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Surface Tension and Negative Pressure Interior of a Non-Singular 'Black Hole'

Tuesday April 25, 2017
2:00 pm

 Presenter:  Emil Mottola, LANL
 Series:  Nuclear, Particle, Astroparticle and Cosmology (NUPAC) Seminars
 Abstract:  Event Abstract: The constant density interior Schwarzschild solution for a static, spherically symmetric collapsed star has a divergent pressure when its radius is less than 9/8 the Schwarzschild radius. However, this divergence is integrable, and induces a non-isotropic transverse stress with a finite redshifted surface tension on a spherical surface of a certain finite radius inside the star. Within this finite radius the interior Schwarzschild solution exhibits negative pressure. When the the star is compacted to its Schwarzschild radius, the interior surface is localized at the Schwarzschild radius itself, and the solution has constant negative pressure everywhere in its interior, thus describing a gravitational condensate star, a fully collapsed non-singular state already inherent in and predicted by classical General Relativity. Since there is no event horizon, the Schwarzschild time of such a non-singular gravitational condensate star is a global time, fully consistent with unitary time evolution in quantum theory. The dark energy interior acts as a defocusing lens for light passing through the condensate, leading to imaging characteristics distinguishable from a classical black hole. A further observational test of gravitational condensate stars with a physical surface vs. black holes is the discrete surface modes of oscillation, and gravitational 'echoes' which should be detectable by their gravitational wave signatures.
 Location:  PAIS-2540, PAIS

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