NQI Joint Algorithms Workshop

- Special Talk
May 20, 2024 8:00 AM
- Host:
- Ivan Deutsch
The Department of Energy's National Quantum Initiative Centers will lead a workshop to accelerate the latest developments in Quantum Algorithms and applications in Quantum Information Science. This workshop is hosted by the Center for Quantum Information and Control (CQuIC) at the University of New Mexico, a National Science Foundation Focused Research Hub in Theoretical Physics. The workshop will take place on campus at the Physics and Astronomy and Interdisciplinary Science (PAÍS) building, Room 1100 and virtually over Zoom.
This workshop will include the following invited speakers
- Jay Gambetta (IBM)
- Tom Iadecola (Iowa State, SQMS)
- Henry Lamm (Fermilab, SQMS)
- Eliot Kapit (Colorado School of Mines, SQMS)
- David Weld (UC Santa Barbara, QSC)
- Lukasz Cincio (LANL, QSC)
- Sasha Boltasseva (LANL, Purdue)
- Fred Chong (U Chicago, QNEXT)
- Bill Fefferman (U Chicago, QNEXT)
- Bryan Clark (UIUC, QNEXT)
- Kaitlin Smith (NW, QNEXT)
- Sergey Bravyi (IBM, C2QA)
- Yanzhu Chen (Virginia Tech, C2QA)
- John Preskill (Caltech, QSA)
- Peter Love (Tufts, QSA)
- Akimasa Miyake (UNM, QSA)
- Misha Lukin (Harvard, QSA)