germany where she taught mathematics and began learning about the history of economics and the economics of history at the Berlin School of Economics. She is presently pursuing a PhD in Economics at NYU, and still dreams of New Mexico.

Eric J. Gottlieb
Eric is a contractor at Sandia with the Robotics Group; he is also planning to tackle a graduate degree in Computer Science here at UNM this coming fall (2003).

Gavin Mendel Gleason
Gavin and family (soon to be 4, we hear!) are now in either Montana or Wyoming...we are waiting for an update on activities (Oct 2004).

Timothy T. Morrison

Anthony J. Riggins
Anthony is involved in graduate studies in Pure Math here at UNM.

Ghazi J. Zouaoui
Ghazi will begin graduate studies in the fall at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign campus.


Daniel A. Bender
Daniel has joined the Optical Sciences graduate program here at UNM this fall; he is the recipient of an NSF / IGERT Fellowship.

Anthony M. Bilotto
Anthony has been commissioned as an officer in the Air Force, and is in Columbus, MS, for flight training (spring 2003). He plans to pursue a career as a pilot and, ultimately, an advanced degree in mathematics.

Gregory R. Burdoin
Greg is working as an Electronic Technician on a contract with Boeing at the General Technology Corp, KAFB, Albuquerque.

Angela C. Cork
Angela finished her degree program in December, and will be taking the GRE and preparing grad school applications.

Eric W. Hemsing
Erik thoroughly enjoyed his research project at LANL that involved plasma physics, specifically magnetic reconnection phenomena. Nevertheless, he has moved on to UCLA for grad school (2005).

Jesse K. Johnson
Jesse is employed with Exigen Diagnostics, and takes computer science classes while making plans for graduate school (spring 2004).

Daniel Koehler
Dan was at U/Mass for as long as he could stand the cold, wet weather! He's transferring to George Washington, and will be working at the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (spring 2006).

Veronica Mata-Bruni
Veronica has been inducted as a lifetime member of Sigma Pi Sigma, the national physics honor society. She has already completed the first round of qualifying exams at UC-Santa Cruz (fall 2002), and is now enjoying married life w/ spouse Ryan Sholin (summer 2003).

Seth David Melgaard
Seth began a Mechanical Engineering grad program here at UNM in fall 2002.

Nicolas C. Menicucci
Nic has been inducted as a lifetime member of Sigma Pi Sigma.He graduated w/ University Honors, and also defended a dept.honors thesis entitled "Local Realistic Hidden Variable Model for the States and Dynamics of Liquid-State NMR Information Processing." Nic was doing research with Dr. Prasad, but headed off to Princeton in August 2003.

Keith Mertens
Keith works as a Postdoc at the University of North Carolina in the Mathematics Department (specifically The Carolina Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics). He obtained his PhD in Math at Colorado State University.

Grant D. Meyer
Having completed the triple major...Chemistry, Math, and Physics...Grant is now at Cornell working with the Craighead Research Group in Applied & Engineering Physics.

Matthew R. Winburn
Matt will complete a master's program in Biomedical Engineering, with a concentration in Medical Physics, at SUNY-Stony Brook in August 2005. He's already working at Mt. Sinai in NYC as a Medical Physicist in the division of Radiation Oncology.


Nick Secor
Nick taught math and life skills at Belen High School for a year, and then returned to UNM for a graduate degree in material sciences (2003).


Maurizio A.DiMauro
Maurizio was one of the recipients of the 2016 Breakthrough Prize in Fundamental Physics.

Jeremy Murray
Jeremy is in his fourth year of grad studies in physics at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, and will be defending his doctoral dissertation in fall 2006. He and Cristina now have a little girl named Maylin, born February 2003. See him on SPIEand on LinkedIn.

Sam Reid
Graduate studies at the Univ of Colorado, Boulder.

Christopher K. Schultz 3/27/70-June 2002

Chris Schultz earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Physics from the University of New Mexico in May 2000, at which time he earned the Feynman Award for Best Student in Contemporary Physics. As a top student, he was actively recruited by the Optical Sciences Center at the University of Arizona where he accepted a Graduate Research Assistantship.

