Physics major Cristihan Carrillo invited to present at annual Posters on the Hill
February 22, 2011
Please join us in congratulating our Physics major Cristihan Carrillo. He has been working in Prof. Sally Seidel's group, and has now been invited to present a poster on his research at the annual Posters on the Hill event, sponsored by the Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR), on April 13. Cristihan will travel to Washington, DC to present his work, titled "Development of Radiation Hard Silicon Sensors for Use at the Large Hadron Collider and Beyond." This national competition attracted almost 700 applicants, of which 74 were successful. Invitations to the poster session will be sent by CUR to the offices of all members of the US Congress and Senate as well as relevant federal agencies including the Department of Energy Office of Science and the National Science Foundation.
We also want to thank the UNM Upper Administration members who enabled UNM to become a member of CUR.
Congratulations, Cristihan, and best wishes to all.