
Measuring operator scrambling without OTOCs

Presenting Author: Pablo Poggi, University of New Mexico
Contributing Author(s): Sivaprasad Omanakuttan, Karthik Chinni, Philip Blocher

Scrambling in many-body systems refers to the spreading of initially localized information to the entire system and has become a key concept in the study of chaos in quantum systems. Most studies so far have focused on characterizing scrambling using out-of-time-ordered correlation functions (OTOCs), particularly through its early-time decay. However, scrambling is a complex process which involves operator spreading and operator entanglement, and a full characterization requires accessing more refined information about the operator dynamics at several timescales. Moreover, OTOCs are intrinsically hard to access experimentally, typically requiring time reversal of the dynamics or the use of auxiliary systems. In this work we study operator scrambling by expanding the target operator in a complete basis and studying the structure of the expansion coefficients treated as a probability distribution in the space of operators. We propose a novel approach that allows us to obtain information about scrambling without time reversal nor ancillas, while also avoiding the arduous task of reconstructing the expansion coefficients directly. This is done by using the dynamics of random mixed states and only local measurements together with randomized sampling. We demonstrate our protocol for the tilted field Ising model undergoing both regular and chaotic dynamics, as well as explore our proposed protocol in the context of circuit models with varying non-Cliffordness.

(Session 5 : Thursday from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm)


SQuInT Chief Organizer
Akimasa Miyake, Associate Professor

SQuInT Co-Organizer
Hartmut Haeffner, Associate Professor, UC Berkeley

SQuInT Administrator
Dwight Zier
505 277-1850

SQuInT Program Committee
Alberto Alonso, Postdoc, UC Berkeley
Philip Blocher, Postdoc, UNM
Neha Yadav, Postdoc, UC Berkeley
Cunlu Zhou, Postdoc, UNM

SQuInT Founder
Ivan Deutsch, Regents' Professor, CQuIC Director

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