Shortly after Chris began his studies at the Optical Sciences Center, he joined Bernard Kippelen’s research group. Under Professor Kippelen’s direction, Chris was actively involved in two projects: a research program focusing on the development of electro-active lenses using liquid crystals and a second project investigating the fabrication and characterization of field-effect transistors based on organic molecules.

An outstanding student, Chris was beginning to demonstrate his potential as a scientist through his discipline, initiative and collaborative abilities. For this he was respected. Chris was also a valued friend who was sensitive to others and generously shared his time, talents and resources -- and for this he was loved.

In Chris's memory, a scholarship has been established by his family, friends and colleagues at the Optical Sciences Center. When the scholarship is awarded, the recipient will be a second-year Optical Sciences Center Ph.D. student with outstanding scholastic ability and research promise in applied optics. Contributions in any amount are welcome and will be very greatly appreciated. To contribute, please make your check payable to The University of Arizona, with a memo that it is for The Christopher Karl Schultz Memorial Scholarship. Mail it to Ms. Ruth Smith, Accounting Manager, Optical Sciences Center, P.O. Box 210094, Tucson, Arizona 85721--0094 USA. If you would like to contact Ms. Smith directly, she can be reached by email at or by telephone at 520-621-8155. With your help, we hope the Christopher Karl Schultz Memorial Scholarship will represent an appropriate and lasting memorial to a gifted young man who valued academic and research excellence.

Braunen E. Smith
Braunen left New Mexico Resonance Lab in fall '03 to return to school. She's at Clark University in Worcester, MA, and has changed the focus of her research from geomorphology to organic superconductors(March 2006).

Russell N. Stewart
Russ is working at Sandia and pursuing a master's with the Computer Science Department here at UNM.

Rob Ward
Former Marshall Scholar (MSc-Computer Science, Oxford University (Merton), 2001; M.A.-Drama, King's College London/Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, 2002), now doing grad studies in Physics at Caltech (fall 2002).


Leslie L. Chavez
Graduate studies at UC-SD.


Matthew S. Edmonds
Matt is now a member of Sandia's Micromachine department that produces dynamic SEM images of MEMS (MicroElectro Mechanical Systems) devices.

Jason Knight
Graduate Teaching Assistant in Physics at UC-Davis.

Michael D. Partridge
Michael earned an M.S. in Electrical Engineering (Aug. 2000), and is now with The Aerospace Corporation, in California.


Burch R. Driver
Burch and his wife Jeannie now live in Pasadena. He graduated from ArtCenter College of Design in August 2003, with a second B.S. in Industrial Design.

Richard G. Hipsch
Father Seraphim Hipsh serves in a full-time capacity as an assistant to Archbishop Dmitri of St. Seraphim of Sarov Orthodox Cathedralin Dallas. He entered St. Tikhon's Orthodox Theological Seminary in South Canaan, PA, shortly after earning his bachelor's degree here at UNM, and graduated with a master of divinity degree in May 2001; he was ordained to the priesthood on February 11, 2001. He and his wife, Anna, are the parents of a daughter, Sophronia, and a son, Silouan.

Rebecca L. Houlihan
Rebecca is now a Medical Dosimetrist with Mass General Hospital, Dept of Radiation Oncology, in Malden, MA.

Stephanie Jones
LANL, Radiation Tech

Clifford T. Lewis
Institute for Nonlinear Science at UCSD

Stephanie R. Meltzer
Now Stephanie Scupp, she and her husband have relocated to Boca Raton, Florida (summer 2003).

Miguel A. Trujillo
Now an MBA and Project Engineer / Environmental Coordinator w/ United Paradyne Corp, a small business professional resource management firm  specializing in


Alex Brandl

Michael E. Cox
Newnan, GA

Timothy D. Hamlin
Timothy earned a PhD-Physics, w/ a specialty in atmospheric physics, from NM Tech in September 2004; he is now a postdoc research associate at Tech in Socorro.

