Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Cloud quantum computing without giving up your secrets

Presented by Nick Menicucci, RMIT University

The first publicly-available large-scale quantum computers will undoubtedly be housed in central facilities and accessed by users remotely. In fact, small-scale examples of such "cloud quantum computing" already exist today (e.g., the IBM Quantum Experience). The sensitive nature of quantum computing applications means that most users would prefer a way to hide from the quantum server the nature of the computation being performed even when they themselves have no access to local quantum resources of their own. This talk describes one way to partially obscure a cloud-based quantum computation by exploiting flow ambiguity -- the natural flexibility of circuit design inherent to measurement-based quantum computing. [Result published in Phys. Rev. X 7, 031004 (2017).]

3:30 pm, Thursday, December 14, 2017

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A schedule of talks within the Department of Physics and Astronomy is available on the P&A web site at