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Computation for Physicists: Interpolation

Friday April 9, 2021
9:30 am

 Presenter:  Dr. Huaiyu Duan
 Series:  Computational Physics Seminar
 Abstract:  Interpolation finds approximate functions behind the discrete data points. It has wide applications such as curve plotting, integrating tabular data, quick computation of complicated functions, etc. In this seminar of 
Computation for Physicists, I will explain the basic idea of polynomial and piecewise polynomial interpolation. I will also introduce some useful SciPy tools for this purpose.

This meeting will be held through Zoom. Please ask the host for the password.
 Web Site:    https:/ / unm.zoom.us/ j/ 98489450278
 Host:  Huaiyu (Mike) Duan
 Location:  Zoom

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