Ph.D. Physics

Jonathan’s post-graduation plans are to finish out the summer at Sandia while his wife finishes her own PhD during the summer semester. After that, they will move to the Washington, DC area where Jonathan will work at the Naval Research Laboratory.

Austin will be staying in Albuquerque while his partner pursues a masters at UNM. He will be looking for work in the area after taking a short break to enjoy life, recharge, and plan his next move.


Karthik is a postdoctoral fellow under the supervision of Nicolas Quesada at Polytechnique Montréal.

Kat plans on moving back to Canada to seek her ideal job working in government, using her geophysics background and the skills gained during the garnering of her PhD to help her home country.

Brandon will be moving to northern New Mexico to begin a postdoctoral appointment at Los Alamos National Laboratory in laser-based X-ray radiography. Most importantly, he plans to spend his newfound free time creating memories with his daughter Luna and being with family.

Manuel is a post doc fellow in the group of Alexandre Blais at The University of Sherbrooke.

Adrian looks forward to spending more time with his family and looking for opportunities in experimental atomic physics in or out of state.

Nate will be moving to the Los Angeles area to work for Aerospace Corporation later this summer after welcoming a second son into his family.

After graduation, Changhao will return to China as he has a postdoc position at Fudan University.

Chris says,"I am a postdoctoral research fellow working in low frequency radio astronomy at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. My research focuses on detecting the formation of the first stars using the Long Wavelength Array located in New Mexico."

Matt says,"I am an experimental physicist with broad experience encompassing quantum optics, estimation & information theory, numerical simulations in MATLAB/Python, algorithm development, FPGAs, and machine learning. I focus on applying adaptive Bayesian strategies to quantum optical measurements of laser light, which surpass the limits of standard approaches and have applications in both classical and quantum communication. My published research ranges from novel, optimized, non-classical communication receivers and strategies, to optical phase estimation beyond the limits of conventional detection, to applications of machine learning in non-conventional receivers. The past 5 years, I have gained extensive experience taking algorithms and strategies from theory to implementation in FPGAs, and experimentally demonstrating the capabilities of these next-generation quantum optical measurements."

Akram is a Process Engineer at Intel Corporation

Megan Lewis is a postdoctoral researcher at the Nicolaus Copernicus Astronomical Center (CAMK) in Warsaw where she is a member of the international Araucaria team working on the cosmic distance scale.

Keith is a Rice Academy Fellow, working under the guidance of Dr. Alessandro Alabastri focusing on the engineering of nanophotonic systems for energy and chemical applications. More specifically, building on recent work using antenna-reactor systems to sustain nanoscale thermal gradients, he is investigating the prospect of extracting usable work from these systems and modeling, cohesively, the optical, thermal, and quantum mechanical elements of these systems. His position in the Rice Academy will allow him to interact with many nanoscience experts and open a range of new opportunities for collaborations.

Mohamadreza writes,"I am currently a postdoctoral fellow at Arizona State University working on Bayesian analysis of fluorescence microscopy data. I completed my PhD at the University of New Mexico in the field of biophysics and also hold a master in optical science and engineering from University of New Mexico. I also completed a separate master in black hole physics and the general theory of relativity at Isfahan University of Technology."is a postdoc researcher at Arizona State University

Josh is a Postdoc Researcher at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Neil is a Senior Sensor Scientist at Kairos Aerospace in Mountain View, California

Kevin is with the Plasma Physics group at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Gopi is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Macquarie University

Jacek is a postdoctoral researcher in the Particle Astrophysics group at AstroCeNT.

Mónica is with the Universidad de Costa Rica

Postdoctoral Research Fellow at SETI Institute

Samantha is a postdoc at the Universities Space Research Association at NASA

Postdoctoral Researcher at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, CA, 2020

Postdoctoral Fellow at Institute for Quantum Computing, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada 2021

Matt is a Quantum Computing Research Scientist at Intel.

Kate is a part time instructor in the Math, Science, and Engineering department at Central New Mexico Community College

See Randy's LinkedIn page

Kyle looks forward to a long career as a research physicist. In the meantime, he will continue his work with AFRL on the advancement of compact frequency standards while integrating himself with AFRL time transfer development team.

Hanieh plans to continue her research on cancer treatment and morphogenesis as a postdoctoral fellow in the Bioinformatics department at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas.

Ezad holds a post-doc position at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado.

Post-doctoral associate in astrophysics, at Northwestern University

See his listing on

Adrian accepted a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Sydney to work at the interface between theoretical condensed matter and quantum information.

Ninnat is a Postdoc at Chula Intelligent and Complex Systems in Bangkok, Thailand. @nannatdn

Physics PostDoc CU Boulder, NIST. Quantum Optics, Atomic Physics, Quantum Info, Machine Learning, Baseball Analytics, Robotics.

Jonathan is a Research Scientist at Google Quantum AI

Ruslan is working as a postdoc at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center developing high resolution X-ray spectrometer based on large array of Transition Edge Sensors for Advanced Telescope for High Energy Astrophysics (ATHENA) mission which is planned to launch in 2028.

Anastasia is a Research Scientist at Varian Medical Systems in Santa Clara, CA (2020)

Adjunct Faculty at Loyola University in Chicago

Lei is a Data Scientist at Saloodo! in Westphalia, Germany.

See his website

Ciaran is an Senior Advanced Physicist at Quantinuum in Broomfield, CO. He writes,"I am a theoretical physicist in the field of quantum computation. I work on realizing large-scale quantum computers and their applications."

