Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

Sigma Xi Public Talk


Presented by SUSAN BOGUS HALTER, UNM, Civil Engineering Dept

Successful infrastructure management systems rely heavily on evaluations of current conditions of assets.  In the case of pavement evaluation, traditional practice uses engineers or technicians to perform on-site manual evaluations or uses van-based sensors to collect image data automatically.  The advantage of on-site evaluations is the level of detail; however, human-based evaluations are also subject to bias and variability.  Automated systems that use digital photography can reduce the issues related to human-based evaluations, but they can also be very expensive and data intensive.  Current research in the asset condition assessment involves the evaluation of remote sensing technologies for providing cost-effective alternatives to present methods of data collection.  These technologies include airplane-based digital photography as well as the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), which can fly lower to the ground than traditional airplanes, and thus allow for more detailed data to be collected without specially-designed, cost prohibitive sensors.  Comparisons of data collected using manual methods as well as aerial digital photography indicate that remote sensing holds the potential to provide much better condition assessment of infrastructure systems when compared to traditional ground-based observation.

5:00 pm, Thursday, October 17, 2013
Room C, UNM Conference Center
Northeast corner of Indian School and University

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