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The P&A library, located in PAÍS room 3409 contains 3805 items available for loan, to faculty, staff, and students of the department.

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Author Title Status Due Call #
Wagner, D. Introduction to the Theory of Magnetism In
SM 4523
Wagner, Henry N. Jr. [Editor] Principles of Nuclear Medicine In
BP 8504
Wahl, Eberhard W. A 700 mb Atlas for the Northern Hemisphere In
GS 5506- CSE Library
Wait, James R. Electromagnetics and Plasmas In
SM 9011
Waite, J. H. [Editor] Solar System Plasma Physics (Geophysical Monograph, 54) In
AS 2814
Wald, Robert M. General Relativity Out Nov 12, 2017 ME 8023
Wald, Robert M. General Relativity Out Nov 12, 2017 ME 8023
Walecka, John Dirk Fundamentals of Statistical Mechanics In
SM 7019
Walker Spectroscopes In
SM 2012
Walker, James Callan Gray Evolution of the Atmosphere In
GS 2310
Wallace, Andrew H. Differential Topology: First Steps In
MA 5507
Wallace, Arthur & Fenster, Saul K. Mechanics In
GP 4115
Wallace, Philip R. Mathematical Analysis of Physical Problems In
GP 6015
Wallace, Philip R. Mathematical Analysis of Physical Problems In
GP 6015b
Wallerstein, George [Ed.] Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun Vol. 9 (Sixth Cambridge Workshop) In
AS 3060
Wang, Yen CRC Handbook of Radioactive Nuclides In
BP 8505
Wannier, Gregory H. Elements of Solid State Theory In
SM 4026
Wannier, Gregory H. Statistical Physics In
SM 6819
Warner, Brian Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, 1820-1831: The Founding of a Colonial Observatory: Incorporating a Biography of Fearon Fallows In
AS 7527
Warner, Frank Wilson Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie groups In
MA 5726
Watson, Bernard B. [Editor] Delayed Effects of Whole-Body Radiation, The: A Symposium In
BP 8515
Watson, James D. Molecular Biology of the Gene In
SM 3803
Watson, James D. Double Helix, The: A Personal Account of the Discovery of the Structure of DNA In
SM 1301
Watson, William Heriot Understanding Physics Today In
GP 2113
Waynant, Ronald W. Electro-Optics Handbook In
EM 8704
Weart, Spencer R. [Editor] History of Physics (Readings from Physics Today, No 2) In
GP 2509
Weatherburn, Charles Ernest Elementary Vector Analysis In
MA 7419
Weatherburn, Charles Ernest Advanced Vector Analysis In
MA 7418
Webb, Thomas William Celestial Objects for Common Telescopes In
AS 7516
Webb, Willis L. Structure of the Stratosphere and Mesosphere In
GS 5505
Weber General Relativity and Gravitational Waves In
ME 8900
Weber, Joe Oscilloscope Probe Circuits In
EM 4008 G
Weber, Joseph General Relativity and Gravitational Waves In
ME 8332
Weber, Robert L. Pioneers of Science: Nobel Prize Winners in Physics In
GP 2900
Webster, Arthur Gordon Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics In
MA 3307a
Wehr, M. Russell & Richards, James A. Jr. Physics of the Atom In
SM 1603
Weidner, Richard T. Physics In
GP 4117
Weidner, Richard T. Solutions Manual: Elementary Modern Physics 3E In
QP 1741
Weidner, Richard T. Solutions Manual to Accompany Elementary Modern Physics 3E In
GP 4709
Weidner, Richard T. & Sells, Robert L. Elementary Modern Physics In
QP 1709
Weinberg, Steven Quantum Theory of Fields, Vol. III (The): Supersymmetry In
QP 3449c
Weinberg, Steven Facing Up: Science and Its cultural adversaries In
AS 5208
Weinberg, Steven Gravitation and Cosmology: Principles and Applications of the General Theory of Relativity In
ME 8025
Weinberg, Steven Gravitation and Cosmology In
ME 8015
Weinrich, Gabriel Solids: Elementary Theory for Advanced Students In
SM 4012
Weisbuch, Claude & Vinter, Borge Quantum Semiconductor Structures In
EM 8505
Weise, Wolfram Pions and Nuclei (International Series of Monographs on Physics, 74) In
QP 7812
Weisskopf, V. F. [Editor] Nuclear Physics In
QP 4311
Weitler, W. Quantum Theory of Radiation, The In
QP 3406a
Welch, Dan Spectrum Analyzer In
EM 4008 K
Welford, W. T. Aberrations of the Symmetrical Optical System In
EM 6802
Wells, Dare A. Theory and Problems of Physics for Engineering and Science In
GP 4712
Wells, Dare A. Theory and Problems of Lagrangian Dynamics (Schaum's Outline Series) In
ME 1805.1
Wentzel, Gregor Quantum Theory of Fields In
QP 3419a
Werle, J Relativistic Theory of Reactions (model independent methods) In
QP 4608
Werle, J. Relativistic Theory of Reactions In
QP 3603
