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Title: Magnetic Needle
PIRA: 5H 10.31

Demonstrates: Horizontal and vertical components of earth's magnetic field; magnetic deflection due to currents.
Description: A magnetic needle is mounted in a dip circle which can be rotated. When it is horizontal, the needle points in the direction of the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field. When the dip circle is rotated to the vertical plane, the needle indicates the dip angle of the magnetic field. Alternatively, current can be passed through the brass conductors around the needle to demonstrate magnetic deflection due to a current.

Instructions: Use lodestone, magnet or connect to current via power supply to deflect needle.

Items Used: Apparatus, lodestone and/or bar magnet, and power supply.

Notes: Needle is difficult to see at a distance, camera use recommended. Math Description: None.

Size: 5 Condition: Good. Hazard: None.

Schematic: None. Tech Specs: None. Web Links:

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