Michael A. Lepp
Air Force Phillips Laboratory, Kirtland AFB

Aaron R. Patton

Sean Eric Walston
Sean completed grad studies in experimental physics at the University of Oregon, and is now a postdoc at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. His work involves accelerator physics related to the International Linear Collider project (Aug 2005).


Gregory R. Hays
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Steven L. Nutter

Steven A. Schula
Steven and Tanya live in Albuquerque; he is an officer w/ the USAF.

Christopher P. Sharp
User Support Analyst III, UNM-HSC Computer Services, Biomedical Research Facility

Brian C. Walker
Motorola, Albuquerque.

Kymbra D. Williams
Boulder, CO


Javier G. Armendariz
Ph.D-Northwestern University, Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics (1999); currently email

J. Paul Freshour
Deputy Project Manager, SNL 6132, SNL ER Project Management, at Sandia

Russell W. Rowland
Russell and Kathleen were joined by Sean Stuart Rowland, born 9 Mar 1997; it has been reported that the Rowlands are back in ABQ.

David C. Trostle
Air Quality Program Specialist for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania; lives in Hummelstown, PA.

Steven R. Vigil
Ph.D.-Physics, University of Washington (2000)

Phillip Villella
Doctoral candidate w/ the Dept of Physics at the Univ of Colorado-Boulder.

Heather M. Vogel
C.A.R.E. Program - Hatboro-Horsham School District / Simmons-Limekiln Simmons School, Ambler, PA


Gordon E. Bennett
Now a photonics instructor at TVI, Gordon finished his J.D. in May '03, and took the Bar exam that summer. He is specializing in intellectual property law. See his LinkedIn profile.

Mark A. Blount


Peter A. Balter
MS and PhD-The Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Texas at Houston. Peter is now an Assistant Professor of Radiation Physics, at MD Anderson CancerCenter, in Houston (fall 2004).

Brian D. Berman
Denver, CO

Sydney A. Blocher, Jr.
Phillips Lab at KAFB

Lowell A. Cummings
Following graduate studies at NMSU (Ph.D.-2000), Lowell headed north and east...first to teach at North Dakota State, then University of Wisconsin-River Falls, and now the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (fall 2005).

Steven C. Lamarra
M.S.; now Research Associate with the Dept of Physics at MIT

Larry B. Lopez
Espanola, NM

Arman Sabet
M.D.-Univ of New Mexico School of Medicine (1996); currently Staff Neurologist and Assistant Professor w/ the Department of Neurology, Univ of Kentucky, Lexington


Jeffery H. Burkhart
Albuquerque, NM

Ralph P. Buttner
Albuquerque, NM

Jeffrey A. Fatora
Lt. Cdr., USN - Submariner(Aug 2004); earned a master's degree in metallurgy in 1999 at Renssselaer Polytechnic Institute, in New York.

Helly Francisco Diaz-Marcano
Helly is an environmental scientist with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He and spouse Melissa Roybal de Diaz live in Las Vegas.

Kevin E. Gant
Kevin is a science teacher...both physics and Del Norte High School. He and spouse Dawni Bennett live here in ABQ.

Jason Glenn
Ph.D.-U/Arizona (1996) Assistant Professor of Astrophysics at UC-Boulder

Michael E. Hernandez
Married, father of two - lives here in Albuquerque

Michael D. McKay, Jr.

Luanna Gomez Ortiz
Ph.D.-Physics (Univ of Washington, 1998), and member of the Physics Education Group at U/Washington; she has recently (fall 2002) become an Assistant Professorof Physics at Arizona State University.
Valerie OteroValerie K. Otero
Ph.D.-UCSD; Valerie Otero was promoted to Full Professor at the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2014. She is deeply involved with the physics community, with the American Physical Society, and AAPT. Valerie has co-authored a physics curriculum and teaches physics regularly. See the articleand accompanying videofrom CU Boulder.

