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The path towards medium-scale all-optical quantum networks

Thursday November 9, 2023
3:30 pm

 Presenter:  Krister Shalm (NIST)
 Series:  CQuIC Seminars
 Abstract:  Quantum networks are required for distributing quantum states over long distances in order to overcome loss. A high-quality quantum network would enable new classes of secure communications protocols, the linking of remote quantum processors, and distributed entangled sensors. Such a high-quality network does not yet exist. The lack of efficient memories, transduction, and high-rate near-deterministic sources of entangled photons are some of the major obstacles that must be overcome.

I'll talk about a new path-entanglement scheme that our team at NIST Boulder has been developing that we believe will enable the first truly scalable all-optical quantum networks. Using technologies that exist today, we are aiming to build longer range quantum links capable of distributing high-fidelity and low-loss entanglement over distances of hundreds of kilometers at high rates using multiple heralded repeater steps. We are currently working on our next-generation path-entangled sources, detectors, link-stabilization techniques, and optical memories that will allow us to build a small-scale prototype quantum network that can be used to carry out quantum communications protocols that have a provable quantum advantage.
 Web Site:    https:/ / cquic.unm.edu/ events/ cquic-seminar/ index.html
 Location:  PAIS-2540, PAIS

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