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Center for Astrophysics Research and Technologies Seminar Series Information


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Computation for Physicists: Optimization

Friday March 26, 2021
9:30 am

 Presenter:  Dr. Huaiyu Duan
 Series:  Computational Physics Seminar
 Abstract:  In an optimization problem, one tries to find the minimum or maximum of a scalar function with or without constraints. In this seminar of the Computation for Physicists series, I will explain some of the simple optimization algorithms and the SciPy functions that can optimize in 1D or multi-D spaces.

This meeting will be held through Zoom. Please ask the host for the meeting password.
 Web Site:    https:/ / unm.zoom.us/ j/ 98489450278
 Host:  Huaiyu (Mike) Duan
 Location:  Zoom

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