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1J 10.12 - Center of Mass Pegboards
Demonstrates: Center of Mass.
Description: Pegboards of various shapes and sizes suspended from a rod and clamp.
1J 10.30 - Teeter Totter
Demonstrates: Center of Gravity.
Description: A wooden plank evenly divided into four equal parts set on an elevated rod so as to balance as a teeter totter with masses to distribute at various distances from each other. Also availible in meter stick form.
1J 11.10 - Center of Mass Tower
Demonstrates: Exceeding Center of Gravity.
Description: Two part wooden cylinder with free standing lean.
1J 11.20 - Leaning Tower of Lire
Demonstrates: Exceeding Center of Gravity.
Description: Stacking of equal planks.
1J 11.50 - Rolling Uphill
Demonstrates: Change in center of mass.
Description: A symmetrical double cone wood piece is placed on the narrow end of a triangular track with a slight incline at the opposite end. As the cone slips to find its center of mass the piece pulls itself uphill on the track.
1J 30.25 - Strongman
Demonstrates: Resolution of Forces.
Description: Two unequal lengths of rope support a mass at different angles with spring scales to measure the force on each rope.
1J 30.30 - Resolution of Forces
Demonstrates: Vector addition, resolution of forces.
Description: Two spring balances hung with a mass suspended off center between them.
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1J 30.40 - Horizontal Boom
Demonstrates: Resolution of forces on a horizontal boom.
Description: A fixed boom with a hanging mass is supported by a rope at a given angle. The tension on the supporting rope is measured with a spring scale.
1J 40.20 - Meter Stick Balance
Demonstrates: Center of Gravity; torque.
Description: New York balance.