Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

Applied Math Seminar: Computational and mathematical challenges in industrial scale seismic imaging

Presented by Dr. Russ Hewett, Research Scientist, Computational Science and Engineering Department, Total S.A.'s Houston research center

In this talk I will address the computational and mathematical challenges presented by the seismic inverse problem known as full waveform inversion, where empirical observations of wave propagation are used to recover the earth's structure. I will start from a simple formulation of the problem and gradually increase the complexity along many axes, considering advances in numerical techniques, geophysical need, HPC hardware and programming models, and the evolution of oil and gas exploration. Along the way I will highlight new developments in these areas, including our recent work on high frequency 3D Helmholtz solvers and recent developments in discontinuous Galerkin solvers in seismic contexts

3:30 pm, Monday, November 14, 2016
SMLC 356

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