Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Quantum metrology with matterwave interferometers

Presented by Grant Biedermann, SNL

Over the past 23 years, numerous experiments with light-pulse matterwave interferometers have demonstrated exceptionally precise metrology. Typical incarnations use large ensembles of laser-cooled atoms for their exquisite measurements, and much work is focused on scientific and commercial goals. I will present our recent work exploring new avenues for interferometers ranging from warm atomic vapors to single atom experiments. These paths offer new possibilities for studying interferometer dynamics as well as introducing atom-atom coupling mediated by the dipole-dipole interactions of Rydberg states. Applications include quantum simulation, quantum computing and metrology surpassing the standard quantum limit.drib

3:30 pm, Thursday, April 24, 2014

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A schedule of talks within the Department of Physics and Astronomy is available on the P&A web site at