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Fighting fire with fire - squeezing quantum measurement uncertainty with quantum measurement backaction

Thursday December 7, 2017
11:00 am

 Presenter:  Dr. Ivan Deutsch of the UNM Physics and Astronomy and CQuIC
 Series:  OSE Seminars
 Abstract:  Precision measurements are fundamentally limited by quantum uncertainty. Today the world's most precise measurements are made with ultracold atomic sensors that act, e.g., as magnetometers and clocks. Ultimately, after all systematic and technical noise is beaten down, quantum noise sets the fundamental limit. We thus seek to reduce or 'squeeze' this quantum noise as much as we can to obtain the highest precision possible. In addition, squeezed states are a resource for quantum information processing. Here I will describe how one can employ a 'Quantum Nondemolition' (QND) measurement of the collective spin of an ensemble of ultracold atoms using polarization spectroscopy in order to achieve 'spin squeezing.' The amount of squeezing depends on the entangling strength of the atom-light interface. I will discuss tools to enhance the entangling strength using quantum control and nanophotonic waveguides.
 Location:  PAIS-2540, PAIS

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