Travis is a Quantum Applications Architect at IBM Quantum. See his website

Stephen is a Staff Scientist at LSRP Consultants (2020)

Mark is a post-doc position at Chalmers University of Technology in Kallebäck, Sweden (2020)

Jacob is a volunteer researcher at Montreal Institute of Learning Algorithms. See his website,

Peter is a research scientist at Intellisense Systems in California

Aaron is doing data science as a Senior Consultant at ASR Analytics in Maryland.

Jui Jen is an Assistant Professor at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa

Tzu-Cheng is a Senior Engineer at Win Semiconductors Corp

Charlie is a Research Scientist at Quantinuum in Broomfield, Colorado.

Paul is a Computational Physicist at Albuquerque TechFlow on Backward Wave Oscillators. In 2021 he published The Seasonality of VLF Attenuation Through the Ionosphere Verified by DEMETER Satellite in the Journal of Geophysical Research

Bob plans to continue his research in the private sector. He is pursuing a career in quantum computer design. See his LinkedIn profile.

Brad is currently teaching Physics courses and labs at Sandia High. See his website.

Ken is a Research Physicist at the Air Force Research Lab, here in Albuquerque.

Nguyen is working on the neutron electric dipole moment (n-EDM) experiment as a postdoc at Los Alamos National Lab.

Since June 2018 Satomi has been a postdoctoral fellow at the Tapia Lab, Department of Computer Science at UNM. See her website

Matthias is a research engineer at Thyssenkrupp Elevator in Atlanta, Georgia

Travis is working as a program evaluator for the New Mexico legislature at the Legislative Finance Committee. His intention is to have a career in public policy.

Eric is a research associate at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology

Akash is a senior scientist at Vector Atomic in Sunnyvale, California. He's listed as an experimental physicist skilled at designing, building, and optimizing quantum sensors for field application.

Cristina is a postdoc at UC Berkeley developing advanced optical microscopy methods for in vivo imaging

Boyan is a scientist at the Air Force Research Laboratory.

Roger is a Project Manager/Senior Research Physicist at Ball Aerospace in New Mexico. See his LinkedIn profile.

Jon plans on remaining in Albuquerque, and pursuing a career in industry R&D, or possibly in teaching.

Ben is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Quantum Computation & Communication Technology

Chris is Director of Communications and Outreach at the Joint Quantum Institute in Silver Springs, Maryland

Charles is a postdoc in the Schatz group working on nanoscale optical phenomena in the Department of Chemistry at Northwestern University.

Aaron is a Research Scientist at Honeywell Quantum Solutions in Broomfield, Colorado

Zhang is a Research scientist at Google in Los Angeles, California

Leigh is a Physicist at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab

Prabi is an Assistant Professor at Goa University in India. See the article, Bringing Nuclear and Particle Physics to Goa.

Rui is an Assistant Computing scientist at Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois

Robert is a post-doc with the Whaley Group at UC Berkeley

Senior R&D Engineer at Phoenix, LLC

See his LinkedIn profile

Liz is currently a post doc at Los Alamos National Laboratories.

Robert is now living in California and working for the navy as a systems engineer.

Jonas T. Anderson
Alden M. Astwood
Aaron J. Denney
Justin D. Linford
Justin is currently a post-doc in the UNM Physics and Astronomy Department working on radio astronomy, AGN & blazars, VLBI polarimetry, high-energy astrophysics, and astronomical transient sources. Vaibhav Madhok
See his LinkedIn profile Jessica E. Metcalfe
Heather L. Partner
Katherine A. Richardson
Katie began working for United States Senator Martin Heinrich as a field representative in his Albuquerque office. Her portfolio includes both Sandia and Los Alamos National Labs, as well as technology, energy, education, women and LGBTQ issues. Kathrin Spendier
Kathrin will be moving to Colorado Springs to join the research faculty in the Physics department at the University of Colorado Springs as a Research Associate. Her new job should be very exciting since she will have some influence on the development of the UCCS Center of the University of Colorado BioFrontiers Institute, which is an interdisciplinary research initiative primarily involving Physics and Biology. See her bio on the XPrize Foundation and her LinkedIn profile. Alexandre B. Tacla
Alex is currently a post-doc in the UNM Physics and Astronomy Department as part of the Center for Quantum Information and Control. Marcelo A. Vogel
After graduation Marcelo will most likely join the physics department of the Catholic University of Chile as a postdoc working in the physics department which is part of the ATLAS collaboration at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) . Marcelo would divide his time between data analyses and service work at CERN, where he would participate in the ATLAS muon spectrometer upgrade. Xuefeng Zhang
Xuefeng is currently a post-doc at Beijing-Normal University working on many dimensional general relativity.

See his lab website profile.

Carlos will be moving to Germany to start as a postdoc in Jens Eisert's group at the Free University of Berlin to continue research in quantum information. See his profile on the NVidia website.

Paul has moved to Sacramento, where he is currently working as a postdoctoral scholar at the University of California, Davis with Dr. Tony Tyson. His ongoing research includes more work on extending and improving the Deep Lens Survey, as well as modeling and preparation for the upcoming Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.

Collin will be moving to Canada where he will be a post-doc at University of Calgary

Steve will be moving to Curtin University in Perth Australia where he will hold a Post-Doctoral position and will work on detection of Fast Radio Transients (less than a few seconds) using some of the new instruments down there (such as the MWA and ASKAP).

Lawrence is working at a big chemical supply company in Houston. He actually landed the job before he graduated and is doing software and hardware automation, two things he loves.

Felix was hired as a postdoc with Steve Boyd here in the department of Physics and Astronomy.

