Searching for dark matter and dark energy with mechanical systems

  • Physics and Astronomy Colloquium

February 14, 2025 3:30 PM - February 14, 2025 4:30 PM
PAIS 1100

Ivan Deutsch
Dr. Swati Singh (University of Delaware)
Video recording
When properly engineered, simple quantum systems such as harmonic oscillators or spins can be excellent detectors of feeble forces and fields. Following a general introduction to this fast-growing area of research, I will focus on using optomechanical systems as sensors of weak acceleration and strain fields. Ultralight dark matter coupling to standard model fields and particles would produce a coherent strain or acceleration signal in an elastic solid. I will discuss the feasibility of searching for this signal using various optomechanical systems. I will also show that current mechanical systems have the sensitivity to set new constraints on scalar field candidates for dark energy. Finally, I will briefly overview the promise of quantum noise limited detectors in the search for beyond the standard model physics.

Upcoming Events

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Nuclear, Particle, Astroparticle and Cosmology (NUPAC) Seminars
Mar. 25, 2:00 PM
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Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
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PAIS 1100

MERA for Quantum Field Theories
Daniele Alves (LANL)
Nuclear, Particle, Astroparticle and Cosmology (NUPAC) Seminars
Apr. 1, 2:00 PM
PAIS 3205

Rajorshi Bhattacharya (UNM)
CART Astrophysics Seminar Series
Apr. 3, 2:00 PM
PAIS 3205

Cosmology and Unification
Dr. Raman Sundrum (University of Maryland)
Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
Apr. 4, 3:30 PM - Apr. 4, 4:30 PM
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