Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

Physics and Astronomy Colloquium

The link between cosmology and dark matter experiments (Special Colloquium)

Presented by Dr. Savvas Koushiappas (Brown University)

Cosmological structure formation gives rise to a distribution of dark matter that is set by the complex process of hierarchical assembly. Dark matter experiments are inextricably linked to the details of this cosmological structure formation. With experiments evolving to extreme sensitivities, it is imperative to include cosmological considerations in the interpretation of experimental data. I will discuss how experimentally-motivated theorists try to bridge the gap between fundamental cosmological ideas and dark matter detection experiments. Time permitting I will also discuss some new novel statistical techniques that can be used to disentangle the source contributions to an otherwise diffuse contaminating background.

2:00 pm, Friday, May 16, 2014

Refreshments will not be available at this event.

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A schedule of talks within the Department of Physics and Astronomy is available on the P&A web site at