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The thermodynamics of oscillating neutrinos

Tuesday November 7, 2023
2:00 pm

 Presenter:  Luke Johns (LANL)
 Series:  Nuclear, Particle, Astroparticle and Cosmology (NUPAC) Seminars
 Abstract:   After 30+ years of effort, we still lack credible predictions of the neutrino oscillations that occur in extreme stellar events like supernovae and neutron-star mergers. Why has the problem remained open for so long? This talk proposes that what we have been missing is a thermodynamic theory of oscillating neutrinos. We will outline the theory and indicate how it might be used to make predictions. Overall, the viewpoint here is that neutrino mass raises fundamental questions not only for particle physics (which it does by demanding content beyond the Standard Model) but for statistical physics as well.
 Web Site:    https:/ / unm.zoom.us/ j/ 94141126387
 Host:  David Camarena
 Location:  PAIS-3205, PAIS

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