Kevin Schum
Kevin is currently a program manager in the Space Vehicles Directorate at Kirtland AFB. He and his family reside here in Albuquerque (Oct 2006).

Yukiteru Takanashi
Chiba, Japan

Marcelo Vogel-Gonzales
Marcelo was a geologist living and working in Chile, and he returned to UNM in fall 2002 to pursue a Ph.D. in Physics.

Gregory T. Whiteside
Trent is a tutor with  the Assistance Centers for Education at TVI here in Albuquerque.


Florissant, MO

Sharman L. Carpenter
1997 M.S.- Earth & Planetary Sciences, UNM; lives w/ spouse James in ABQ.

Todd J. Cloutier
Lt. Cmdr., US Navy - Todd earned a master's in Aerospace Engineering at Iowa State in 1994. As of 2015 he is the Mission Planning Systems Program Manager at Monterey Technologies, Inc.

Nikhil Jayant Joshi
Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics, with Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, in Mumbai.

John M. Melvin
He and spouse Brandi reside here in ABQ.

Jeffrey Norris
M.S.-1996, Oregon State; now w/ JPL in Pasadena

Yvonne Rita Anne Romero
Woodbridge, VA


Petras Avizonas
Laguna Hills, CA

Shaun M. Bloom
With Metatech Commercial Products Division in Albuquerque

Robert G. Copeland
Sandia Nat'l Labs, ABQ

Stephen A. DeWalt
Mission Research Corp Colorado Springs, CO

Michael A. Holland
Board-awarded Certified Indoor Air Quality Technician and Certified Microbial Remediation Supervisor, The Joseph Company, Fresno, CA

Walen J. Mickey
ThermoNuclear Services-SNL

Aaron J. Miscenich
M.B.A.-Tulane Univ (1991); now Executive Director of the New Orleans BioInnovation Center,in the medical district centered around the Tulane and LSU facilities.

Mark W. Noah
Las Cruces, NM

Jup Tanaluck Polanams
Rio Rancho, NM

John D. Saicawalo
Albuquerque, NM

Arthur Shanks
Sandia Nat'l Labs, ABQ

Heidi Terrill-Vosbein
Naval Research Laboratory (ASMaT), Stennis Space Center, MS

Chris P. Woody
Fort Collins, CO


Joseph R. Chavez
Albuquerque, NM

Kevin M. Christensen
Kevin has been with CVI Laser Corp here in Albuquerque, and returned to us in fall 2004 to earn a graduate degree in Optical Science & Engineering.

Gregory M. JonesGregory M. Jones
Ph.D., UNM-HSC, Biomedical Science. Until his appointment as the new State Science Advisor for Utah (Sept. 2005), Greg was the Associate Director of the Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute, Dept. of Computer Science, at the University of Utah. Greg and his wife reside in Salt Lake City with their three children.


John R. Lopez
Albuquerque, NM

Alan J. Lucero
Alan completed the PhD-Physics program at the University of Connecticut in 1993, followed by a post-doc at Bell Labs and MTS positions at Lucent and Corning labs. His current research area at Tycois in trans-oceanic fiber optic data transmission. He and spouse Susan Taylor (a test developer w/ ETS...remember the GRE!) live in New Jersey.


Weston Jon Anderson
Slidell, LA

Robert A. Chesebrough
Rio Rancho, NM

Robert B. Dagit
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Arthur R. Gribble

Paula L. Higgins
Paula Lee Higgens (09/14/1959 - 07/17/2006) was a bike racer, physics and programming ace, punster and gourmet muffin chef. She was lost at 46 when struck by a car while making a left turn on her bike at Comanche Rd NE and Pennsylvania St NE in Albuquerque.

J. Larry Leija
Richardson, TX

Kenneth L. Miller
Albuquerque, NM

Dana R. Rink
Olathe, KS

David R. Sandison
Ph.D.-Cornell; David manages Sandia's MEMS Device Technology Department, and lives in Edgewood, NM. He holds a patent for multi- spectral imaging method and apparatus.

