Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Quantum Pulse Shaping and Characterization Using Spectral and Temporal Phase

Presented by Brian Smith, University of Oregon1

The ability to manipulate the spectral-temporal waveform of optical pulses has enabled a wide range of applications from ultrafast spectroscopy to high-speed communications. Extending these concepts to quantum light has the potential to enable breakthroughs in optical quantum science and technology. However, filtering and amplifying often employed in classical pulse shaping techniques are incompatible with non-classical light. Controlling and efficiently measuring the pulsed mode structure of quantum light requires efficient means to achieve deterministic, unitary manipulation that preserves fragile quantum coherences. Here an approach to deterministically modify the pulse-mode structure of quantum states of light is presented. The method is based upon application of both spectral and temporal phase modulation to the wave packet. Initial experimental results of temporal phase manipulation via electro-optic phase modulation demonstrates spectral shearing of a s ingle-photon wave packet by 400 GHz and compression of the bandwidth over 6 times smaller than the original bandwidth. The quantum nature of light is preserved in the process as shown by measurements of first- and second-order coherences. These techniques are then utilized to characterize unknown single-photon states of light by means of spectral-shearing interferometry and frequency-to-time conversion. These techniques lay the ground for future quantum wavelength- and time-division multiplexing applications and facilitate interfacing of different physical platforms where quantum information can be stored and manipulated.

3:30 pm, Thursday, November 3, 2016

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