Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

On complexity of the quantum Ising model

Presented by Sergey Bravyi, IBM

Transverse field Ising Model (TIM) is arguably one of the simplest quantum spin Hamiltonians, yet it exhibits many complex phenomena such as quantum phase transitions and lacks an analytic solution. TIM also gives rise to an interesting class of quantum annealing algorithms that have been recently realized in the D-Wave quantum computer. This talk will address two open questions related to the TIM. First, we consider the problem of estimating the ground state energy of the TIM and fully characterize its hardness in terms of the known complexity classes. In the special case of ferromagnetic couplings the ground state energy is shown to be computable in polynomial time on a classical computer. Secondly we study quantum annealing algorithms with TIM Hamiltonians and show that such algorithms can efficiently simulate a much broader class of quantum annealing algorithms associated with many important classical optimization problems.

3:30 pm, Thursday, November 6, 2014

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