Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Fantastic errors and where to find them

Presented by Robin Blume-Kohout, Sandia National Laboratories

Quantum processors exist -- several fully programmable devices with 5-16 qubits exist today, at least one of which (the IBM Quantum Experience) is publicly accessible. Running real circuits on real quantum processors is forcing us to recognize and tackle new, 'exotic' errors. After reviewing some of the 'standard' frameworks for quantum errors, I'll discuss ongoing work in Sandia's QCVV group on: (1) how to test and validate error models of any kind, and (2) how to conceptualize, model, test, and characterize novel error modes including: leakage, drift, crosstalk, context-dependence, and faulty measurements in the middle of circuits.

3:30 pm, Thursday, November 16, 2017

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