Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

Center for Astrophysics Research and Technologies Seminar Series

Deep radio observations of galaxy clusters with MeerKATDeep radio observations of galaxy clusters with MeerKAT

Presented by Viral Parekh (NRAO)

Galaxy clusters are the most massive bound and quasi-relaxed objects in the Universe. They represent the building block in the hierarchical structure formation and acquiring masses via the merging processes with groups and galaxy clusters. Cluster merging activities trigger many interesting internal processes, in the form of extended diffuse radio sources. These diffuse radio sources are broadly categorized into two classes - radio haloes and relics. These non-thermal diffuse radio sources are low in their surface brightness (uJy/arcsec^2) and hence difficult to detect with a radio telescope. Recently, another class of diffuse radio source, known as 'radio ridge' has been discovered in low-frequency data. In this talk, I will present our ongoing galaxy clusters and supercluster projects with MeerKAT and JVLA. I will also talk about the third-generation calibration process to improve the image dynamic range. MeerKAT is a South African radio telescope and pathfinder of the future Square Kilometer Array (SKA). It comprises 64 dish antennas operating at L- and UHF-band. It is located in the Karoo desert of South Africa. Recently, it has completed one major galaxy cluster survey project - MeerKAT Galaxy Cluster Legacy Survey (MGCLS). It has obtained deep and sensitive radio data of 100 galaxy clusters and discovered many new diffuse and extended objects. I will also discuss this survey.

2:00 pm, Thursday, February 23, 2023

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