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Equilibration time in many-body quantum systems

Thursday October 21, 2021
3:30 pm

 Presenter:  Lea Santos (Yeshiva University)
 Series:  CQuIC Seminars
 Abstract:  A major open question in studies of nonequilibrium quantum dynamics is how long it takes for an isolated many-body quantum systems to reach equilibrium. We will show that there is not a single answer for this question. The equilibration time depends not only on the model and the initial state, but also on the quantity considered and the dynamical features that are taken into account. For example, in a recent NMR experiment, we measured a new entropy, which we named correlation Renyi entropy. This quantity keeps growing even after the evolution of the entanglement entropy has already saturated. In chaotic models, if dynamical manifestations of spectral correlations in the form of the correlation hole ("ramp") are taken into account, the time for equilibration scales exponentially with system size, while if they are neglected, the scaling is better described by a power law with system size.
 Host:  Pablo Poggi
 Location:  Zoom

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