Alexander plans to stay at CHTM and work with Ganesh Balakrishnan

Emma Hague is a Radiation Detection Researcher and Emergency Responder in the Washington, DC area. Previously Dr. Hague worked at the Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Heidelberg.

Kalay is working as a Staff Applied Scientist at Ripple. See his LinkedIn profile

Sharon is now a postdoc at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Heidelberg, Germany.

Deputy Tech Advisor, Missile Warning/Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Branch, Space Vehicles Directorate at the Air Force Research Lab, at Kirtland AFB

Birk worked at a research company leading/ working in projects concerning the improvement of solar cells or the recycling of batteries. Now he is working part time as a lecturer for mathematics and statistics at the Fresenius College in Cologne while also taking care of the 2 children of himself and Iris, another UNM Physics PhD alumni.

Iris is currently working as a team leader at a software company. She is responsible for developing software for the simulation of buildings and HVAC plants, mainly focusing on renewable energy like solar thermal and PV plants as well as heatpumps and CHP plants.

Suzanne is a visiting assistant professor of physics and astronomy at Western State College in Gunnison Colorado.

Andreas has moved to Boston where his fiancee has a position at MIT.

Sergio is a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute for Quantum Information of the California Institute of Technology, where he works on topics in quantum information theory.

Animesh is a postdoctoral fellow in Martin Plenios research group at Imperial College in London, where he works on topics in quantum information theory.

Matt continues to work on quantum information theory and the foundations of quantum mechanics, most notably in a recent collaboration with fellow UNM Physics alumnus, Sergio Boixo of Caltech.

Christina is a postdoc at Carleton University in Ottawa Canada.

Clark is a Post-doc at Sandia National Laboratories. He is now beginning experimental work on applications of trapped atoms and ions and plans to collaborate with the Information Physics group.

See her LinkedIn profile

Johanna lives in Washington, DC and is working at the DOE. See her LinkedIn profile.

Bryan is an National Research Council Postdoc at the National Institute for Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado. He works on topics in quantum information theory, especially on the theory of quantum error correction.

Steven is a postdoctoral fellow at the Perimeter Institute in Waterloo, Ontario, where he works on topics in quantum information theory.

Benji currently holds a postdoc in Nuclear Physics at SUNY, Stony Brook, NY.

See his LinkedIn profile

Georgianna is an Associate Professor of Physics at Hawaii Pacific University.

Vladimir is currently a research associate at the University of Minnesota. See his LinkedIn profile

Lori is a postdoc working with Cheryl Aine at MIND (through the UNM Radiology Department), doing neuroimaging and states"I am doing exactly what I have been hoping to, so I am very happy to have gotten the position!" See her CV and her Facebook profile.

George will start a post-doc position in radio astronomy with the Netherlands Foundation for Research in Astronomy (ASTRON, Dwingeloo) in September. See his LinkedIn profile

Rob is now a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Division of Nuclear Medicine in the Russel H. Morgan Dept of Radiology and Radiological Sciences at The Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine.

Drew has a post-doc position at CalTech, during which half of his time will be spent at the University of Aarhus, in Denmark.

Matt is with Boeing here in Albuquerque.

Steve is now teaching math & physics at Charter High School in the South Valley in Albuquerque, NM.

Michael is a scientist at the Applied Physics Laboratory at the Johns Hopkins University, working on various Space Remote Sensing and Radar projects, and is also part of a team with Goddard proposing a planetary probe in the next round of NASA New Frontiers Proposals.

Dima is currently a postdoc research associate at the University of Notre Dame. See his listing at Florida State University.

After graduating from University of New Mexico, Rene took on a postdoc position as Alberta Ingenuity Fellow at the newly founded Institute for Quantum Information Science at University of Calgary followed by a postdoctoral fellowship position at the Department of Physics at University of Toronto. Rene recently joined the Research and Model Risk Management group at Scotiabank Toronto to gain hands-on experience in quantitative finance and risk management. He is currently working on research and validation of models for evaluating risk for trading of energy derivatives and other commodities.
Ian M. Hoffman
Ian is now an astrophysics teacher and basketball coach at the St. Paul's School in Concord, NH. He was with ITT Industries here in Albuquerque, primarily involved in radio and laser spectroscopy. (Sept 2006) Douglas Hope
Doug Hope is a Research Assistant Professor at UNM Department of Physics since Fall 2009. His research involves the use of compressive sensing for space-object identification. See his bio at Georgia Tech.Joseph M. Renes
Joseph is a faculty member at Technical University of Darmstadt. See his bio at ETZ Zürich.Vladimir Smagley
Vladimir has a post-doc position at CHTM. See his LinkedIn profile.Tracey Tessier
Trace is currently working for a company called"Senior Scientific" as a"Research Scientist" using magnetic nanoparticles detected by a SQUID sensor system to diagnose and/or treat diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, and leukemia. Specifically, his job is to
Model the obtained field as a set of dipole sources
Create images based on these results that show where the nanoparticles are collecting
These images can then be used to determine whether e.g., Alzheimer's plaques, malignant tumors, etc. exist at the collection sites.

Pete has a post-doc position with NESSI here at UNM.

Sonja was awarded an NSF Mathematical and Physical Sciences Distinguished International Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. She is with the Quantum Optics and Laser Science department at Imperial College, London. See her LinkedIn profile.

Shohini is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of Physics and Computer Science, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. In summer of 2011, she received a prestigious Sera Bangali award in West Bengal (India) for her contributions to the field of science, which include her work on a ground-breaking study that will further the field of quantum physics. See her Wikipedia entry.

James will continue his work in wavefront technologies (optics & instr) at Sandia. See his LinkedIn profile.

