Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium

Quantum Science with Tweezer Arrays

Presented by Dr. Manuel Endres (Caltech)

Optical tweezer arrays have had a transformative impact on atomic and molecular physics over the past years, and they now form the backbone for a wide range of leading experiments in quantum computing, simulation, and metrology. Underlying this development is the simplicity of single particle control and detection inherent to the technique. I will introduce the key concepts associated with this approach and then give an overview of experimental results from our group, including high-fidelity two-qubit entanglement, quantum simulation challenging state-of-the-art classical algorithms, novel schemes for encoding quantum qubits, and an outlook towards scalability with our most recent results on trapping over 6,000 atoms.

3:30 pm, Friday, April 5, 2024


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