Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Noise tolerant quantum speedups in quantum annealing without fine tuning

Presented by Eliot Kapit (Colorado School of Mines)

Quantum annealing (QA) is a promising method to solve hard optimization problems with quantum hardware, without the need for fault tolerance and topological error correction. However, despite great effort it has thus far failed to achieve broadly applicable quantum advantage in practical problems. We identify four key issues as the likely reason for this, two of which are engineering challenges and two of which are deeper physics problems. We propose a novel modification, called RFQA, which we argue will solve or at least mitigate the core physics issues in ordinary QA. This modification applies low-frequency oscillating terms independently to every qubit in the system, which results in an exponential proliferation of weak resonances that accelerates the first order phase transitions that bottleneck QA. This novel quantum speedup mechanism allows for faster thermalization in glassy problems; we present a mix of analytical and numerical results demonstrating this. Implemented at scale, RFQA would thus be an extremely promising route to achieving near-term quantum advantage in practical problems.

3:30 pm, Thursday, September 8, 2022

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