By Aug (2003), Keeran will be in position as a research post-doc in imaging and nuerosciences at UC-Denver Health Sciences.

Ed has just joined Northrop Grumman Corp. here in ABQ as a Laser System Analyst.

Joachim is working as a staff scientist and FARO TEchnologies Inc., Germany.

Alex is working at the ARCS Seiberdorf Research GmbH in Austria.

Paul held a postdoc with MIT & Duke University.

Eric is currently working at the DOE.

Mark is Principal Lecturer III in the Physics and Astronomy Department at the University of New Mexico.

Pranaw is a faculty member at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Mohali.

Massoud is now (spring 2003) a Visiting Scientist at Cedars-Sinai in Beverly Hills, which position includes a professorship at UCLA.

Josh left the Air Force Lab and is now (fall 2002) involved in quantum cryptography with NIST in Gaithersburg, MD. He was awarded the Chairman's Prize (2001-02) for Best Dissertation, and UNMs 2003 Popejoy Dissertation Prize.

Gavin is a postdoc w/ the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information at the University of Innsbruck (2006).

Joe is a Research Associate with CASA-Center, Astrophysics &Space Astronomy, at UC-Boulder.

The Lt. Col. began his teaching career at West Point in Aug 2001; by December, he'd been selected as an Academy Professor of Physics (i.e., he will profess physics at West Point throughout his career in the Army).

Tom has returned to UNM (fall 2004) and is a Research Associate Professor w/ NESSI

He has moved again! Tom was initially at MIT, and then he relocated to Pasadena in September '03 to accept a post-doc position at the Infrared Processing and Analysis Center at Caltech. He is now working as an assistant professor at the Morehead State University's Space Science Center , in Kentucky (F:06).

Having started out as a Visiting Assistant Professor or Physics, Brian is now in a tenure-track position at Sam Houston State University, in Huntsville, TX (spring 2006).

Andy is teaching teaching at Northwestern University and Adler Planetarium, with a focus on astronomy education.

Matt is now teaching and doing research at the University of Northern Colorado in Greeley.

Jon has returned to ABQ (Jan 2002), and is working on high power fiber lasers and related issues at Kirtland AFB Lab.

Nichelle is currently at ATK-MR.

Gary is a staff member, Sensor & Systems Technologies, at MIT-Lincoln Lab in Lexington, MA. See his LinkedIn profile.

Jean owns and operates Open Sky Software in Austin, TX.

Glenn has left CalTech for the Big Island! He moved to Hawaii to take up a joint position

Research Scientist (Hydrodynamics and X-Ray Physics) w/ Los Alamos Nat'l Lab

Howard is now a visiting scientist at Perimeter Institute, was a staff member at LANL

Scott is a Research Scientist and Black Mesa Capital in Santa Fe, NM.

Support Scientist at Lick Observatory in Mount Hamilton, CA

Michael is doing free-lance work on methods for enhancing scientific communication and collaboration. See his Wikipedia page.

Los Alamos, NM. See his bio as an Oklahoma State College of Arts and Sciences Alumnus

Christina is Professor of Physics and Astronomy at Hofstra.

Sandia Nat'l Labs
Steven McCready

Optical Scientist with Wavefront Sciences here in Albuquerque

Until Dec. '04, Dan was an Ass't Professor of Physics at the University of Wisconsin -Stevens Point. He left to pursue a law degree at UW-Madison. See his profile at Our Lady of the Falls Catholic Community.

Reinhard is a Senior Internet Software Engineer, at Intel Corporation.

Benn is the Associate Administrator for the National Nuclear Security Administration's Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs, responsible for providing guidance on legislative and policy issues, informing constituencies on matters that impact them, and serving as a liaison between NNSA, Congress, tribal, state, and local governments
Olympia Bakalis
Research Scientist at LANL. See her LinkedIn profile. Mark R. Endicott
J. H. Fletcher and Company, Huntington, West Virginia. See his LinkedIn profile.Christopher Fuchs
Staff Scientist w/ Bell Laboratories-Lucent Technologies, in NJ. See his LinkedIn profileShannon Hall
Member of Senior Professional Staff, System Identification & Modeling Group - PSA (APL), Applied Physics Laboratory at Johns Hopkins University and proud mother of Naomi, who was born in Jan 2003. Lots more to see at the family's home page!Philip Keating
Philip and Nicole welcomed Maeve Erin (above) on 2/15/01, and Finn Aaron (below) on 1/11/04. Philip is Director of Optical Engineering with Confluent Photonics Corp, in Andover, MA. See his LinkedIn profile. Dennis Khetselius 11/17/63-2/7/05
Denis Khetselius, who earned his Ph.D. here in 1996 for his work on the twisting type-N prolongation problem ("Nonlocal Prolongations for the Twisting Type-N Einstein Vacuum Field Equations with One Killing Vector"), and who originally discovered the systen of vector-field-valued PDEs association with s/(2, C), passed away on February 7th. Although he had a rough month - spending about 3 out of the last 4 weeks in Presbyterian Hospital - friends said that he sounded energetic and upbeat the last night...glad to be home and not in a hospital bed. He spent most of the evening helping a friend with some physics problems.
Chuck Gasparovic, a colleague with the SoM, wrote:"I think that all of us who had contact with Denis - whether when he was imposingly strapping and healthy or after he was severely debilitated by ameloidosis - realized almost immediately what a fine human being he was - so intelligent, yet always humble and always thinking of those around him. He certainly suffered, both physically and psychologically, in these last few years of his disease. Yet he would always greet you with a smile, ask about your family, and want to talk about science, politics, hockey, anything but feeling sorry for himself. His strength was incredible. His mother, who lost her husband to the same disease, is, of course, grief stricken, but dealing with it."

