Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium

Determining the Universe's Initial Conditions

Presented by David Spergel, Simons Foundation

Can we go beyond measuring the power spectrum of the cosmic microwave background and recover the universe's initial conditions? I will begin by describing some of the observational programs that will give us a more complete picture of the large-scale structure of the universe: the Rubin Observatory, the Euclid Telescope, DESI, the Roman Space Telescope and the Simons Observatory. I will then ask whether we can forward model the universe from initial conditions to match these data sets. This challenging problem will require the use of machine learning techniques to enable rapid forward modeling of the universe. I will describe recent efforts by our group at Flatiron in this area.

3:30 pm, Friday, March 5, 2021
Via Zoom. Contact the department for password


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A schedule of talks within the Department of Physics and Astronomy is available on the P&A web site at