Werle, J. Relativistic Theory of Reactions In
ME 7500
Wertheim, Gunther K. Missbauer Effect: Principles and Applications In
QP 8316
Wess, Julius Supersymmetry and Supergravity In
QP 3815
West, Peter C. Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity In
QP 3806
West, Peter C. Introduction to Supersymmetry and Supergravity In
QP 3822
Westman, H. P. Reference Data for Radio Engineers 5E In
EM 4011
Weyl, Hermann Space-Time-Matter In
ME 8011
Weyl, Hermann Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics, The In
QP 3105a
Weyl, Hermann Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics, The In
QP 3104
Weyl, Hermann Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics, The In
QP 3105
Weyl, Hermann Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics, The In
QP 3105a
Weyl, Hermann Symmetry In
GP 2135
Weyl, Hermann Symmetry In
GP 2111
Weyl, Hermann Concept of a Riemann Surface, The In
MA 2403
Wheeler, John Archibald Geometrodynamics In
ME 8306
Whipple, Fred Lawrence Harvard Books on Astronomy (The): Earth, Moon and Planets In
AS 1200
Whipple, Fred Lawrence Earth, Moon, and Planets In
AS 3000
White, A. [Editor] Symposium on Anomalies, Geometry, and Topology In
MA 5509
White, Clayton S. & Lovelace, W. Randolph II et al [Editors] Aviation Medicine; Selected Reviews. (Lovelace Foundation for Medical Education) In
BP 2004
White, Harvey Elliott Introduction to At In
White, Harvey Elliott Introduction to Atomic Spectra In
SM 2006
White, Harvey Elliott Introduction to Atomic Spectra In
SM 2006b
White, Harvey Elliott Solutions Manual to Accompany Jenkins/White Fundamentals of Optics 4E In
EM 7027- CSE Library
Whitehead, J. R. Modern Radio Technique In
EM 4505
Whitham, Gerald Beresford Linear and Nonlinear Waves In
ME 4412
Whittaker Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies In
ME 1818
Whittaker, E. T. & Watson, G. N. A Course of Modern Analysis 4E Out Dec 12, 2014 MA 4400
Whittaker, E. T. & Watson, G. N. Modern Analysis In
Whittaker, E.T., and Watson, G.N. A Course of Modern Analysis In
MA 4014b
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor A Course of Modern Analysis [Microform] : An Introduction to the General Theory of Infinite Series and of Analytic Functions (with an account of the principal transcendental functions) In
MA 4014
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor A Treatise on the Analytical Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies (with an Introduction to the Problem of Three Bodies) In
ME 1815
Wichmann, Eyvind H. Quantum Physics: Solutions Manual In
GP 4004
Wichmann, Eyvind H. Quantum Physics: Berkeley Physics Course, Vol. 4 In
GP 4004D
Wick, David Infamous Boundary, The: Seven Decades of Controversy in Quantum Physics In
QP 2801
Widder, David Vernon Laplave Transform, The In
MA 4110
Wieder, Sol An Introduction to Solar Energy for Scientists and Engineers In
GS 9500
Wieder, Sol Foundations of Quantum Theory, The In
QP 1313
Wiener, Norbert Differential space quantum systems, and predcition In
MA 8801a
Wiener, Norbert Generalized Harmonic Analysis, and Tauberian Theorems In
MA 4111
Wiese, W. L. & Smith, M. W. et al Atomic Transition Probabilities, Vol. 1: Hydrogen Through Neon In
SM 2502c
Wigner, Eugene Paul Symmetries and Reflections: Scientific essays of Eugene P. Wigner In
QP 1306
Wigner, Eugene Paul Gruppentheorie und ihre Anwendung auf die Quantenmechanik der Atomspektren In
QP 3125
Wigner, Eugene Paul Group Theory and Its Application to the Quantum Mechanics of Atomic Spectra In
QP 3106a
Wilczek, Frank Longing for the Harmonies: Themes and Variations from Modern Physics In
QP 1307
Wild, J. Henry An Introduction to Scientific German In
MIS 1008
Wilkinson, D. H. International Series of Monographs on Physics, The In
QP 3406
Wilkinson, Walter D. Uranium Metallurgy In
SM 3721- CSE Library
Wilkinson, Walter D. Uranium Metallurgy In
SM 3720- CSE Library
Wilkinson, Walter D. & Murphy, Walter F. Nuclear Reactor Metallurgy In
QP 9110
Wilks, J. Introduction to Liquid Helium In
SM 5603
Will, Clifford M. Was Einstein right? : Putting General Relativity to the Test In
ME 8905- CSE Library
Will, Clifford M. Theory and Experiment in Gravitational Physics In
ME 8904
Willard, Hobart Hurd & Furman, N. Howell et al Elements of Quantitative Analysis: Theory and Practice In
SM 3711
William A. Hiltner Astronomical Techniques In
Williams Tasi Lectures In