Associate Scientist Algorithm Development Hyseq, Inc.See his research works on Research Gate.

Currently a scientist with the Naval Surface Warfare Center, US Navy, Maryland (2021) See his LinkedIn profile.

See his LinkedIn profile.

Lt. Col. Dahlhauser is assistant air attache with the U.S. Embassy in London. He was previously conducting research in laser heterodyne techniques for the Air Force Office of Scientific Research at the Forschungsintitut für Optik in Tübingen, Germany

(see also PhD-Optical Sciences, 1995) Victor is now Program Manager, Senior Research Scientist, Air Force Research Laboratory - Directed Energy Directorate, Optics Analysis - AFRL/DESA, at Kirtland AFB here in ABQ. He was elected to the grade of Fellow of SPIE in December 2005. See his LinkedIn profile.

Emcore Corp Bridgewater, NJ. See his profile on IEEE Xplore.
Steven M. Long

Ed is now (6/04) a Technical Staff Member with T-13, Complex Systems-Theoretical Division, at LANL. He and spouse Melinda Baker, an artist, live in Santa Fe. See his website, In Light of Nature.

Physicist w/ Brookhaven National Lab. See his LinkedIn profile.

Donna has been a Consultant in Medical Physics here in Albuquerque, but she and her spouse are relocating to Brooklyn, NY, in May 2006, to be closer to family members. See her LinkedIn profile.

Associate Professor with the Dept of Physics, USAFA. See his Colorado College bio.

See his LinkedIn profile.
William T. Brown
Applied Research Associates, Alexandria, VA.
See him on Facebook.Melissa Douglas
Sandia Nat'l Labs
See her LinkedIn profile. Read the article Her computational predictions help guide experiments at Z.
Michael Fikani
Research Scientist (Advanced Accelerator Applications) at LANL. See his LinkedIn profile and his Facebook page.Mary Zayin Fuka
President of Quetzal Computational Associates, and Wild Rose Biophysics; she lives in Durango, CO. See her on Research Gate.Shawn M. Gordon
President of S. M. Gordon & Associates, a firm that supplies HP 3000 utilities
See his LinkedIn profile.Bryan Laubscher
Bryan is the president and founder of Odysseus Technologies in Olympia Washing where he resides with his wife, Ann Sabotta. See his LinkedIn profile.Michael Ledlow 10/1/64-6/6/04
Michael Ledlow, staff astronomer at Gemini South, died suddenly in Denver on Saturday June 5th, 2004.
Michael had just attended the Gemini Science 2004 Conference in Vancouver and was on vacation with his family in Colorado.
Michael was born in Bartlesville, Oklahoma on October 1st, 1964. He obtained his Bachelor’s Degree in astrophysics at the University of Oklahoma in 1987, and attended UNM for his graduate work. He obtained his Ph.D under Steve Gregory and Frazer Owen in 1994. Michael joined Gemini in June 2000 as a Gemini Science Fellow and was promoted to a tenure track astronomer in 2001.
Michael led an active life as a Gemini astronomer supporting both the community and his research career studying distant galaxies and galaxy clusters. His infrared work at Gemini South was instrumental in complementing research by the team leader, Dr. William Keel with the University of Alabama, and Dr. Frazer Owen with the National Radio Astronomy Observatory. Through a combination of radio, optical and infrared observations, they confirmed the existence of a giant, subatomic particle jet streaming from a spiral galaxy similar to the Milky Way. The galaxy, known as 0313-192, first came to the attention of Dr. Owen more than 20 years ago during a galaxy survey he conducted using the Very Large Array (VLA).
Michael’s untimely death is a tragic loss for his family, the Gemini Observatory and the astronomical community. He was beloved by many and will be greatly missed. Michael is survived by his wife Cheryl, two young daughters Alexandria and Abigail, and three step-daughters as well as numerous other family members.
See his obituary in the astrophysics data system and on the International Gemini Observatory website.
To the family and friends of Michael Ledlow: What a shock to receive the announcement from the UNM PandA alumni exploder of Michael's untimely death. Michael and I overlapped for a short time while I was finishing my Ph.D. with Jack Burns at UNM. He had started out with Jack as well, but I think it was when Jack left UNM for Las Cruces that Michael started working more closely with Fraser Owen.
My overlap with Mike"Redrow" was long enough to have gained a wonderful rapport with an incredibly gentle man. I shall always remember him for his easy smile, his gentle demeanour, and his quiet brilliance. He shared an office with myself, my wife to be (Jodi Asbell, who also sends her condolences), and with a mutual friend, Jun-Hui Zhao, whose pronounciation of Michael's last name gave Michael his office nickname.
My deepest condolences go out to his young family, his colleagues, his friends, his parents, and of course his wife. It breaks my heart to think his children have had their father ripped away from them at such a young age, and the only compensation I can think of is that Michael was such a principled and compassionate man, that he has likely imparted upon his children more of himself in his short time with them than many parents are able to do in a full lifetime.
God speed, Michael.
David Clarke (UNM class of 1988)
Robert Pastel
Ass't Professor of Computer Science at Michigan Tech
See his website and his faculty bio.
Lian Cheng Zou
Technology Development Division at Argonne Nat'l Lab, Naperville, IL
Hans-Jorg Deeg
Based in Tenerife, his research is now focused on the detection of extrasolar planets. His wife (m. 1998), a native of nearby LaPalma Island, is a professor of psychology at La Laguna University. (NEWS RELEASE)
See his website and a description of his research.Maj. Susan E. Durham
USAF Space Warfare Center, Fairfax VA
See her bio.Monica Halka
Monica is the Associate Director of the Honors Program at Georgia Tech where she is an experimental physicist specializing in the interaction of light with atoms. She recently completed work on a set of six volumes on the periodic table of elements, received education grant funding from NSF, and was selected by NASA as an astronaut candidate. See her Amazon author page.
Pamela King Benicewicz
Pam was appointed as Associate VP of Research at the University of South Carolina.
Rob Price
Rob is with Geomatics Data Management, and he's fortunate to be able to work out of his home...gazing out at the mountains in Canmore, Alberta, Canada. He and Heather have been joined by Sarah and Matthew. See his LinkedIn profile.
Theodore Salvi
Logicon RDA, Albuquerque. See his listing on ScholarGPS.John Chrysostom Stasko
Started out as Senior Research Scientist with Ford Motor Co., Dearborn, MI; then worked on a CERN Project at the University of Florida, Gainesville. He received an MD and worked in Wisconsin. As of 2011, he is the Chief Technology Officer with Applied Filter Technology in Seattle, WA. In 2013, John got hired by Lindberg Associates as a process engineer where he is working on research problems in physical chemistry as well as doing general engineering work. Currently, John is working as a professional engineer in chemical engineering designing sulfur dioxide plants as well as white liquor oxidation plants. In 2020, John moved to Ust-Ilimsk Siberia/Russia. Andreas Stintz
Research Assistant Professor with the Center for High Tech Materials, here at UNM Takahiro"Tak" Tsutsumi
Tak is currently (Sept 2005) living in Socorro and working at NRAO as a Japanese representative for the joint software development effort with the ALMA project. See his listing on the National Radio Astronomy Observatory website.Xin Miao Zhao
Cirrus Logic, Austin, TX. See her LinkedIn profile.
Bruce M. KemmellBruce teaches physics and mathematics at the College of Santa Fe (2006).

