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Center for Astrophysics Research and Technologies Seminar Series Information


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Computation for Physicists: Numerical Differentiation and Integration

Friday April 16, 2021
9:30 am

 Presenter:  Dr. Huaiyu Duan
 Series:  Computational Physics Seminar
 Abstract:  Finite difference and numerical quadrature are used to perform differentiation and integration on a computer. In this seminar of the Computation for Physicists series, I will explain the main algorithms of these methods and demonstrate how to use the corresponding SciPy functions for these purposes.

This meeting will be held through Zoom. Please contact the host for the password.
 Web Site:    https:/ / unm.zoom.us/ j/ 98489450278
 Host:  Huaiyu (Mike) Duan
 Location:  Zoom

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