Harry A. Watson
Naval Warfare Assessment Division, Norco, CA


Glenn A. Britt
Layton, UT

C. David Cremer
Science & Engineering Associates, Inc., Albuquerque

Richard N. Davidson
Rio Rancho, NM

Julius N. ManzJulius N. Manz
Dr. Manz is the Dental Program Clinical Supervisor at San Juan College in Farmington. He earned his DDS at the University of Denver.

David J. Monk
Earned an M.S. degree in electrical engineering from Arizona State University in 1992. He joined Motorola's Research and Development Laboratory, Mesa, AZ, in 1985. Since that time, he has done work in a wide variety of disciplines including analog device characterization, statistical parameter extraction, noise measurements, TFSOI BiCMOS integration, and high-speed analog CMOS. He is currently with Motorola's Embedded Systems Technology Laboratories, in Mesa.

Rob K. NewsomRob K. Newsom
Ph.D.-Physics (1996) NMSU; CIRA research associate with the Optical Remote Sensing Division of the Environmental Technology Lab in Boulder.


Michael D. Bradshaw

David E. Keightley
Mediaware Solutions Pty Ltd, Canberra, Australia


Santiago G. Aller
Albuquerque, NM

Richard J. ElstonRichard J. Elston
Richard earned his Ph.D. at the University of Arizona in 1988, and joined the University of Florida in Gaineseville as a professor of Astronomy. He and his wife, Professor Elizabeth Lada, used infrared telescopes to discover circumstellar disks that were 10 to 100 times as large as the solar system (spring 2003), making AAS news and The New York Timeswith their observations of protoplanetary disks; Richard also received the 2000 Presidential Science Award. Stanley F. Dermott, Chair of the Astronomy Department at the University of Florida, wrote that, "Richard Elston passed away on Monday, January 26 after a long and courageous battle with cancer. Richard was one of the founders of the modern astronomical research program at the University of Florida, one of the leading astronomical instrumentalists of his generation, and a good friend, colleague and mentor. Our thoughts are now with his wife, Elizabeth, and their young son, Joseph. He will be deeply missed."

Forrest L. Williams
Ph.D. in EE, UNM (1989) - Principal Staff Scientist with MLD Technologies in Eugene, OR, developing optical-coating solutions for the extreme-high-power laser industry. Wife Anna is a physician with Lane County Mental Health.


Colleen Cay Cafferty
Colleen completed a graduate degree in physics at the Univ of Arkansas in 1997; now Enterprise Support, Technology Investigation Center with the State of Arkansas Technology Security Office, in Little Rock.

Stuart L. Davis
Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Steve R. Elliott

Koenraad Dirk


Gregg C. WagenerGregg C. Wagener
M.S.-EE, University of Southern California (1998); has been with the Advanced Missile Development and Systems Engineering Division, Port Hueneme Division Naval Surface Warfare Center since 1982.

Daniel D. Weeks


Joel E. Anspach
Corrales, NM

Richard Dale Bolton
Advanced Nuclear Technology at LANL

Stephen R. Gobeli
Plano, TX

Marc P. Valdez
Ph.D. (1987) and M.S. (1985) in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Arizona, Tucson; employed as a Air Quality Meteorologist with Sierra Research, Sacramento, CA, since 1990. Follow the news, comments, and blogs at his personal website.

James D. Whitfield
Gilbert, AZ


Daniel C. Harrison
Tucson, AZ

Jeffrey S. Knowlton
Kent, WA

Joe Allen MartinJoe Allen Martin
M.S. and Ph.D. in Materials Science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison; now Director and co-founder of Technanogy Air & Space, Newport Beach, CA


James E. Bailey
Albuquerque, NM

Carolyn L. McMillen
Colorado Springs, CO

Arian L. Pregenzer
Arian is currently a Senior Scientist at the Cooperative Monitoring Center at Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. (2009)

Diane J. Slack

Michael J. Wester
Ph.D.-Computer Algebra, UNM (1992); now Scientific Coordinator for the Shared Biocomputing Core at UNMHSC, as well as Math and CS editor/author, honor


Bradley K. Allen
Poulsbo, WA

James L. Bertrand
Tucson, AZ

Craig H. PollockCraig H. Pollock
M.S.-Math, California State University; Program Systems Engineering Professional for Defense & Space Systems. Canyon Consulting, Senior Associate; Space Systems Engineer (Onboard Processing Design Integration and Operations Engineering), TRW Space and Defense Sector, Redondo Beach, CA.