We are sorry to report that John died January 5, 2010 of a massive hemmorrhage. His wife Mary Fuka and her brother were with him. John was recovering from a fractured skull but seemed to be improving until the hemorrhage. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all family and friends of John. He will be missed.
Lee Zhung Wang
Naval Health Research Center, San Diego, CA
Malcolm W. Wright
Optical Communications Group, Jet Propulsion Lab CalTech, Pasadena
Bartram S. Abbott
Round Rock, TX
Melynda L Brooks
Technical Staff, Sub- atomic Physics, at LANL. See her LinkedIn profile.
Ximing Fan
Richardson, TX Ilias Fernini
Assistant Professor at United Emirates University
See his Faculty bio.
Chibing Xu
Saginaw, MI
Phillip Harris
A senior lecturer at the University of Sussex; he and spouse Lisa have two sons, Daniel and Alexander (b.2002). Karl Dean Larson
Senior Scientist at Arion Systems, Inc.
See his LinkedIn profile.
Jhy-Ming Luo
Department of Medicine III, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Japan
Amir Hossein Mohagheghi
Sandia Nat'l Lab See his LinkedIn profile.
T. David Nichols
owner/operator of Heliotrope Quality Systems (website design, database solutions, and search engine placement); just relocated from NM to Virginia (Dec 02).
Ismail Saleh Sabbah
Dept of Physics, Faculty of Science with Kuwait University. See his LinkedIn profile.
Honglu Wu
Space radiation and space radiation biology research at NASA Johnson Space Center; he is also an adjunct faculty member of the University of Houston, Clear Lake, Physics Department. See his profile on ResearchGate.
Jun-Hui Zhao
Jun-Hui is a Research Scientist w/ the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. He and DanLi, a Computer Engineer w/ Broad Vision, live in Massachusetts.

Technical Director of the LITE Program at AFRL, Kirtland AFB, ABQ
Kyle J. Hendricks
SNL - Along with fellow members of the Narrow Band Source Team, Dr. Hendricks received the Air Force's Science and Engineering Award for Exploratory and Advanced Technology Development in Feb. 2002. See his profile on IEEE.
Jong-Dae Park
Dept of Physics and Natural Science Research Center at Paichai University, Korea. See his LinkedIn profile.

CEO of Gratings, Inc., a spinoff corporation of CHTM. See his LinkedIn profile.
Fang Xiao Zhao

ThermoTrex Corp San Diego, CA See his profile on the Grace Mission University staff list.

Professor of Physics at St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia; engaged to Jodi Asbell (M.S.-UNM, 1989)...6/04.
Robert I. Lawconnell
Robert conducts research at the USAFAs Seiler Research Laboratory; he lives in Monument, CO.
Raymond W. Lemke
Z-Pinch and Target Theory Dept., Sandia National Labs

Eric is currently the Chair of the Computer Science Department at the Harker School in San Jose, California. See his LinkedIn profile.

Associate Professor of Physics, specializing in optoelectronics, at UNC-Charlotte
Robert G. Spulak, Jr.
Senior analyst at the Strategic Studies Center, Sandia Nat'l Labs, Albuquerque
Nackchin Sung
Wonkwang University, Republic of Korea
Antonio Corvo
Research Manager, Systran Corp, Dayton, Ohio; AF Retired 1998
Glen H. Daw
Glen is a triathelete who works at Kaman Aerospace Corp, Electro-Optics Development Center in Tucson, AZ.
Mark A. Dreger
United Technologies, Albuquerque. See his Google Profile.

Sandia Labs, ABQ
Ju Hwan Kang
Dept of Physics, Yonsei University, Seoul
James R. Rotge
Rockwell Power Systems, Albuquerque

Professor of physics and astronomy at Western Washington University in Bellingham
Mohammad Yousaf
Alhuda Islamic Academy, Westborough, MA, and Principal Software Engineer at Open Market Inc.

