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Progress in high-precision quantum state preparation

Thursday April 7, 2022
3:30 pm

 Presenter:  Rolando Somma, LANL
 Series:  CQuIC Seminars
 Abstract:  Quantum state preparation, where the goal is to construct a quantum circuit that prepares a target quantum state, is a key part of many powerful quantum algorithms. The main figure of interest is the size of the circuit, and how it depends on the tolerated approximation error e>0. Recent results based on linear combination of unitaries and quantum signal processing have provided optimal methods for high-precision quantum state preparation, where the size of the circuit is only polylogarithmic in 1/e. I this talk, I will give an introduction to these methods and show how to apply it to two problems, quantum simulation and the quantum linear systems problem, resulting in exponential improvements of prior approaches
 Host:  Ivan Deutsch
 Location:  PAIS-2540, PAIS

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