Capt. John E. PrunierCapt. John E. Prunier comment

David D. Welter
Prof. Engineer; he and Myrna live in Fairfax, VA


James A. Hills
Piedmont, CA

Alan R. Lappin
Birmingham, MI

William G. Larsen 1953-1990
The William G. Larsen Memorial Student Award was established in 1990 by Mr. & Mrs. N.G. Larsen, in his memory, and is presented to the best Teaching Assistant during the UNM Physics & Astronomy departmental graduation ceremony each May.


Gerald W. Edgar
IT Architecture & e-Business Commercial Airplanes Group, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Group, Renton, WA

Steven R. Oliver

Michael L. WilsonMichael L. Wilson
Retired from Sandia National Laboratories


Rudy O. Gonzales
Taught at Brownell Academy, Cupertino, CA

William N. Keepin
Will Keepin, PhD, is president and executive director of the Satya Institute in Boulder, Colorado. Ph.D., Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona (1980); Co-director of Shavano Institute, adjunct faculty member w/ The School of Consciousness & Transformation, California Institute of Integral Studies

Patrick M. Russell
Midland, MI

Bernard E. Wood


Michael L. BernabeMichael L. Bernabe
CFO of Secure Open Systems in Simi Valley, California. 22 years engineer and manager with Rockwell International

Richard L. GeretyRichard L. Gerety
Thoracic Surgeon, M.D., FACS, FACC New Mexico Heart Institute

Jerry E. Goff
Storage Technology Corp Louisville, CO

Herbert J. Hammond
Herbert J. Hammond is an intellectual property lawyer in Dallas, TX. He focuses his practice on litigation, licensing, and counseling in patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret, computer, and entertainment matters. Herb also acts as an arbitrator, mediator, and expert witness in intellectual property and high-tech cases. Herb is the author of the Texas Intellectual Property Handbook (3d ed), covering trade secrets, trademarks, copyrights, unfair competition, false advertising, and covenants not to compete as the law is applied in Texas.

Arthur E. Leach
Master of Mgmt, UNM-1980; Arthur is now the Corporate Comptroller of BHH Management, Inc, in Los Angeles, CA.

Jose F. Marques
San Ramon, CA

Duane C. Mohr
Danville, CA

Jess C. Tidmore, Jr.
Albuquerque, NM


Charles O. Darnall
Camarillo, CA

John R. Henley
Mission Research Corp, Electro-Optic Sciences Dept.; he and Marie live in Colorado Springs, CO

Samuel D. Houston
Ivins / Monticello, UT

Stephen J. Merrill
Stephen is with Hewlett-Packard, and he resides in Philomath, OR.

G. Christian OvertonG. Christian Overton, 1948-2000
Dr. Overton was an associate professor in the Department of Genetics of the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, and the founding director of the Center for Bioinformatics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He received a B.S. degree in physics and mathematics from the University of New Mexico, a Ph.D. degree in biophysics from the Johns Hopkins University, and subsequently an M.S.E. degree in computer science from the University of Pennsylvania. Prior to joining the University of Pennsylvania faculty, he spent five years as part of the artificial intelligence research group at the Unisys Center for Advanced Information Technology. His research interests included the implementation of databases for genome informatics and gene expression, and the development of database technology for the evolution, transformation, and integration of databases. He died unexpectedly on June 1, 2000, from complications arising from cardiomyopathy. Dr. Overton is survived by his wife, Carolyn; two sons, Aaron and Graham, and two daughters, Johanna Hernandez and Natalie Hernandez; his parents, William and Muriel Overton, his brother John Overton and sister Ellen Overton.

