Research Spotlight on Professor Mansoor Sheik-Bahae
May 24, 2011
Office of the Vice President for Research Spotlights Professor Mansoor Sheik-Bahae's Research
Professor Mansoor Sheik-Bahae from the Department of Physics and Astronomy has been involved with solid-state laser cooling/optical refrigeration research since 1997, in close collaboration with Richard Epstein from Los Alamos National Laboratory. He has led an international team of researchers under the Consortium for Laser Cooling in Solids (CLCS) funded by a MURI grant since 2004.
Last year the UNM team reported a major milestone in Nature Photonics - the cooling of a crystal to 155 Kelvin (-118 C). This first all-solid-state cryo-cooler received international acclaim and was featured in a full-length article in Physics Today.
Several federal funding agencies have started new initiatives including transfer to industry to develop this area of science and technology further.
Sheik-Bahae was recently appointed as Topical Editor for Nonlinear Optics of the Journal of the Optical Society of America.