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Data Reduction Pipelines

Friday November 5, 2021
2:00 pm

 Presenter:  Dr. Jayce Dowell (UNM)
 Series:  Computational Physics Seminar
 Abstract:  Pipelines are a common part of data reduction since they can help automate and scale processing.  However, their design and implementation can have negative impacts on performance.  In this talk I will go over design considerations for pipelines and provide a few examples of frameworks for building pipelines.

Please ask the host for the password if you would like to attend the seminar remotely through Zoom.
 Web Site:    https:/ / unm.zoom.us/ j/ 97766920797
 Host:  Huaiyu (Mike) Duan
 Location:  PAIS-1160, PAIS

Disability Notice If you need an auxiliary aid or service to attend any Department of Physics and Astronomy event, please contact the department (phone: 505 277-2616; email: physics@unm.edu) as far in advance as possible to ensure you are accommodated.