Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Twists, gaps, dynamical phases, and superradiant emission on ultra-narrow optical transitions in strontium

Presented by James Thompson, JILA

A VIRTUAL AMO SEMINAR presented in a Zoom meeting vetted by CQuIC. See for the meeting link. will describe superradiant pulses of light emitted from an optical transition that does not like to radiate light: the millihertz linewidth transition in strontium. We observe that the source is intrinsically up to a million times less sensitive to the thermal and technical vibration noise sources that limit laser frequency stability using traditional reference-cavity approaches. I will also describe the emergence of all-to-all spin-exchange interactions that produce a many-body energy gap and one-axis twisting dynamics. By coherently driving the system, we realize a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model, an iconic model in quantum magnetism, and observe the emergence of distinct dynamical phases. Finally, as time permits, I will briefly discuss the application of quantum nondemolition measurements to determine the strontium clock transition natural linewidth with 30 microhertz resolution, and to the creation of highly entangled states of rubidium atoms (directly observed 60 times or 18 dB surpassing of the Standard Quantum Limit) and our current efforts to apply these states in a proof-of-principle matter wave interferometer.

1:00 pm, Friday, July 17, 2020

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