Department of Physics & Astronomy
University of New Mexico

CQuIC Seminars

Quantum Magnetism from the Bottom Up

Presented by Chris Monroe, Joint Quantum Institute, University of Maryland

It doesn't take very many interacting quantum spins to make a system intractable. We are slowly creeping upon this level of complexity in linear ion traps, where we use optical dipole forces to modulate the Coulomb interaction between up to 20 trapped ion spins in order to generate particular spin models found in theories of quantum magnetism. Recent experiments have implemented variable-range Ising and XY interactions, showing the the emergence of antiferromagnetic order in this highly frustrated system as well as coherent nonequilibrium dynamics following a quench. Soon the number of spins will be high enough where no classical computer can predict the behavior of such a fully-connected quantum magnet, allowing a direct quantum simulation of the murky behavior of quantum spin liquids and spin glasses, the measurement of entanglement near a quantum phase transition, and investigations in the thermalization of a closed quantum system.

3:30 pm, Thursday, January 23, 2014

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