Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

Center for Astrophysics Research and Technologies Seminar Series

Multi-Wavelength Observations of Mixed-Morphology Galactic Supernova Remnants

Presented by Thomas Pannuti (MSU)

Supernova remnants (SNRs) have been detected over virtually the entire electromagnetic spectrum and are intimately associated with many processes associated with the interstellar medium, such as the deposition of chemically-enriched material and cosmic-ray acceleration. As the angular resolution and sensitivity capabilities of space-based X-ray observatories has improved, a remarkable new class of sources known as "mixed-morphology" SNRs (MM SNRs) has been firmly established in the literature. While models of supernova remnant evolution predict shell-like morphologies of SNRs at both X-ray and radio wavelengths, MM SNRs exhibit a center-filled X-ray morphology coupled with a shell-like radio morphology. MM SNRs all appear to be interacting with adjacent molecular clouds (as evidenced by infrared observations of molecules or maser observations): it is believed that these interactions may at least partially explain the origin of the contrasting morphologies seen for these objects. In this talk I will discuss properties of MM SNRs and results of pointed X-ray, infrared and radio observations of well-known members of this class of sources, including G352.7-0.1 and W28.

2:00 pm, Thursday, October 2, 2014

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