
Cost of classical strong simulation of the T-gate magic state

Presenting Author: Lucas Kocia, Sandia National Laboratories
Contributing Author(s): Peter Love, Mohan Sarovar

The stabilizer rank of qubit T-gate magic state has been postulated to grow slowest with increasing number of qubits, suggesting that the T-gate is in this sense the most efficient state outside the Clifford subtheory that can be simulated by classical strong simulation that nevertheless extends this subtheory to quantum universality. Unfortunately, the T-gate magic state’s stabilizer rank scaling is not formally known and has only been found numerically for up to seven qubits. We examine this problem from the perspective of the cost of strong classical simulation of discrete Wigner functions in systems with odd dimension and compare with the known results for qubits. To accomplish this, we develop and exploit relationships between the number of critical points of quantum states’ Wigner functions in a periodized stationary phase approximation and spanning decompositions of stabilizer states that are closely related to the stabilizer rank. We report on the trends we observe. Disclaimer: Sandia National Laboratories is a multimission laboratory managed and operated by National Technology and Engineering Solutions of Sandia, LLC., a wholly owned subsidiary of Honeywell International, Inc., for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-NA-0003525.

(Session 5 : Saturday from 5:00pm - 7:00pm)


SQuInT Chief Organizer
Akimasa Miyake, Associate Professor

SQuInT Co-Organizer
Brian Smith, Associate Professor UO

SQuInT Program Committee
Postdoctoral Fellows:
Markus Allgaier (UO OMQ)
Sayonee Ray (UNM CQuIC)
Pablo Poggi (UNM CQuIC)
Valerian Thiel (UO OMQ)

SQuInT Event Co-Organizers (Oregon)
Jorjie Arden
Holly Lynn

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Brandy Todd

SQuInT Administrator (CQuIC)
Gloria Cordova
505 277-1850

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Ivan Deutsch, Regents' Professor, CQuIC Director

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