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Nondestructive 3D pathology and analysis for precision medicine

Friday April 14, 2023
3:30 pm

 Presenter:  Jonathan Liu, University of Washington
Jonathan T.C. Liu is a professor of mechanical engineering, bioengineering, and laboratory medicine & pathology at the University of Washington, where his molecular biophotonics laboratory develops high-resolution optical-imaging devices and computational-analysis strategies for guiding treatment decisions. Dr. Liu received his BSE from Princeton and his PhD from Stanford before becoming a postdoc and instructor in the Molecular Imaging Program at Stanford. Dr. Liu is a co-founder and board member of Alpenglow Biosciences Inc., which has commercialized the non-destructive 3D pathology technologies developed in his lab. Dr. Liu's work is funded by the NCI, NIBIB, DoD, NSF, and various foundations.
 Series:  Physics and Astronomy Colloquium
 Abstract:  In order to catalyze a digital pathology transformation to improve clinical decisions and patient outcomes, a novel technological approach is needed that offers significant advantages over traditional
"gold-standard" histopathology in terms of accuracy and throughput. We have developed an open-top light-sheet (OTLS) microscopy platform for slide-free 3D pathology of large clinical specimens, enabling whole biopsies and surgical specimens to be non-destructively imaged in toto. Using machine-learning techniques, we are quantifying 3D spatial and molecular biomarkers for prognosticating patient outcomes (indolent vs. aggressive disease) and for predicting treatment response. These non-destructive large-volume digital pathology methods are synergistic with the growing fields of radiomics and genomics, which collectively have the potential to improve treatment decisions for diverse patient populations.
 Web Site:    https:/ / unm.zoom.us/ j/ 92709699696
 Host:  Tonmoy Chakraborty
 Location:  Via Zoom. Please take the Satisfaction Survey

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