Mousumi Roy
Regents' Lecturer

- Email:
- Office:
- PAIS 2558
- Education:
- PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1997
- Website
Research Area(s):
- Geophysics and fluid flow as it relates to plate tectonics
- Geodynamic modeling of deformation at plate boundaries and within plate interiors.
- What can we learn about lithospheric evolution, structure, and rheology from modeling deformation patterns observed at the earth's surface, for example, from geologic and geodetic studies?
- How does localized deformation, such as in narrow fault zones, interact with more broadly distributed crustal deformation, e.g. ductile squishing?
- How does strain accumulation over the earthquake cycle relate to long-term, geologic deformation?
- What are the implications of laboratory-derived constitutive relations for models of rock deformation?
Most recently, I have been working on how molten aggregates deform and their influence on plate tectonics.