Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

Special Talk

The Swampland and Extra Dimensions Program

Presented by Ignatios Antoniadis has had a distinguished career at the Ecole Polytechnique, Sorbonne and LPTHE in Paris, and the Univ. of Bern, and served as the Head of the Theoretical Division at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland up until 2014. He has worked on a large variety of topics in theoretical physics, particle physics beyond the standard model (such as LHC phenomenology, supersymmetry and extra dimensions), cosmology (dark matter, dark energy) and string theory. His papers' citations number over 27,000. He has been awarded the Silver Medal by the French C.N.R.S.

In addition to the Friday Colloquium, Ignatios has agreed to host an informal discussion (rather than a formal seminar) with PandA students and faculty on the current research. Students are especially encouraged to attend this discussion and ask Ignatios questions about the status and future directions of theoretical physics and string theory.

4:00 pm, Thursday, April 27, 2023

Disability NoticeIndividuals with disabilities who need an auxiliary aid or service to attend or participate in P&A events should contact the Physics Department (phone: 505-277-2616, email: well in advance to ensure your needs are accomodated. Event handouts can be provided in alternative accessible formats upon request. Please contact the Physics front office if you need written information in an alternative format.

A schedule of talks within the Department of Physics and Astronomy is available on the P&A web site at