QP 4343
Williams, W. Ewart Applications of Interferometry In
EM 7818
Williams, W. S. C. An Introduction to Elementary Particles In
QP 4004A
Williams, W. S. C. An Introduction to Elementary Particles In
QP 4004B
Williams, W. S. C. An Introduction to Elementary Particles In
QP 4004C
Williamson, Mark Communications Satellite, The In
GS 2609
Williamson, Samuel J. Fundamentals of Air Pollution In
GS 5512
Willmore, Thomas J. An Introduction to Differential Geometry In
MA 5723
Willmore, Thomas J. An Introduction to Differential Geometry In
MA 5723a
Wilson Instructor's Resource Manual for Physics Lab Experiments In
Gp 5110
Wilson, A. J. C. X-Ray Optics In
SM 4727-
Wilson, E. Bright, Jr An Introduction to Scientific Research In
GP 5405
Wilson, Edgar Bright Jr. & Decius, J. C. et al Molecular Vibrations: The Theory of Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra In
SM 3206-1
Wilson, Edgar Bright Jr. & Decius, J. C. et al Molecular Vibrations: The Theory of Infrared and Raman Vibrational Spectra In
SM 3206-2
Wilson, Edwin Bidwell Advanced Calculus In
MA 2127
Wilson, J.G. [Editor] Progress in Cosmic Ray Physics In
QP 6517
Wilson, Jerry D. Physics Laboratory Experiments In
GP 5109
Wilson, Richard Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction, The In
QP 5702
Wineland, Wieman & Smith Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions 14 (Proceedings of the 14th International Conference of Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Boulder, CO, 1994) In
SM 1106 K
Wing, George Milton An Introduction to Transport Theory In
SM 8807
Wing, George Milton An Introduction to Transport Theory In
SM 8807a
Winsor, Frederick Space Child's Mother Goose, The (Illustrations by Marian Parry) In
GP 2112
Winterhalter, Daniel [Editor] Solar Wind 8 (Proceedings of the 8th International Solar Wind Conference Dana Point California 1995, Conference Proceeding Ser. ; Vol. 382) In
AS 2536
Wirsching, Paul H. & Murdock, John W. Engineering Mechanics Vol. 2: Dynamics In
ME 1836
Wit, B. de & Fayet, P. & Nieuwenhuizen, P. van Supersymmetry and Supergravity '84 (Proceedings of the Trieste Spring School 4-14 April, 1984) In
QP 3803
Wit, B. de & Smith, J. Field Theory in Particle Physics, Vol. 1 In
QP 3438
Witten, Louis Gravitation: An Introduction to Current Research In
ME 8336
Wolf, Stuart A. Novel Superconductivity In
SM 5506
Wolfram, Stephen A New Kind of Science In
GP 2310
Woltjer, Lodewijk [Editor] Distribution and Motion of Interstellar Matter in Galaxies, The (Proceedings of a conference held at the Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey, April 10 to 20, 1961) In
AS 4718
Wood Crystals and Light In
Wood, Elizabeth A. Crystals and Light In
SM 4708- CSE Library
Wood, Elizabeth A. Crystals and Light: An Introduction to Optical Crystallography In
SM 4728
Woodgate & Sandars Atomic Physics 2 (Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Atomic Physics, July 21-24, 1970, Oxford) In
SM 1106B
Woodgate, B. Energetic Phenomena on the Sun (Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Vol 153) In
AS 2538
Woodruff, L. F. Principles Of Electric Power Transmission In
GS 9009
Woolard, Edgar William Spherical Astronomy In
AS 2022
Workshop on Grand Unification 1986 Toyama University)/ Arafune, Jiro (Edit Seventh Workshop on Grand Unification/Icoban '86: Toyama University, Japan, April 16-18, 1986 In
QP 3912
Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos 1982 Javea, International Proceedings of the Eighth International Workshop on Weak Interactions and Neutrinos In
QP 5817
Worthing, Archie G. Heat In
SM 6517
Wouterloot, Jan Large-Scale Structure of Molecular Clouds, The In
AS 4518- CSE Library
Wright, D. A. Semi-Conductors In
SM 4524
Wright, J. C. Metallurgy in Nuclear Power Technology In
QP 9112- CSE Library
Wright, J. K. Shock Tubes In
EM 4510
Wu, Chien-Shiung & Moszkowski, S. A. Beta Decay In
QP 5806
Wu, Ta-you & Ohmura, Takashi Quantum Theory of Scattering In
QP 4609
Wybourne, Brian G. Classical Groups for Physicists In
MA 7136
Wybourne, Brian G. Symmetry Principles and Atomic Spectroscopy In
SM 2010-
Wyld, H. W. Mathematical Methods for Physics In
MA 4013
Wyllie, Peter J. Way the Earth Works, The : An Introduction to the New Global Geology and Its Revolutionary Development In
GS 3202
Author Title Status Due Call #

0-9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z