Characterizing the quantum properties of ultralight dark matter - an open quantum systems approach

  • CQuIC Seminars

February 13, 2025 3:30 PM - February 13, 2025 4:30 PM
PAIS 2540

Ivan Deutsch
Dr. Swati Singh (University of Delaware)
Zoom link

Obtaining insight into the constituents of dark matter and their interactions with normal, i.e., Standard Model (SM) matter, has inspired a wide range of large and small-scale experimental efforts that harness current technology to look for the feeble interactions between SM matter and dark matter with unprecedented precision. This is particularly relevant for the case of ultralight bosonic dark matter (UBDM), where dark matter is assumed to be a bosonic field/particle present in high occupation numbers around the earth. After reviewing the state of the field, and the role of AMO systems, in particular for its detection, I will apply theoretical quantum optics techniques to provide insight into the nature of such dark matter. Specifically, we apply the quantum theory of optical coherence to characterize the statistical properties of the UBDM field and an open quantum system approach to the interaction between the UBDM field and a detector. I will discuss how our theoretical treatment has implications in uncovering the astrophysical history of the UBDM field, as well as informing quantum metrology-based strategies for its detection.


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