From Mars to Earth and onward to other planetary bodies

  • CART Astrophysics Seminar Series

December 5, 2024 2:00 PM
PAIS 3205

Diana Dragomir
Debarati Das
Debarati Das is a postdoctoral research fellow at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in the Intelligence and Space research division. In her talk, Debarati will speak about her research journey as a NASA Mars Science Laboratory team member and talk about the investigation of past water activity in Gale crater using ChemCam data from the Curiosity rover. She will also speak about how her experience as a planetary spectroscopist has helped her be a part of a team in LANL that aims to further the development of instruments for future planetary missions to Moon and Venus. She will end the talk with a few examples of  technology transfer experiences between space science and terrestrial applications to meet Department of Energy goals at LANL.

Upcoming Events

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Axel Gross (LANL)
Nuclear, Particle, Astroparticle and Cosmology (NUPAC) Seminars
Feb. 18, 2:00 PM
PAIS 3205

LWA Swarm Interferometry
Craig Taylor (UNM)
CART Astrophysics Seminar Series
Feb. 20, 2:00 PM
PAIS 3205

Cosmology and Unification
Dr. Raman Sundrum (University of Maryland)
Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
Feb. 21, 3:30 PM - Feb. 21, 4:30 PM
PAIS 1100

A Search for New Physics in Decays of B Mesons to Muon Pairs, Development of New Particle Timing Technology, and Characterization of Radiation Damage in Silicon Detectors at the Large Hadron Collider
Hijas Farook (UNM)
Nuclear, Particle, Astroparticle and Cosmology (NUPAC) Seminars
Feb. 25, 2:00 PM
PAIS 3205

Quantum Radar with Undetected Photons
Diego Dalvit (LANL)
Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
Feb. 28, 3:30 PM - Feb. 28, 4:30 PM
PAIS 1100