John W. Starner <John W. Starner
Interim Dean of Arts and Sciences; Visiting Assistant Professor, University of St. Thomas, Houston.


Robert E. Cooper
Tucson, AZ

Arthur B. Crawford
Los Alamos

James E. Grover
Glen Rose, TX

John S. Lloyd
Beaverton, OR

Timothy S. McDonald
Tim is Manager of the Cryptography and Information Department at Sandia (Feb. 2005). He was an adjunct professor with ECE here at UNM.

Richard A. Summey
Director of Worldwide Sales for Celion Networks, Inc., in Richardson, TX

Claude C. Woods
Woods Geophysical, Inc., Mt. Pleasant, MI


William G. Breiland
PhD-Chemistry, UC-Berkeley (1975); now Senior Member of Technical Staff in the Chemical Processing Sciences Departmentat Sandia National Laboratories.

John J. Deinken
Now Intellectual Property Lawyer w/ Rockwell Science Center, Thousand Oaks, CA; spouse M. Noelle is a lecturer w/ California Lutheran University

Douglas H. Krohn
MKX Senior Geophysicist specializing in mineral exploration geophysical consulting. See his resume. Denver, CO

Robert E. VardemanRobert E. Vardeman
Science fiction, fantasy, western, mystery, spy & high tech thriller author, and owner-operator of Cenotaph Corporation in ABQ.

David J. Velasquez
Product Research and Development, 3M Company, Minneapolis; he and Merry live in Cannon Falls, MN


Charles M. HerndonCharles M. Herndon
Internal Medicine and Addiction Medicine specialist with Providence Alaska Medical Center.


William P. Robinson
Thousand Oaks, CA


Hillard H. Howard
Program Manager, Integrated Safety Mgmt, LANL


Charles R. Cundiff
U.S. Army Research Lab


Philip A. Deutchman
Went to the University of Idaho where he is now Professor Emeritus of Physics.


Robert E. Diebold
Executive Secretary, High Energy Physics Advisory Panel, Dept of Energy -also operates Diebold Consulting.

John D. French
Boulder City, NV / Aztec, NM

Otto G. Raabe, Jr.
Professor Emeritus, Institute of Toxicology & Environmental Health (ITEH), University of California, Davis


George Jenner
(Feb 2003)...Now retired and living in West End, NC. Along with his wife Linda, he enjoys boating, bicycling, and spending time with their five children and seven grandchildren.


Hugh W. Church
Sandia Labs


James C. Pulte
Winnetka, CA


Allan F. Beck
d. 2002

Raymond H. Opperman
d. 2013


 Brook Marx Brook 7/12/20-9/3/02
Marx Brook, longtime Professor of Physics and Professor Emeritus (retired in 1986) and Director of Langmuir Laboratory for Atmospheric Research at New Mexico Tech, passed away on Tuesday, September 3, 2002, while in the hospital following emergency abdominal surgery. Paul Krehbiel, one of his former students, wrote Marx's obituary and John Latham wrote one too.


Lee A. Jay
M.S.-CalTech, 1944; he served as a meteorologist for the fed. govt for 21 years, and then as a research analyst until his retirement (to New Port Richey, FL) in 1976.


Herschel R. SnodgrassHerschel R. Snodgrass
King, Washington


Max A. Kohler
When he retired in 1973, after 36 years of Federal Service, Kohler was the director of the Office of Hydrology in Washington, D.C. He is the namesake of the National Weather Service's annual Max A. Kohler Award, and he now lives in Silver Spring, MD.


W. Crawford Dunlap
The IEEE Grade of Fellow was conferred in 1961 by the Board of Directors upon for Dr. Dunlap's contributions to semiconductor research and transistor production techniques. He is also a Fellow in The American Physical Society. d. 2011


David A. Lawson, Jr.
12/16/1913-4/30/1990, Fairfax, VA