Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Quantum paradoxical knowledge

Presented by Benjamin Schumacher (Kenyon)

Aharonov et al. showed that, in a scenario involving both state preparation and post-selection, quantum particles can apparently violate the "pigeonhole principle." That is, three particles (pigeons) can be distributed among two boxes (pigeonholes), and yet no two particles are ever found in the same box. It turns out that this example is just one of an enormous class of paradoxical relations among quantum particles. We will examine a few of these, including an Escher-like staircase of particle energies, quantum planar maps that require more than four colors, and an experimental situation in which 1+1 is not always 2. How does such quantum paradoxical knowledge arise, and what does it teach us?

3:30 pm, Thursday, October 5, 2023

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