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Fluid Mechanics

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2B 20.40 - Pascal's Principle Tubes
Demonstrates: Properties of fluids.
Description: Water rises to the same level in all tubes.
2B 30.10 - Crush the Can
Demonstrates: Atmospheric pressure.
Description: Fill a can with boiling water and cap tightly then watch as the can collapses as the water cools.
2B 30.30 - Magdeburg Sphere
Demonstrates: How air pressure, or lack thereof, can affect objects.
Description: 2 small hemispheres.
2B 30.50 - Boyle's Law Apparatus
Demonstrates: Change in volume creates a change in pressure.
Description: A glass syringe is attached to an absolute-pressure gauge. Also comes with a copper sphere.
2B 40.20 - Archimedes Principle
Demonstrates: Water diplaced is equal to the volume of the object displacing the water
Description: Water is displaced by a mass and spilled into a tray which will fill a cup that the mass fits in.
2B 40.30 - Cartesian Diver
Demonstrates: Water Pressure
Description: Floating and sinking demonstration (Cartesian diver). The tube is filled with water and air. When pressing the bottle, the additional water enters the test tube, thus increasing the average density of the system tube-water-air, resulting with negative buoyancy and the tube sinks.
2B 40.40 - Density Tube
Demonstrates: Differences in densities.
Description: Fluids of two different densities in the same tube can be mixed together then they separate again.
2B 40.45 - Hot Air Balloon
2B 40.45 - Hot Air Balloon
Demonstrates: Buoyancy
Description: Large hot air balloon