Department Chair and Professor of Physics at the University of Maine. See his profile on the Universi.

Now owner/operator of EngineeredPhysics in Santa Fe (fall 2004).
Lonni C. Harrison
Kie Gon Im
Professor of Physics at Chonnam National University, Kwangju, Korea
Gregory E. Obarski
Optoelectronics Division-Sources and Detectors, NIST-Boulder
Leno M. Pedrotti
Professor of Physics at the University of Dayton
James F. Riker
Paul S. Smith
Associate Astronomer at Steward Observatory, Univ of Arizona, and NOAO Tucson Nighttime Scientific Staff
Harro AckermannRockwell Int'l, KAFB
Brian H. Fishbine
Robert T. Heaphy
Sandia Nat'l Labs, and consultant to New Mexico Engineering Research Institute ( NMERI)
John M. Rabins
Town & Country Optical, Colorado Springs, CO
Randolph A. Reeder
Aerospace Engineering Dept., University of Colorado at Boulder

Professor of Physics, Adjunct Professor of Neuroscience, and SPS Faculty Advisor at Washington & Jefferson College, Washington, PA

Associate Director for Defense Threat Reduction at LANL (Jan. 2005); formerly Phillips Research Site commander and deputy director of the Directed Energy Directorate; Colonel Beason was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2000.
Kenneth B. Butterfield
Los Alamos, NM

Research Staff with Lawrence Berkeley Nat'l Lab
Robert W. Dunn
Professor of Physics at Hendrix College in Conway, AR
Joanna Lenar Jannson
President and CEO of Physical Optics Corp , Torrance, CA

Director of the Quantum Optics Group , Dept of Chemical Physics, at the Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel

Professor of Physics at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville; Julio was named a 2004 APS Fellow for his contributions to the understanding of quantum- mechanical effects in the interaction of light with matter, and for his valuable service to the physics community as an associate editor of Physical Review A.
Paul A. Heckert
Professor with the Dept of Chemistry and Physics at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC. He and Sue have three"kids"

Radiation Physics at U/Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, and affiliated with the Medical Physics Graduate Program at the Health Sciences Center - Houston
Abdullatif Ibrahim Salamah
College of Computer & Information Sciences, King Saud Univ, Saudi Arabia
James A. LupoAir Force Research Lab, Materials & Manufacturing Directorate
Eugene S. Hertel, Jr.
Manager, Thermal & Reactive Processes Department at Sandia Nat'l Labs
Alan H. Paxton Deceased January 22, 2024
Sr. Research Physicist working on high-average-power-laser development for the Air Force Research Laboratory. Organizer of an annual conference at SPIE Photonics West. He and wife Merideth live here in Albuquerque (Dec. 2016).
See his obituary.
Stephanie A. Sonnleitner
Boulder Creek, CA Richard E. Swanson
Committee Chair, AIP Advisory Committee on The Industrial Physicist, as well as Physics Professor and Dean of Instruction at Sandhills Community College, in Pinehurst, NC.
Charles A. FrostCEO of Pulse Power Physics, Inc., Albuquerque
Federica Zangrando
Federica is with the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory (award-winning Geothermal Research Team member), in Golden, CO.
Alvin R. Larson
Los Alamos, NM
Robert G. Wenzel
Santa Fe, NM
Michael J. CostelloMichael is Principal Scientist with Boeing, Anaheim, CA; he is married to Carol, plays keyboards in 'Watermelon,' a local blues band, and enjoys watching daughter Karen, 15, grow into a beautiful young woman.
Alan L. Dudley
Spectra Research Institute, Albuquerque

Naval Research Lab Washington, D.C.
Ted D. Rupp
Honeywell FM (Retired)
Mohammad Hassan Sharifian-Attar
Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran
Willard R. Thomas
ARES Corporation, ABQ
Gholam-Hossein Toutounchi
Hossein teaches intro physics at Cy-Fair College in Cypress, TX.
Roger D. CarliniCEBAF Associate Professor w/ William and Mary / Thomas Jefferson Nat'l Accelerator Facility in Virginia.
Reza Hashemi
(Hashemi-Attar Ali-Reza) Senior Consultant for Information Systems & Technology, and lecturer withPart-time Programs in Engineering and Applied Science at Johns Hopkins Institutions, Homewood Campus
Yao-Tang Liao
Institute of Organic and Polymeric Materials, National Taipei University of Technology
Leo J. Rahal
Geo-Centers, Inc., ABQ
Constantine CassapakisPresident of L'Garde,Inc., Tustin, CA - the company analyzes, designs, manufactures, tests and flies inflatable space structural systems. (Retired)
Philip J. CooperSandia Nat'l Labs
Kailash C. Dhingra
Physics instructor at both UCSD and SDSU
Bruce C. Goplen
Original author of the MAGIC software; now with Mission Research Corporation Newington, VA
Richard A. Harris
Mission Research Corp here in Albuquerque
Paul A. Lovoi
President and CEO of Xoft microTube, Inc., Fremont, CA
Richard H. St.John
Mission Research Corp, ABQ
Ellery Storm 3/10/1924-7/4/1989
Ellery and his wife Bernice worked at Los Alamos until his death due to Parkinson's Disease; they had 17 great-grandchildren.
Thomas R. Fergusond.2005
(Frank) Fun Min Wu
Frank was with the Space Sciences Center at USC, and he now lives in Sierra Madre, CA.

