
IonSim: A lightweight Julia package for simulating trapped-ion dynamics

Presenting Author: Neil Glikin, University of California Berkeley
Contributing Author(s): Joseph Broz, Kunal Marwaha, Kristian D. Barajas, Thomas Dellaert

We present IonSim.jl, an open-source computational software package in the Julia programming language for simulating the dynamics of trapped ions interacting with laser light. IonSim allows the user to define their system of interest in terms of concrete experimental parameters rather than abstract ones, from which it can efficiently construct the system's Hamiltonian and solve for its time dynamics. User-configurable parameters include motional modes, laser properties and geometry, ion chain length and constituent species, and relevant energy levels and sublevels. The IonSim.jl project is actively expanding its capabilities and robustness, and aims to provide to the trapped-ion community a user-friendly and quantitatively reliable numerical simulation tool.

(Session 5 : Thursday from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm)


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Akimasa Miyake, Associate Professor

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Hartmut Haeffner, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley

SQuInT Administrator
Dwight Zier
505 277-1850

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Alberto Alonso, Postdoc, UC Berkeley
Philip Blocher, Postdoc, UNM
Neha Yadav, Postdoc, UC Berkeley
Cunlu Zhou, Postdoc, UNM

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Ivan Deutsch, Regents' Professor, CQuIC Director

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