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Title: Meissner Effect
PIRA: 5G 50.50

Demonstrates: Levitation of a magnet above a superconductor.
Description: A superconducting disc is chilled in liquid nitrogen. A magnet at rest on the disc will rise and levitate as the disc transitions into the superconducting state. Internal magnetic fields are expelled and surface currents are set up (Meissner effect). The magnet can be moved in mid-air and can be spun around, inducing surface currents which prevent magnetic fields from penetrating the superconducting disc.

Instructions: Pour liquid nitrogen into circular indentation with ceramic disk, allow area to be thoughly cooled before placing rare earth magnet.

Items Used: Liquid nitrogen, super conductivity kit (styrofoam container, ceramic disks, rare earth magnets.

Notes: Use the video camera to project image for the class, use dock cam for light source. Math Description: None.

Size: 2 Condition: Good. Hazard: Use gloves with the liquid nitrogen

Schematic: None. Tech Specs: None. Web Links: Video Created for Online Class

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