Executive Director of the New Mexico Consortium for Bioresearch (Dept of Health, SNL, and UNM)

Still playing the banjo while practicing neurology in Yamhill County, Oregon; m.Charlee D.Banks in 1996

Sr. Staff Physicist and Community Relations at LANL; president of the Seaborg Hall of Science (non-profit education and research institution dedicated to providing public services to Navajo communities in science and technology). His biography first aired on NOVA in 1979 in"Long Walk Of Fred Young"; in 2002 Fred was named a recipient of the UNM ZIA Award sponsored by the UNM Alumni Association. Dr. Begay passed away on April 30, 2013. A SACNAS founding member, physicist,and tireless advocate for diversity in the sciences, he will be greatly missed.

Professor of Physics at Whitworth College, Colbert, WA
George A. Kuck
Senior Manager, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace Corp., Westminster, CA
Albert BrunstingHe has had a long and successful career in medical diagnostic instrumentation, and now lives in Naperville, IL.
David N. Glidden
Albuquerque Academy Science & Computer Science Department faculty member
James R. Place
Physics / Astrophysics instructor at ABQ-TVI

Chairman of Solar Energy Ltd. in Los Alamos
Marvin L. ChatkoffProvided expert testimony against Houston Power & Light in the mid-80s re
Ray Engelke
Stuart F. Hayes
Pleasanton, CA
Pyung Sky Ro
James D. Cramer, August 4, 1937 — December 28, 2017
CEO of Science & Engineering Associates, Inc., Albuquerque
See his obituary.
Stephen J.Dalich
San Diego, CA
Carl G. Murphy
VP of Technology for Accord Solutions, Inc. , in San Diego; he led the development of a multi- threaded, VLIW architecture and chip design that used multiple thread-based register sets.
Jacqueline Hope Hill EricksenPlacitas, NM
David G. Miller
Jerome G. BeeryAlbuquerque / Los Alamos
Ray Pollock, Jr.
Ray and Neva live in Gettysburg, PA
Donald S. Robb, 1929-1988
Edwin L. VandeNoord
Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp, Boulder, CO
Donald R. Wheeler
NASA Glenn Research Center, Instrumentation and Controls Division, Cleveland, OH
John H. Wolcott
Vice President of Karta Technologies, Inc., San Antonio, TX
Delmar W. BergenNuclear physicist / Nuclear Weapons Control with U.S. Government - SALT Treaty negotiator, now residing in Albuquerque
Winifred Doyle Evans

Vice President of Intellectual Property and Research with Candescent Technologies Corp , San Jose, CA

Distinguished University Professor of Physics at Pacific University in Oregon, and author of a nationally used textbook, Physics of Everyday Phenomena.
Michael D. Montgomery
Santa Fe
Darryl B. Smith
Los Alamos, NM

Dr. Palms became the 26th President of the University of South Carolina in 1991; he retired from that position in June (2002) in order to run for the U.S.Senate. He and Norma (they've been married for 44 years) have 3 children and 9 grandchildren. See his Wikipedia entry.

Professor in the Dept of Physics at the University of Minnesota-Duluth
Dale D. ArmstrongGrapevine, TX

President of Senior Scientific, Inc., located here in Albuquerque
Russell G. Herron
d. 1989
Carl E. Scheie
VP and Sr. Research Associate of Golf Technology with Wilson Sporting Goods Co., Rosemont, IL
E. Royce Fletcherretired from the Lovelace Institutes (TLI), formerly Lovelace Biomedical Education and Environmental Research Institute, Albuquerque
Martin S. Tierney
Now retired from SNL, Martin and Gaile live in Santa Fe.
John F. BarnesLANL retiree living in Santa Fe (summer 2003)
James A. Grundl
NIST - Ionizing Radiation Division, Gaithersburg, MD

Retired nuclear physicist Nobles has been the leading figure in preventing development on Bair Island, a 3,000-acre tract of islands and tidal marshes in the southern portion of the San Francisco Bay (see Metro Publishing news article). He is also a San Mateo County Planning Commissioner and chairman of Restore San Francisco Bay Associates. Ralph and Carolyn live in Redwood City, CA (July 03). See his obituary.
William E. Stein, May 30, 1924 - Sept. 17, 2014
Principal of Industrial Radiation, Inc., Los Alamos
See his obituary.Crawford J. MacCallum
Adjunct Prof here at UNM
James R. Barcus9/30/1930-1/3/1988
The Barcus Glacier, in the Hutton Mountains, was named by US-ACAN for James R. Barcus, who was an ionospheric physics researcher at Byrd Station in the summers 1966-67 and 1967-68.
Albert Goodman
Scientific/Business Consultant, president of Wizard Technologies, Inc., here in Albuquerque

Colbert, WA
See his obituary
Robert T. Lofberg September 16, 1922 - July 30, 2013
El Paso, TX. See his obituary.
James F. KenneyHouston, TX

Professor Emerita of Physics, ENMU. She was recognized in 2017 for the New Mexico Network for Women in Science and Engineering Lifetime Achievement IMPACT! Award.
John W. Bond, Jr.Lakeland, FL

Geophysicist and former CEO of Petrosoft (software adaptations). Deceased April 22, 2007. See his obituary.
George ("Bill") William Rollosson, October 13, 1923 - February 25, 2012
Sandia Labs 1952-65, SR International 1965-69, Menlo College in Atherton CA 1969-91; lived in Fort Collins, Colorado. See his obituary.
David Pomeroy 1897-1974He wrote the first UNM Dept of Physics & Astronomy doctoral dissertation (1950). Dr. Pomeroy subsequently taught at the University of Florida, Gainesville, and conducted research at the Army Medical Research Lab, Fort Knox.